Wrestling Thread Apr 29 - May 12 | 5/11 All Time Great Kenta Kobashi's Final Match

So this is the week Vince panics and begs Punk to come back....

8pm: 3.97 million
9pm: 3.87 million
10pm: 3.91 million
Rating is probably a 2.8/2.9.

Basically correlates with my interest last night. Repeat matches, insignificant matches, terrible segments and promos...sounds like a 4/10 to me. Haven't seen any SD spoilers, but I'll just assume it's some variation of Raw since SD "has different viewers" :rolleyes
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I do think I'll dvr Main Event this week to see the Orton/Cesaro match.

Don't give a damn about SD.
The following WWE titles will expire on May 15th from Netflix streaming .. so just a head's up in case there were any that maybe you've been meaning to watch before they go- 

* Bobby The Brain Heenan

* Breaking the Code: Chris Jericho

* Hart & Soul: Hart Family Anthology

* The John Cena Experience

* The Rise & Fall of WCW

* Top 50 Superstars of All Time

* Twist of Fate: Matt & Jeff Hardy
Hopefully that promo he cut means a new talent is coming up soon. But WWE already dropped the ball by having him lose every week. Nobody will care.

maybe in a few months they'll let him go up against someone he can shine with...Ziggler, Punk, Ryback, Ambrose...trying to think of something interesting...maybe pulling the equalizer on Mark Henry...just brain storming...he's a beast...what about a feud with Daniel Bryan...epic wrestling

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I was watching this live the other night. He took another nasty fall off the top rope later on in the match. I really don't know how he finished. He also cut a promo after the match putting over Richards and the fans.
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