Wrestling Thread Apr 13-30 | 4/28 King of the Ring Finals Live on WWE Network @ 8pm et: BNB, Truth,

I'm still :rofl: at a Springboard Stunner being the SIG move for the AA

And I dig Cena vs the mid carders thing. It's similar to HHH vs the ECW/WCW guys from 02-06. except Cena is making his opponents look good as he pins them.
A Russain chain match? I hate gimmick matches that are attached to the wrestler gimmick. Only Undertaker could pull that off
Cena about to diminish the (already devalued)respectability of any midcarders finisher. :lol: What makes a Russian Chain so special? Serious question.
I enjoy gimmick matches so I'm fine with it. there aren't enough gimmick matches.

except the stairs match. that was terrible.
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