Wrestling Thread Apr 13-30 | 4/28 King of the Ring Finals Live on WWE Network @ 8pm et: BNB, Truth,

Is the Finals of the KOTR tomorrow too? Or are they gon use the weeks leading up Payback to create a fued, more compelling storyline and match for the Finals
- Get paid less
- Get trained harder (working on promos too)
- Pro: Don't have to travel much; NXT roster seems to be like a family

It's well-documented that Sext/Jeans were getting restless when they were down in FCW/NXT.

Also you have training classes everyday no matter how long you have been there. That would get under my nerves if I was a vet.

Also that pro doesn't count anymore. Nxt is hitting towns outside of Florida monthly now
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Stanley cup playoffs>>>>>>>>>>>>> NBA playoffs and it's nowhere close. The level of play and intensity is on on another level.
Also you have training classes everyday no matter how long you have been there. That would get under my nerves if I was a vet.

Also that pro doesn't count anymore. Nxt is hitting towns outside of Florida monthly now
There were reports that some of the NXT 5 (Neville, Hideo, Balor, Owens, Zayn) told DeMott to kick rocks when he told them to do drills.

Traveling is definitely rough, but I imagine it's more fun to the NXT roster who were previously stuck in Orlando.
the reality era likes to make it pretend like we're in control. Rebirth of kayfabe. They make it look like we have a say when all the outcomes have been predetermined for months. What if DBrys title win in '14 and the RR of that year all just a clever ruse?
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