Wrestling Thread Apr 13-30 | 4/28 King of the Ring Finals Live on WWE Network @ 8pm et: BNB, Truth,

that fat dude wearing a title belt in the front row :rofl:

That's part of the shirt :smh:

i can dig this theme.... anything is better than BrrrRRRRrRrRrrRRRiIiiiIIIiiEEeeeEEeeEEe MOOoooooOOodDDdDDeeEEe
Naomi has been watching some Hayabusa with the way she jumped into the ring

DUmb music.

But I guess since she is a heel now she will be turned into a hyper sexual black woman.
If they were in the US when Naomi attacked Paige I guarantee somebody in the crowd would have yelled "WorldStaaaaaaaar"
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