Wrestling Thread 4/30-5/6 | 5/3 Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Results Posted! p84

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

[color= rgb(0, 102, 255)]sitting in the back enjoying my excellence, watching another sloppy GHIMS promo, calling over Peep_Game for epic lulz like.[/color]

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

*Backstage Segment*

Patt Striker: GHIMS, a moment. why did u do that?
GHIMS: PPL want to know why? i'll tell u why. I am sick of that pretty boy walking around thinking he can take my spot. Nobody takes my spot!!
I sign him to this company. I'm the reason he got the big push, and what do i get? a feud with hymen!? u freaking kidding me.
Patt Striker: U cost him a chance to be NTKOR!!!
GHIMS: Like he was going to win!? Buddy u are looking at the winner. Now u got the "i finally won a match" Brasilian and that hippie TheDeek talking!? i'll eliminate those 2 along the way.
Patt Striker: GHIMS, Peep has suffered a busted forehead and may need 200 stitches to close it!!!
GHIMS: It doesn't matter if it closes because at NTSlam, at our Barbed-Wire HIAC match, i will open the wound AGAIN!!!!!![


see u during the tournament
Originally Posted by Nike Jordan

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by Nike Jordan

I may be the only one that didn't.
Go watch 16 and pregnant, guy.
Bork Laser needed Paul Heyman in the worst way tonight.

Looks like WWE proved me wrong. I thought I would take a month for them to kill Brock, they did it in three weeks.
Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln

Brock is gold right now
Everything they did with him tonight was awesome. The promo explaining his rise was believable, the subtle shots at TNA were well placed and the things he said in the ring were just great. He fumbled over some of his words and he wasnt perfect on the mic but his whole thing just works right now. When/is Batista coming back?
updated brackets
Spoiler [+]

there, im done. relish in your victories and sulk over your defeats/burials
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Next week its me and you deek.....can you hadle the strength of a man with 4loko coursing through his body?

I accept your challenge good sir!

While I have your attention though, I forgot to mention that unfortunately you won't be allowed at my celebration party tonight due to open container laws. If you'd like I could get some delicious Odoul's non-alcoholic beer for my next party.
I hope you will understand. And I look forward to our match next week!
message from MVPeep......
  • oday at 8:58 pm
    Peep Game:

    *getting stitched up at the training table, shaking head*

    You just can't help yourself huh GHIMS? Losing to me the way you did

    in that embarrassing fashion just has you shook trying to take my chances

    at the NTKOTR doesn't it? Our business is definitely unfinished, but I'll

    tell you one thing, you started this by throwing out that challenge to me, 

    and with what you did tonight, I'll be the one finishing it.


    I'm gonna give CaseKicks his props for taking advantage of the situation, cause

    I would have done the same. Take this win straight to your soul Kicks, cause I

    just made you famous. It don't matter if yo goose-egg for the rest of the year, you

    can always come back to this night and say you got one over on MVPeep, but

    you know I'll be comin for mine sooner or later.


    So here we are right now GHIMS, me and you set up for this HIAC match. I put

    you down one time, 1 on 1, and I'll do it again. You won't be able to fly down the ring

    to blindside me either. We'll be straight up face to face on a big stage. It's time to put

    up, or shut up, and since you choked on the biggest stage of the year, I expect the 

    same thing. I'm only helping you out though, cause you don't really wanna be in this ring,

    you still wanna be backstage out of harms way. Well I'll be the one to send you back 

    there man.

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

updated brackets
Spoiler [+]

there, im done. relish in your victories and sulk over your defeats/burials

   Oh I couldn't be happier.. GIFSoup

See ya next week ITO..
Originally Posted by 3dgarfly23

message from MVPEEP

Peep Game: *getting stitched up at the trai

make sure the doctor gives you a lollypop for being good
Can't believe I gave brasil his first win.

More so,

I can't believe I jobbed to some dude named 'mami.'

Put me on the Night Club or whatever it's called this week to revamp my gimmick.
i had to play one-night-booker because SOMEBODY had to be born today 20-something years ago

Spoiler [+]
The Night Club will debut LIVE! Monday, May 14th during the NTSuperShow!

Featuring Guests:

Hymen Man
Peep Game

and more!
VS, will there be security?

for Peep's sake i mean. i might have to open his wound up again
I'd love to be in charge of catering! I love parties!

We're all bonding and it is bringing a smile to my face guys.
Originally Posted by hymen man

Put me on the Night Club or whatever it's called this week to revamp my gimmick.

Word ....

CLUB I'm the biggest international  NTWWE superstar you got  my merchandise/mask sells out everywhere and brings you the most $$$ I am Mr.NTmania It's time for a change guey
Originally Posted by 3dgarfly23

Originally Posted by hymen man

Put me on the Night Club or whatever it's called this week to revamp my gimmick.

Word ....

CLUB I'm the biggest international  NTWWE superstar you got  my merchandise/mask sells out everywhere and brings you the most $$$ I am Mr.NTmania It's time for a change guey

ummm, no, im mr. NTMania.
Vince should turn a blind eye to their wellness policy for a few months. Brock is looking pretty doughy.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Vince should turn a blind eye to their wellness policy for a few months. Brock is looking pretty doughy.

He's doing that now with Ryback
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Most drunks get a second wind. Its called the bonus round to us seasoned vets.

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

That was great by Brock. Sure he isn't great on the mic but his presence and the aura that surrounds him, he's dangerous. Everything he said, didn't seem fake, he really sounds like he wants total control and that he hates Cena. I love it...Cena came out with the stupid chain...oh please...
Exactly how I feel

Like I said earlier...it was a good bad promo and Brock delivered in a way only he can. He'll never be anywhere near as charismatic on the mic as a Punk or Jericho but it sounds believable coming from him and that's what really counts. Brock has a dominating presence and says/does things that remind the viewer he doesn't give a $%+! and does whatever he wants (WWE's also done a good job of promoting the 'unstable' aspect). I enjoyed that last segment as well. Wasn't pretty and it didn't "wow" anyone yet it worked.
Originally Posted by Nike Jordan

Bork Laser needed Paul Heyman in the worst way tonight.

Looks like WWE proved me wrong. I thought I would take a month for them to kill Brock, they did it in three weeks.

WWE once again tried to force people to boo a guy that was super-over with the crowd so they could get their "babyface" over.
You sound like one of those unhappy smarks that are never satisfied. IDK what you were watching but there was legit heel heat for him during his promo...it was practically deafening when he walked away. So whether you liked it or not...it worked w/ the crowd.

at Brock being "killed" already.
Just watched this week's FCW

+*% @ Connor O Brian's epic %%@ entrance, is so weird seeing what he is now from why he was like in NXT. I'm digging it though.

This Raquel Diaz chick.
even with her Vicki Guererro laugh.

Husky Harris (starts at 20:00)
That corner splash! Everything about his new character is VERY entertaining to watch. The theme song, the promos, the in ring charisma, etc.
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