Wrestling Thread 2022 | Mods Please Lock This Thread

What’s your opinion on this whole banks and Naomi thing? You think it’s work and are they wrong for leaving?

We all know that women tag title is trash and banks and Naomi knew that before they won at mania so now you want too complain about booking? Lol pretty silly because it’s WWE we all know the booking sucks…look at ricochet with his IC title lol yet he still works
What’s your opinion on this whole banks and Naomi thing? You think it’s work and are they wrong for leaving?

We all know that women tag title is trash and banks and Naomi knew that before they won at mania so now you want too complain about booking? Lol pretty silly because it’s WWE we all know the booking sucks…look at ricochet with his IC title lol yet he still works

If it’s legit, I can see why they (Sasha) would be frustrated. Sasha and Bailey were the ones that campaigned hard for the tag belts/division in the first place and WWE has fumbled it.

Then on top of that, you have them win the titles, then have them fight each other, then they were reportedly going to put the titles/division on hold until after MITB (over a month and a half?) so they can be on the losing side of a feud with Rousey and Belair. Doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.
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