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I think more than a key rival, RR desperately needs to have an all time classic match..And that won't happen until he learns to do more than a Superman Punch and yell OOooOOOHHaaaaHHhh..
I think you just made a whole lot of enemies in here with that statement
I think you just made a whole lot of enemies in here with that statement
Really?..Why's that?..It's the truth..Roman doesn't have 1 single match that's an all time classic..Not saying he doesn't have some really good/fun matches under his belt, but he doesn't have a SCSA/Bret, Bret/HBK, Taker/HBK, Hogan/Andre, Flair/Sting, Flair/Steamboat, Flair/Dusty, Flair/Harley, Austin/Rock, Austin/Rock, Austin/Rock, Steamboat/Savage level of match to his credit..Nothing he's ever done can be said, by any reasonable wrestling, is up there with the all-time greats..
Really?..Why's that?..It's the truth..Roman doesn't have 1 single match that's an all time classic..Not saying he doesn't have some really good/fun matches under his belt, but he doesn't have a SCSA/Bret, Bret/HBK, Taker/HBK, Hogan/Andre, Flair/Sting, Flair/Steamboat, Flair/Dusty, Flair/Harley, Austin/Rock, Austin/Rock, Austin/Rock, Steamboat/Savage level of match to his credit..Nothing he's ever done can be said, by any reasonable wrestling, is up there with the all-time greats..

I always thought that about Cena so I figured RR would be ok in the long run. Especially since the WWE is in charge of "writing" their own history.
waiting fir dynamite how ******* bad was the star wars sequel trilogy? these mother ****ers are celebrating but dont nobody give a **** about rey or her piss yellow lightsaber.
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