Wrestling Thread 2/25-3/10 | 3/10 TNA LOCKDOWN PPV - Hardy v Bully Ray | Champion No Showing?

Last year it was "Once In A Lifetime" and this year its...................................................

"A Second Chance At Redemption"

4W, how was your dinner? Is it lonely eating without your cats?


Mark and Ryback at WM could be a good one. A straight slugfest.
What do they mean by Cena is going home anyways? Is his home the Wrestlemania main event?
I'd die if Cena threatened to turn the new belt into a spinner after he wins it..
This is the best segment on Raw not involving CM Punk in a long, long time.  This one segment got me more sold on WM than everything they did all of last year.  This is awesome.
This is the best segment on Raw not involving CM Punk in a long, long time.  This one segment got me more sold on WM than everything they did all of last year.  This is awesome.

I agree man....when was the last time Cena spit something like that lol
I know we got a month but the WWE acting like me and my college exams

I'll start getting to work the day before
You been on my tumblr tyrone?

If your SN on there is 'wrestlingchampions' or 'fyteambringit', then yes :lol:

I actually thought that was a strong promo from both of them, and once again just when you think the WWE has dropped the ball, they make something feel legit again
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