Wrestling Thread 2/24-3/2 | Feb 28 NXT Arrival 8pm ET On The Network | THE NETWORK IS LIVE

Kids have taken over my tv with the ps3, and that makes me wish they would add the skip feature to watching on the web.
link to the unedited airing of over the edge 99'

scroll down to the ppv section

the part edited out of the networks version of the ppv starts at 39:35
You guys think the Steiner Brothers will ever be inducted into the HOF? They deserve it but HHHand Scott hate each other.
Watching no way out 01. ms.shovel and trish actually had a good match. Need a gif of Steph spanking trish's bare a**
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You guys think the Steiner Brothers will ever be inducted into the HOF? They deserve it but HHHand Scott hate each other.

Doubt HHH is that silly.

They have to go in along with the Freebirds and Harlem Heat.

But I think DX will go in before he start adding other teams.
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I've been watching SummerSlam '02 today. This is the first time I've seen this from start to finisht. :smokin
I've decided I'm gonna watch the WWE PPVs in order from 2002 to 2011. Then 1996 to 2001.

Can someone suggest any good WCW PPVs?
I remember Road Wild '98 & '99 being good.
Souled Out '97
Starrcade 97 mostly for Saturn vs Benoit, DDP vs Curt Henig, and Eddie vs Malenko
Starrcade 96 besides the Hogan vs Piper
I wanna also say Clash of the Champions 97, but I only vividly remember the Cruiserweight stuff on there
Halloween Havoc 96 sticks out in my head too
network has been running strong all day for me on ps3. Just put on Starrcade '96 Ultimo Dragon vs. Dean Malenko...love seeing Dragon come out with all those belts. :smokin and I cant wait for the Mysterio vs Liger match
Man this Catcus Jack Vs Randy Orton match from backlash 04
Imo, the best way Raw ends is like this... Batista is doing his entrance... Lights go out for spotlight, but take like 15 seconds... Spotlight comes on and Punk has Batista in a submission...

Then BJJtista reverses the submission because he has a higher ranked belt and punk will forever be a white belt. :smokin
Doubt HHH is that silly.

They have to go in along with the Freebirds and Harlem Heat.

But I think DX will go in before he start adding other teams.

The fact that the Fabulous Freebirds aren't in the HOF is laughable..Such an amazing team and easily one of the most influential teams in wrestling history..They deserve it before the Steiner or DX or Harlem Heat..
when are they gonna add more stuff? i just wanna see some hell in a cell events and mor stuff in 1998/99 since that was my fav years
Best way to bring Punk back right now wont happen because HHH wont wrestle on Raw, but humor me. 

Bryan humiliates/forces HHH to wrestle him in a NO DQ match with the stipulation that he gets into the Title match @ WM. Whether its saying hes hiding behind the suit and he "Cant Go" anymore. It really doesnt matter since the fans will eat up any chance they get to put Bryan in the title match.

Shovel's pulling out all the stops; chairs, sledgehammers, NAO interference (to bring that full circle since they were kind of the initial kickoff to the Punk/HHH feud). Just kind of destroying Bryan like the old HHH, to show him you never disrespect the Authority. 

Then all of sudden Punk just comes out from the crowd, clears out the NAO. HHH chases him from the ring, all while Bryan is setting up in the corner for the running knee. He hits the knee and wins the match putting him in the title match @ WM and setting up Punk/HHH like it was initially intended. 

Have the Outlaws pull HHH form the ring and go back up the ramp and just have a stare down with Punk/Bryan in the ring and HHH/Outlaws at the top of the ramp. Let punk do an off the top Promo about how its time everyone in the back has to take control and stop The Authorities gross abuse of power that they've been using since Summerslam. And if he has to kick HHH's *** @ WM to kick start the movement then thats what he's gonna do. 

End the show with the Crowd going nuts with YES! and CM PUNK chants @ a deafening level. 

makes sense, would be awesome.

That being said, I don't want to see HHH vs Punk.

I don't want to see HHH wrestling in the spotlight anymore, end of story.
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