Wrestling Thread 10/21-11/3 | Oct 28 RAW - Orton & Cena Are Champs | NTWT Secret Santa Q Due Tonight

Usos are over with the crowd as well. They are not changing anything right now.

Maddox should of said Playa at the end.
"I don't gotta listen to you"

really Rollins, that was a great use of the English language.
Uso's looking like 2 bottles of Pepto running to the ring..
..They need to repackage the Uso's and give them a legit push..
They prob wont wear pink anymore next week since its teh end of breast cancer awareness month
If you're just going to turn this US TITLE MATCH into a 6 man tag, why even do the singles match?  The finish sucked last night and it sucked again tonight.
I've done a complete 180 on the Usos since they first came up...not a huge fan of their gimmick, but they are good in the ring and they are definitely over with the crowd...I could watch them go with The Shield all day.
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