WRESTLEMANIA WEEK: 4/3 Breaking News: Multi-Time WWE Champ Retires from WWE

what happened in the first 44minutes of SD other than that Reigns promo? I missed every bit of that :lol:
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WWE is very mucn interested in signing ROH star ACH.
ACH is an athlete man.
Vader headed to Fla. to help train at NXT.
 I see you Big Vader @Big Van Vader
Yes... That Marufuji/Suzuki match is excellent... I'm quickly becoming a Marufuji mark... Check out anything with him and Nakamura, whether as opponents or tag partners... I have not seen a single thing with those two involved that is not great...

After the Marufuji/Suzuki match, there's the typical Japanese post conference... And the disrespect that Suzuki shows the NWA Titles is :rofl:.. It's at the very, very beginning right as soon as he sits down... You must see it :lol:...
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Yes... That Marufuji/Suzuki match is excellent... I'm quickly becoming a Marufuji mark... Check out anything with him and Nakamura, whether as opponents or tag partners... I have not seen a single thing with those two involved that is not great...

After the Marufuji/Suzuki match, there's the typical Japanese post conference... And the disrespect that Suzuki shows the NWA Titles is
.. It's at the very, very beginning right as soon as he sits down... You must see it
Have you seen Marafuji's dropkick to the outside spot? One of the coolest things I have ever seen man. I love his Superkicks. He just is so damn light on his feet. Cat like.

I will get around to the match though. Kinda randomly watching things right now

Sheamus' new theme goes super hard and no one can tell me otherwise
That sir is a Gotdamn fact. :pimp:
Crying again at that Booker T pic :rofl:
Booker deserves awards for his recent performances. When the Hunter of hearsts fake fired him on his birthday and now this. I also remember one day years back I was bored and TNA was on. Booker and Kevin Nash were commenting under alternate names. They had me in tears with the absurdities they said.

Tanahashi/Nakamura.... WK8...AXS...
That was a damn good match. :nthat:
Sheamus' new theme goes super hard and no one can tell me otherwise
That sir is a Gotdamn fact. :pimp:
Crying again at that Booker T pic :rofl:
Booker deserves awards for his recent performances. When the Hunter of hearsts fake fired him on his birthday and now this. I also remember one day years back I was bored and TNA was on. Booker and Kevin Nash were commenting under alternate names. They had me in tears with the absurdities they said.

Black Snow is a top 3 highlight I'm TNA history...
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So Cena has started a U.S Open and will challenge anyone every week.

Hopefully they do that with the IC belt.
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