WRESTLEMANIA WEEK: 4/3 Breaking News: Multi-Time WWE Champ Retires from WWE

Lol at Byron Saxton during this Mizdow-Stardust match. Guy who teaches painting has more excitement in his voice especially when he gets to the glazing part!
I can't even comprehend how awful this Raw was..Brock and Heymen were the only good things about the entire 3+ hours..
How ******* clueless is WWE? I mean, they put on an amazing show last night, and then come back with this ******** tonight.  Not only are Kane and Big Show in your main event of the biggest Raw of the year, but the big time baby face mystery partner is.... ROMAN REIGNS????  In front of this crowd????  Vince McMahon is ******* hopeless.

Couldn't agree more :lol: :smh: its like Vince said "u enjoyed the show last not, now it's my turn".
It wasn't that awful. We had some really terrible raws. This was just average and underwhelming given the circumstances.
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