Wow.... People actually think Kobe Fakes Injurys!?!?!? LOL

^ man, Kobe's shooting motion in that post-game shootaround vs. how he shoots now with a bum wrist.


Every year this dude Kobe has a new injury. Yet for some reason, it's ALWAYS some type of injury that is severe enough to be classified as an "injury", yet not severe enough to keep him sidelined. Basically, just so that his stans can say that if he has a bad game, it's because of this injury. And if he has a good game, it's despite the injury. So they're delusional to think that it's a win-win situation for them and their stanhood.

I ask again, if he's injured on his shooting hand, why is he leading the league in shots taken by two whole shots per game?
^ I have a better question: if he's NOT injured, then explain his @@@*+ up looking Prof. Klump hand.

And I know that there are at least a few NTers waiting for you to make the mistake of calling me a Kobe stan, or even a fan.
It's well established that I'm no such thing. So your little "Kobe Stans just want to call him injured" reasoning doesn't work with this guy.

So how does he still lead the league in shots taken? Because he's tough enough to do that, smart enough to make adjustments, and crazy enough to have pain injections before every game.

Now again I ask you: if he's NOT injured, then explain the multiple shots we've seen of his hand so far this season looking puffy as hell. And while were at it, bonus question: care to explain why his finger looked crooked as hell a couple years ago in that shot we saw where he held up his hand at the championship celebration?
Don't know why ya'll keeping falling into the same traps set by the same people who have an agenda EVERY time they post.

Feeding the troll at it's finest.
As much as I hate the guy, I must admit that he is tough. He'll play through injury, but whether or not he is really a smart basketball player is the issue. I am more impressed that he is playing while his wife is about to take him to the cleaners, for me this shows that he is just as dumb off the court, as he is while on. He can shoot 35 shots a game, even while making 20 of them, while hurt mind you, which ain't bad. But I've always questioned his IQ, not his capacity to get it done while injured.

In that, Kobe is a stone age throwback. Unfortunately, he has shown that he can be just dumb as Fred Flintstone as well.
I had the same injury in my shooting hand trying to break my fall and that #$@! hurts like no other. No way was I trying to play basketball and for months, I was struggling to open cans, 2 liters, doors...I couldn't even have sex properly for Christ's sake. This injury makes push ups nearly impossible.

You're a clown if you're still trying to discredit Kobe through this...and praise LeBron at the same time? Yeah right.
He's not comparing him to Horry, he's mentioning the rings and that they are meaningless, as any guy (like an Horry) can win rings. 

Any guy accept Lebron that is. 
  (ok, cheap shot, I know, sue me)

Anyhoo, Xtap does indeed have a point.  Kobe absolutely loves to flex that wrist a billion times on tv.  No question.  Is it hurt?  Yes.  Do we know how much?  No.  Does it matter?  No.  He's playing, end of story.  Good, bad, or otherwise, he's on the court, giving everything he's got, Lebron just took a game off for a sprained ankle.  It doesn't say or reflect anything either way, people act differently toward injuries, some play thru even at less capacity, some try to rest up as much as possible for the long run.  All depends on the person. 

Xtap clearly has his agenda to discuss, but his point about it being on tv and Kobe hamming it up is 100% correct.  It's the same thing as the Kobe face when he does something, everybody and their brother knows he'll make the face as he knows the tv camera will be on him. 
Wait did dude get re injured this season or is he still playing with injuries from last season?
Originally Posted by Cant Nobody Stop Me

Wait did dude get re injured this season or is he still playing with injuries from last season?
he injured his wrist in the preseason
A torn ligament is nothing compared to a sprain wrist. That can keep a player out for a few weeks. Just ask LBJ.
...ive said it before this season. i honestly think its broken and he's just playing through it. this is coming from someone that HATES Kobe way a hand is still swollen like that over a sprain or even a ligament tear. i said, id be the first guy to call him out, but this is legit. you know, i hate the guy, but the hard working Kobe? aw man, i love that guy to death.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl



Every year this dude Kobe has a new injury. Yet for some reason, it's ALWAYS some type of injury that is severe enough to be classified as an "injury", yet not severe enough to keep him sidelined. Basically, just so that his stans can say that if he has a bad game, it's because of this injury. And if he has a good game, it's despite the injury. So they're delusional to think that it's a win-win situation for them and their stanhood.

I ask again, if he's injured on his shooting hand, why is he leading the league in shots taken by two whole shots per game?
*T-rex thinking meme*
From Adrian Wojo of Yahoo Sports:
With those torn ligaments in his right wrist – an injury that should’ve required surgery and three months of rehabilitation – Bryant is forever one collision from serious seasonal consequences. When he fails to keep the wrist moving during a game, it will swell significantly. That’s why he’s always making that shooting motion with his wrist on the sidelines in down moments
Originally Posted by University of Nike

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

He might be injured, but he's certainly overplaying it for the cameras during the time-outs by constantly grabbing his wrist, hoping he'll make people think that he's some kind of a warrior on a battlefield, fighting to his very last breath.




Sorry Xtapolapacetl you just got knocked out!
Kobe isn't faking his injury, but the media does focus on it a little too much. Guess they kind of have to since he's always in the spotlight though.
Folks mad he still ballin so they come up with anything. If Kobe was done people would start to appreciate, they just don't want him to have any shot at winning.

So until Kobe can no longer hoop, he gonna be hated.
Originally Posted by jbone2308

Folks mad he still ballin so they come up with anything. If Kobe was done people would start to appreciate, they just don't want him to have any shot at winning.

So until Kobe can no longer hoop, he gonna be hated.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl



Every year this dude Kobe has a new injury. Yet for some reason, it's ALWAYS some type of injury that is severe enough to be classified as an "injury", yet not severe enough to keep him sidelined. Basically, just so that his stans can say that if he has a bad game, it's because of this injury. And if he has a good game, it's despite the injury. So they're delusional to think that it's a win-win situation for them and their stanhood.

I ask again, if he's injured on his shooting hand, why is he leading the league in shots taken by two whole shots per game?
Whats the purpose of your useless head to head stats and arguments? Lebron crying on national tv because his elbow hurts.

At the end of the day Kobe gets it done, and Lebron... Well Lebron will come up short.

@ Lebron stans always comparing somebody to Robert Horry when they get at Lebron for being a perennial loser.
Kobe Fans, haters, people who are in between should enjoy what Kobe is doing right now.

You wont see anyone do what he's doing for a long time.

Consistently putting up 30+ point games on multiple injuries, in his 16th NBA season.

Guy was drafted in 1996. Think about that for a second.

He's got more than twice the mileage on his knees than any superstar in the NBA right now.

Dude has been a jump shooter to prolong his career for years and is still doing it.
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