Wow...John Edwards is a dirt bag

Apr 22, 2002
"In the proposal, which The New York Timesexamined, Mr. Young says that he assisted the affair by setting up private meetings between Mr. Edwards and Ms. Hunter. He wrote that Mr. Edwards once calmedan anxious Ms. Hunter by promising her that after his wife died, he would marry her in a rooftop ceremony in New York with an appearance by the Dave MatthewsBand."

4[sup]th[/sup] paragraph from thebottom of page one

wow what a piece of crap...and to think this dude could have beenpresident.
Didn't have time to read the link yet, but based on what you provided...why would it matter if he were to become president based on that excerpt?

You don't think most politicians don't get down in some funky behavior or w/ side women?
yeah, I agreed with 'dirt bag' until I read Dave Matthews Band. Now I agree with 'douche'
silly Jin, don't you know, he's only a dirtbag if he's a republican. He's a democrat, so he's just a lost soul who needs guidance.
Originally Posted by J Burner

silly Jin, don't you know, he's only a dirtbag if he's a republican. He's a democrat, so he's just a lost soul who needs guidance.
haha. That's the same logic the Catholic church uses with child molesting priests.
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Originally Posted by CJDynasty

We have had Presidents and other prominent politicians who have DONE worse.
And your point is?

His wife is battling cancer ...

I know that his wife is battling cancer. My point is, that he is not the only one who does these type things.
We have had Presidents and other prominent politicians who have DONE worse
Didn't have time to read the link yet, but based on what you provided...why would it matter if he were to become president based on that excerpt?

You don't think most politicians don't get down in some funky behavior or w/ side women?
...and that makes it ok becauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse? Dude's wife has termial least have a little respect for thewoman who bore your children. This cat is making plans before ole girl is even in the ground...that's the definition of grimey.
Originally Posted by JinKazama

We have had Presidents and other prominent politicians who have DONE worse
Didn't have time to read the link yet, but based on what you provided...why would it matter if he were to become president based on that excerpt?

You don't think most politicians don't get down in some funky behavior or w/ side women?
...and that makes it ok becauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse? Dude's wife has termial least have a little respect for the woman who bore your children. This cat is making plans before ole girl is even in the ground...that's the definition of grimey.
Im not excusing his behavior. Just sheding light on the fact that this situation is not only unique to him.
Old news, we been known that dude is a dirtbag, lets kick a man while he is down shall we.
Im not excusing his behavior. Just sheding light on the fact that this situation is not only unique to him

You're right Frat, I don't think a mistress is unique to any politician or celeb... but making plans over your wife's dead body andshe ain't even in the grave yet just strikes me as bein' a new low.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Old news, we been known that dude is a dirtbag, lets kick a man while he is down shall we.

My point exactly! People in here spazzing. Yea he said and done some foul things, but everyone else has too. We cant say one is worse than the other. Cheating is cheating. Him saying that comment and the fact that the other guy is expressing his love for his wife to the side chick, both are disprespectingthe mother of their children. Period!
Originally Posted by JinKazama

Im not excusing his behavior. Just sheding light on the fact that this situation is not only unique to him
You're right Frat, I don't think a mistress is unique to any politician or celeb... but making plans over your wife's dead body and she ain't even in the grave yet just strikes me as bein' a new low.

ehhh. aint no trouble like a woman scorn. his affairhess is probably pissed, so all things said off the record are now on. His loss, dude is a dirtbag we beenknown, your favorite politicians have done worse, most of them have killed people.
I actually was almost fooled into thinking this was a decent guy before all this affair news broke out. Too bad... seems like he's just your typical modernday politician in the end.
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