Would you rather be.........

Desert for me.

Being in the middle of the Ocean would probably scare me to death, if something else didn't kill me first.
Desert with water. At least if you ration your water, you might survive. In the ocean on the other hand, you can't drink any of it, so you're gonna diethere regardless
I cant swim, so i choose desert as well. I am terrified of large bodies of water.
Originally Posted by Pmighty

ima go with the desert
ive seen open water damnit(both of them) that wont be me
but the temp gets crazy at night in the desert but ill take my chances.

that movie was crazy! and based on a true story... im never scubba diving because of it
desert ftw which could end in with an L. no way i'm trying to be in the ocean not knowing if i'd make those 2 days. i'm cool on that
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

this is a no brainer -- desert by far

This is a terrible question, why would anyone rather be stranded in the ocean

Ocean-subzero temps, sharks, killer whales, undiscovered deep sea predators, drowning, waves, storms, assuming far from any kinda help and it's not exactlyeasy to maneuver your way to safety

Desert-cacti (for water), scorpions(for food), camel (if you find one for warmth).....the point is you got options here.
desert, i wouldn't have any water in the ocean and would probably get thirsty. depending on how much water i had before getting stranded, there is even apossibility i could die of dehydration. Plus that is if i don't get ripped apart by a shark first.

The thought of water and getting tired having to tread the water is to much work. + sharks and other things...naw homie..ill die a slow and dehydrated deathbefore being eaten.
Desert...don't like being in large bodies or water...12oz man gotta divide that 3oz @ a time...lol
Desert, because i CANT SWIM..lol
and because there is a high risk of getting eaten by sharks in the ocean!
Desert. I'd be scared as hell in the middle of the ocean knowing there are sharks and #@@% around me. Plus I can't swim so if something happens to thelife vest, it's a wrap.
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

no shark is gonna eat me in the desert. id rather pass out and die from heat exhaustion than drown/get eaten anyway
Desert. Deep waters scare the crap out of me. Oh and those little things called sharks. Not very enjoyable.
desert...no thank you for being stuck in water n having my skin lookin like this

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