would you let your significant other go to the movies alone with the opposite sex

No, grow up because you're telling someone if their girlfriend has male friends they're a sucker. Not every chick has thirstbuckets like you pretending to be her friend praying for the day to get a glimpse of her belly button.

I was talking about me though.

Thirstbuckets? :lol: That's a new one. Not very clever, but new.

Pretending? I just got finished saying I don't befriend females so why would you assume that I've ever pretended. My dude, TRUST, I've never had to pretend to be a girl's friend to get some p or dome. Never. I'm attractive, am usually in great shape, smart, witty, funny and on top of all of that slay females with what THANK GOD I was blessed with. So nah. Never did the friend or pretend thing either.

A glimpse of a belly button? Chill. You sound silly. Just quit.
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I was said friend in a situation.

Me and chick had been good friends for a while when we were really young and really had feelings for each other. I was an idiot and nothing ever happened. Fast forward to senior year we still have feelings for each other. I'm inviting her out and such, meet up a couple times. All her ig pics were of herself. Went on ig and she posting stuff about "Happy two year anniversary" to her bf. :smh: **** these women man. I'm about my money and myself now.
One of my best friends is a female in a 2+ year relationship

Used to have feelings for her but no longer do; however it became an issue when we would hang out on campus and her man's friends would see us

We're like childhood friends so we have that super close vibe and chemistry. As any dude would, homie would get super tight about it with her

One time, late at night, me and her were in her dorm alone having a super deep and personal conversation. Nothing romantic or w/e but **** was getting heavy. She was supposed to be up in her man's dorm already for the night but she figured this conversation we were having was more important and kept him waiting. This ***** called like 3 times and she was just like "Dude, nothing is going on. I'm doing something right now. I'll be up later"

Luckily things smoothed out when the three of us went to a party together. **** wasn't awkward like I thought it would be; I actually became really cool with the dude and his friends

But my friend doesn't let the two of us hang out anymore unless there's a third party
She even cancelled on me when we were supposed to go out this one time because another girl we were supposed to go with cancelled as well, and she didn't want just the two of us going out. "It would be like a date"
"If I'm your girl's friend"

"I don't befriend females"

.. I hear you though.

Let me spell it out for you since you seem to be slow, if I'm your girl's friend that means she's lying to you and I'm smashing.

That means that she's being fake with you.

That means that she's doing the pretending.

I'm amazed that you still don't get it.
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One of my best friends is a female in a 2+ year relationship

Used to have feelings for her but no longer do; however it became an issue when we would hang out on campus and her man's friends would see us

We're like childhood friends so we have that super close vibe and chemistry. As any dude would, homie would get super tight about it with her

One time, late at night, me and her were in her dorm alone having a super deep and personal conversation. Nothing romantic or w/e but **** was getting heavy. She was supposed to be up in her man's dorm already for the night but she figured this conversation we were having was more important and kept him waiting. This ***** called like 3 times and she was just like "Dude, nothing is going on. I'm doing something right now. I'll be up later"

Luckily things smoothed out when the three of us went to a party together. **** wasn't awkward like I thought it would be; I actually became really cool with the dude and his friends

But my friend doesn't let the two of us hang out anymore unless there's a third party
She even cancelled on me when we were supposed to go out this one time because another girl we were supposed to go with cancelled as well, and she didn't want just the two of us going out. "It would be like a date"
I would have cut her off anyway after the bolded paragraph so you might as well had smashed.
"If I'm your girl's friend"

"I don't befriend females"

.. I hear you though.

Let me spell it out for you since you seem to be slow, if I'm your girl's friend that means she's lying to you and I'm smashing.

That means that she's being fake with you.

That means that she's doing the pretending.

I'm amazed that you still don't get it.

Should of said that to begin with instead of making it seem like someone a sucker for letting their chick have friends, thirstbucket.
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I hope you're a female with this back and forth goofy **** trying to dissect my posts with the emotional zeal that you are displaying.

What's understood doesn't (usually) need to be explained. Not my fault that you didn't understand.
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Hey OP,

Glad you posted this and this thread has been full of lolz. On your matter, my opinion is that your ex-wife shouldn't care about something like this because she is your EX wife. What you do with your time and who you spend it with now is your business and you may do what you please because you are technically single. There may be some strings attached in your relationship with her due to the longevity of it, but again it seems like one of you (not sure because I don't know your life/relationship story) is possessive for no reason at this stage of the relationship. Also, there doesn't seem to be any trust between you two, which is probably why she is your EX now.

To everyone talking about becoming jealous if your significant other goes out with the opposite sex, it is pretty normal on a small level perhaps, however, if you have a great foundation of trust established with your partner, then those thoughts of her "crossing the line" may diminish/lessen over time. There are a lot of reasons why people cheat, but not EVERYONE cheats with every opportunity they have.

Good luck.
The older i get, the more I realize it: if a girl is gonna cheat, she's gonna cheat. There are constantly dudes trying to get at attractive females, you can't be with her 24 hours a day. I understand where a lot of you are coming from, it doesn't seem like a smart move to be cool with her being in that situation, but at the end of the day, she's grown.
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I suppose there are some strange people out there who see women as people and not as holes

I see women as people too but im also a straight male that doesnt want to know about what her bf was doing to her last night etc

Because there's absolutely nothing else you could possibly talk about :lol:

Usually single dudes don't have real female friends. The dudes in long term relationships or married have more platonic friendships.
Naw, that wouldn't fly around this house.  I've learned better over the years.

As a young newlywed, I kicked it with a former female co-worker one time on the completely innocent tip.  Met up with her after work for a few drinks and just chopped it up about the fam, our old job and my new job.  Never looked at her as attractive and she was always seemed like one of the guys to me.  I honestly had no clue that I couldn't do **** like that anymore, so it didn't even cross my mind to discuss it with my wife prior to doing it.  And it probably didn't help that when we met up, my wife was at work for the night.  But maaaaaaaan, when I told her about it the next day......WOW.  

I still didn't see the issue with it at first, but as time went on and we got deeper into the marriage, I learned that you just can't do **** like that.  I had to put the shoe on the other foot and see that if the scenario was flipped, that I probably wouldn't be cool with it.  And it isn't even necessarily about cheating--it's about respect.  You just don't put yourself in those situations that can look questionable (even though you know there is no evil intentions there) to outsiders out of respect for your s/o.  And now that I'm older and wiser, I can also say that you don't put yourself in those situations because even though you have no intentions of doing some foul ****, if given the right scenario it CAN happen. 
What if your significant other wanted to try swinging?

If both parties come to a mutual agreement that swinging is "okay" then there is no problem. Where it becomes convoluted is when him or her is not on the same page with their partner and they push, do, or ask of things that is atypical to what is "normal" to them. Western ideology teaches us that monogamy is the "right" way, and it may be, but there are quite a few places in the world that polygamy is practiced and accepted.
What if your significant other wanted to try swinging?

If both parties come to a mutual agreement that swinging is "okay" then there is no problem. Where it becomes convoluted is when him or her is not on the same page with their partner and they push, do, or ask of things that is atypical to what is "normal" to them. Western ideology teaches us that monogamy is the "right" way, and it may be, but there are quite a few places in the world that polygamy is practiced and accepted.

So your chick tells you she wants to swing, what do you say?
What if your significant other wanted to try swinging?

If both parties come to a mutual agreement that swinging is "okay" then there is no problem. Where it becomes convoluted is when him or her is not on the same page with their partner and they push, do, or ask of things that is atypical to what is "normal" to them. Western ideology teaches us that monogamy is the "right" way, and it may be, but there are quite a few places in the world that polygamy is practiced and accepted.

So your chick tells you she wants to swing, what do you say?

Already do that, with chicks only.
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