Would you let your baby get lined up when getting a haircut?

This was the pictures I was looking for.
It was the first thing that came to mind when I read the post.

They will do anything.
Regular line-ups shouldn't push back your hairline (permanently) - of course, if a barber is using your current line as a guide, he might cut farther andfarther back. If that's the problem, shave it off and start over. lol.

With that being said, I don't think it's necessary to line a young kid up. You don't want a haircut to take longer than necessary, you don'twant him squirming all around and getting himself nicked, etc. Just put on the guard and go for your guns.
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by doosta45

when my nephews got their first haircut at 1, they got lined up and have been getting lined up ever since. if you cut their hair low, and cut the baby hair off you can see their hairline.

i dont see what the big deal is really. im more concerned about the barber nicking them from them moving around so much
Why is a 1 year old getting lined up? A date? Graduation pictures?

Putting a child THAT young in front of clippers is stupid.

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