Would you be able to do this for 1 billion dollars?

For $1,000,000,000 I would do nearly anything.
6 years? Pssh, would eat good, body-build, fap and sleep repeatedly.
You're gonna pay me $166,666, 666 a year not to talk, see and hear anyone for just 2136 days?

Anyone who wouldn't doesn't really understand the value of ,again, $1,000,000,000!
no way, six years feels like a lifetime, im 22 now, if i did that id be 28 by the time i can talk and stuff...not worth anything at all. id lose my life
Originally Posted by DomD

no way, six years feels like a lifetime, im 22 now, if i did that id be 28 by the time i can talk and stuff...not worth anything at all. id lose my life
 You would be a BILLIONAIRE at the age of 28. If anything you would be able to live twice what the average person will, not to mention the financial security
for your family and friends...
I'd do it for 6 years cuz I'm still young. I'd heavily consider doing 12 years as well. As long as the billion is tax free and I don't get screwed by having to explain to the gov't how I got the money.

I'd just prepare and put myself in a new situation where I wouldn't be struggling with my new handicaps, probably get a fine nurse. I can still smash and communicate with ppl so sacrificing some other valuable activities would be worth it for when I'm living wealthy.
Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

6 years now? Cake walk. I'll be a billionaire at age 28.

When you put it that way...
I'd just put together the most epic 6 year long playlist and go into deep meditation in a cave.

Psychedelics could bring images to my minds eye so I wouldn't be completely blind
You would most likely go mentally insane long, long, long before even getting close to 6 years.
This is an easy no. Life is unpredictable. What if in that 6 years your mother or someone close to you became ill and instead of being there for them and be able to cherish some of your last moments with them, you are tied to this dumb deal.
That would be a very hollow billion dollars. 
Jay-Z prob did sum'n like this in '95, 'cept it was Sauce Money who dissapeared for 6 yrs
How could you write if your blind this would be extremely tough...might not even make it alive after those 6 years
6 years? c'mon if one was to do something like this its gonna have some mental side effects.
Wouldn't even consider it. 12 years, forget about that. I'll make 2 billion in that time.
The major consideration would have to be how much time the $1,000,000,000 would allow me to have.

The time gained would have to be significantly greater than the time spent to acquire the $1,000,000,000.

Never having to work again would allow more time and freedom to do whatever I pleased.

Is the time spent to acquire worth the amount of time gained?
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