Worst physical pain you've experienced: VOL: Did you ever have surgery before?

kanker sores.
Yeah. Well I mean I don't remember anything from the few weeks when I was under on propifol (sp) I had some crazy dreams though
I thought my respiratory tube was laser beams coming out of my mouth
Originally Posted by jsmith42

Kidney Stones

Dido.  According to the ER Doc, I was passing a "baby" kidney stone.  I told dude that it literally felt like a baby was passing through my left kidney.

Bowel Obstruction.

Worst pains I've ever experienced. I still got the scars to remind me to watch my health.
Had surgery on my tounge. Even with the numbing stuff I could still feel 90% of the pain from the laser cutting. ****$** sucked bad.
I had EHEC three years ago. I actually thought I was going to die for a time. Second worst was a grade 2 ankle sprain. Sprained it so badly that I had eversion and inversion sprains. I still don't understand how that happened. Third worst was post-op pain after a rhinoplasty I had in HS following being hit in the face with a fastball. That was back in 2004, but I'm sure someone still has the pics I posted.
I tore my ACL. It hurt, but the pain from the rehab (breaking the scar tissue) was ten times worse. Also I got hit in the face while I wasnt wearing a helmet. 
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Crohn's disease flare up[/color]

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Couldn't eat solids because my intestines were inflamed/ulcers......It was like swallowing blades....i could feel any solids being pushed through slowly, inch by inch throughout my intestines.....I was surviving off of 5-7 vikes a day, would have to pop just to get throughout the day[/color]
Had my othroscopic surgery last year to have my gallbladder removed. They put me to sleep and made two small incisions on the right side of my stomach and another incision through my bellybutton. I remember waking up and my stomach hurt so bad, worst pain I've ever felt. I was tearing up and rocking back and forth grabbing my stomach, the nurse immediately called a doctor in to show him how much pain I was in and proceeding to give me a gang load of morphine.
I have always had a very high tolerance for pain killers so the first dosage they had me on when I woke up just wasn't cutting it. I've never felt pain like that before and for the next week I could barely walk around the house or bend over. The pain Med's they gave me helped a little but that was the worst week of pain I've ever had.
Originally Posted by RunningFishy

i've never had the sleeping gas thing. i was curious to know if u black out or how it goes.

With the anesthesia they gave me for my surgery it wasn't a gas, they injected me with something and had me count down from 10 to 1, I remember getting to 6 and then boom I was out. The surgery was almost 2 hours but it felt lime 5min. It's a crazy, confusing feeling after you wake up, that's for sure. Total blackout.
Rolled my ankle bailing on a grass gap. Gah..

Before I knew I was lactose intolerant I had a lot of pizza one day. I had no idea what was going on felt like my stomach was going to exploded.
I've had an Inguinal Hernia repair and Hydrocelectomy at the same time and that was

Had a drain plastic thing out my testicle for a week and when the doc took it out  was
felt like my boys were getting pulled out but felt relief like when you pull a blood clot out your nose bleed

But had what I think was a small kidney stone and that takes the cake
not even my circumcision/hernia/toenail surgery can compare
worst pain ever was having my dislocated ankle popped back into place.
as far as anesthetics, all i remember was falling asleep and waking up, (i had ligament surgery on my other ankle) but i was constipated for like a week. not fun

had to walk around with a @%@$ the size of a potato with stitches sticking out for a month. wearing underwear hurt like a !%$$#%%%$$@*. couldnt fap for 3 months on top of that.
Everybody keeps saying wisdom teeth? as long as you're on the pain meds, the only time it really hurts is when you try to eat something after...at least for me

I've torn ligaments in thumb, broke thumb, pinky, sprain back, torn ligaments and dislocate shoulder

but nothing was worse than SNEEZING with BROKEN RIBS.
^yes I agree
Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike


had to walk around with a @%@$ the size of a potato with stitches sticking out for a month. wearing underwear hurt like a !%$$#%%%$$@*. couldnt fap for 3 months on top of that.
how old were you?
Broke my arm in 2 places in March and had to get surgery to repair and have plates inserted. Got shots to numb my whole arm before surgery, which lasted for

about 18 hours, but once the numbness wore off I felt some of the worst pain I've ever felt. Kinda felt like my arm was being stabbed repeatedly and all the

painkillers I was on did nothing to ease that pain. This was aside from the discomfort of the swelling and how hot my arm got.
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