Worst Feelin Driving - Vol: F The Cops

Sep 27, 2007
So I was driving to pick my boy up today and in the process on the service road I get pulled over for speeding. The Cop was hiding and as I passed the street Isaw him out the corner of my eye and said "oh #!#+, hes coming for me" Sure enough 5 seconds later the lights are flashing behind me and he gives mea ticket. But I hate that feeling when your driving, even if the cop isnt getting you when you see the lights go on and you get that nervous sick feeling. Iwas doing 65 according to him in a 40. I am really pissed, its like a $280 fine. So mad...
lol being a passanger is worst feeling lol
I hate when they don't pull you over right away... I remember dude just tailed me for like a mile, then decided to pull me over. Like w.t.f.. I sloweddown, why not pull me the *#^@ over from the start? I hate highway cops... with a passion.
Originally Posted by rodster831

i just hate having cops behind me when im driving.
i just feel like if i do just one little mistake, ill get pulled over, and i really dont want that

Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

I hate when they don't pull you over right away... I remember dude just tailed me for like a mile, then decided to pull me over. Like w.t.f.. I slowed down, why not pull me the *#^@ over from the start? I hate highway cops... with a passion.
I've learned CHPs are actually really nice if you're not breaking the rules.
even if the cop doesnt pull me over i'll be shook for the next 10-15 miles.

Ill be goin 90+ crusin', then i see a cop,slam the brake and go the limit for the next several miles
Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

I hate when they don't pull you over right away... I remember dude just tailed me for like a mile, then decided to pull me over. Like w.t.f.. I slowed down, why not pull me the *#^@ over from the start? I hate highway cops... with a passion.
yep just happened to me on sunday

cop was like you know there is a stop sign..........im like huh? thats a yield sign, she is like no the one of the exit like @+@.........(thinkin she mustvefollowed me a good 1.5 miles)

w/e she gave me a warning actually i kept my cool i was on my way to TGI fridays i wasnt in the mood, just hungry, kinda surprisin........
me and my boy were crusin' with a little limb on us today.
i throw a cigarette out my window and right when i do it a state trooper pulls up next to us while we're driving.
he looks over at us brakes and gets right behind us and i knew it was a wrap.
then while he's still behind us his lights turn on and i was about to get heated.
but thank God he changed lanes and went around us.

you feel like $1,000,000,000 after a close encounter.
I had an unmarked one behind me on the way home from work tonight. It was pitch black, but I recognized the Crown Vic headlights. I wasn't taking anychances...I was doing 5 over max. I get in a turning lane to make a left, and he pulls beside me. His window is down just enough that I see some of the policeequipment. Lucky me.

Then the street I was turning on, an Impala was just chilling in an entrance to a parking lot. I didn't see him until I glance over when I passed by. I waskinda shook as I was doing at least 45 and I'm not even sure what the limit is. It changes about 3-4 times on that particular road.
cop lights do get me feeling a little shook, but when a car breaks down or runz hot on me i almost want to kill myself, its like i panic and get depressed likea mug.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

I hate when they don't pull you over right away... I remember dude just tailed me for like a mile, then decided to pull me over. Like w.t.f.. I slowed down, why not pull me the *#^@ over from the start? I hate highway cops... with a passion.
yep just happened to me on sunday

cop was like you know there is a stop sign..........im like huh? thats a yield sign, she is like no the one of the exit like @+@.........(thinkin she mustve followed me a good 1.5 miles)

w/e she gave me a warning actually i kept my cool i was on my way to TGI fridays i wasnt in the mood, just hungry, kinda surprisin........

women cops
just sucks and then paying the ticket is the sicking feeling...i hate them all...seriously
A cop was parked and overseeing a construction zone which immediately goes from 70 to 60. Nailed me going 73 just as I was putting my foot on the brake. NowTHAT will aggravate a guy.
Originally Posted by rodster831

i just hate having cops behind me when im driving.
i just feel like if i do just one little mistake, ill get pulled over, and i really dont want that
i feel the same way

i'll be doing everything correct once the cops get behind me..then it'll be a big relief once i switch lanes or they go around me
If im on the highway and Im speeding and notice the cops i'm gonna just keep speeding. I don't want to make it seem like I'm guilty so !#!@ iti'll keep dashing.

But yeah the cops are everywhere and if a cop is ever behind me I'll do a quick turn or a lane change just to see if they'll follow.

They pullin brothas over for some petty stuff now a days.

!#!@ the police.
I hate driving high when they go behind you.

I can drive fine but when they get behind me my foot shakes, i check my speed every 2 seconds, and have 2 hands on the wheel and $#+!.
Cops in small towns are reckless trying to make their quotas, a few years ago I got a DUI and about two months later on my 12 hour license I got pulled over, Iasked simply why he stopped me and he couldn't give me a legit answer anyway dude tell me to get out the car and he immediately is like hands behind yourback and throws me in his cruiser, claims it was for his safety. Come to think of it now they must have been trying to check up on me anyway I was pissed cuzthe dude wasted 45 mins of my time
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