Working in Retail Stores

people who don't think they need to be ID'd

people who come to the cash register watch you ring all the %!+! in until your finished and then they begin their 5 minute search for change

people who bring something in to ship out and flop it on the scale like it's gonna magically package and address itself 
-be working at nike
-coworker forgets to remove puck on a customer's item (she was an asian woman)
-the alarm sounds
-i bring her back to the front desk to remove the puck
-she thinks WE think SHE stole something
-freaks the @$** out, screams like a high-pitched $@#*%%%%@%##, i get yelled at in front of a bunch of other customers
-she wants a refund, blah blah blah, she doesn't understand we just want to take the puck out.........

-5 coworkers and i be like
I've been working @ TJ Maxx 2 years and some change...i hate it. i don't even know where to start with all my bad experiences. i am gone have to really sit down & think of all da bs i've been through theese last couple of years & post later em later on
i work on a food truck out here in LA. out of all retail experiences, i feel like food trucks have it the best when it comes to customers. once in awhile you'll get someone impatient and will make a big deal, but all in all everyone is very understanding and more "hip" since its food trucks.

before that, i worked in baskin robbins and quit in 3 months.
Retail isn't for everyone. I think management staff has a large say in how associates feel. I have worked various retail jobs and to me that is the biggest impact most of the time. I am now a manager in an outlet store (name brand, blah blah) and I just try to be open and honest coach people both positive and negative in the moment and I try to be a realist. I know you cant up sale to every customer and all that, but I try to speak to things that will help associates learn when those opportunities present themselves. Other then that I try to stay up beat and positive. Its hard as hell sometimes but I feel I need to set an example cause I will be dammed if I make them do stuff I wouldn't.

Funny/Odd Stories?

-While working at Wal-Mart heard sex noises coming from asset protections office sure enough few mins later the chick from bakery comes out cleaning her face.
-Store manager at Staples was smashing his Assistant Manager and fired someone in easy tech when he found out she chopped him up while closing one night. All were fired except easy tech guy he was retained.
-Customer comes to me w/ jeans he says are clearance nvm that clearance stuff is hung his are still folded to store standards he gets mad when I explain he is mistaken and finally I hit him w/ if you dont want them as they are ringing up I have to move on. Gets mad curses in foreign language and throws card on counter.
-Customers returning WASHED items catch attitude when I say no. Ask for manager I say your speaking to one. Stone face and leave.
-Lady walks out of fitting only in bra and panties ask for jeans shes holding in smaller size. Body was right dudes couldn't get to her to help fast enough.
-Saw someone stuffing boxes of hostess in jacket looks at me and takes off running. Just couldn't stop laughing.
-Someone had photos developed of his girl getting teamed.
-Little boy runs up to me ask if I am his dad and his mom comes over apologies and says her son is confused right now cause he doesn't have a daddy at home. Through me off all day. Still lightweight sad in hindsight.
-Walked in on coworkers getting busy in warehouse.
-Craziest had a coworker claim she was pregnant for 6 months (she was gaining weight in a steady pattern) she even had a baby shower. When it came time to file maternity leave papers she needed doctors proof of pregnancy she must have not planned that far cause she didnt have them quit same day never explained to anyone what or why.

I would say the type of shoppers that are the worst are those looking to haggle or negotiate prices, and foreigners I know they know better but they are a mess.
Too many to discuss. I mean from people trying to get their bills down to guys that expect the red carpet to be rolled out just because they come in often

craziest was back at bestbuy black friday when a guy threw down a stack of printers to create a diversion/obstacle for other shoppers so he could full on sprint to home theater for some TV
i'm starting up a little part time gig at a girl clothing store ...

tell me some good things... bad things... about a straight guy...

working in a girl clothing store....

It was my first day at American Eagle. In the latter half of my shift, I was in charge of the fitting room. I was doing my thing and started to smell something foul. I figured it was the lady's baby that was in the large handicap fitting room with her. Another customer comes in for a fitting room, I go down the hall and bend over to peek under door to see if there were feet in the room to see if it was occupied. Once I bent over, I saw the freshest poop I've ever seen. Joint was SO FOUL. I evacuated the fitting room, told my manager, and she made me do it since it was my first day. Everyone else had seniority lol... plus I was in charge of it anyway. Whoever did that, burn in hell... or maybe they have a weird ##*@-ting in public fetish.
Customer- Is this on sale?
Me- No
Customer I got it from the sale section
Me- No it's not on sale.
Customer- But...
Me- It's NOT on SALE!

Also prepare to have no life when working retail.
Originally Posted by 703FlipFiend

It was my first day at American Eagle. In the latter half of my shift, I was in charge of the fitting room. I was doing my thing and started to smell something foul. I figured it was the lady's baby that was in the large handicap fitting room with her. Another customer comes in for a fitting room, I go down the hall and bend over to peek under door to see if there were feet in the room to see if it was occupied. Once I bent over, I saw the freshest poop I've ever seen. Joint was SO FOUL. I evacuated the fitting room, told my manager, and she made me do it since it was my first day. Everyone else had seniority lol... plus I was in charge of it anyway. Whoever did that, burn in hell... or maybe they have a weird !#%#-ting in public fetish.

damm son, you have no pride? The first day would have been my last day.
Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

Originally Posted by 703FlipFiend

It was my first day at American Eagle. In the latter half of my shift, I was in charge of the fitting room. I was doing my thing and started to smell something foul. I figured it was the lady's baby that was in the large handicap fitting room with her. Another customer comes in for a fitting room, I go down the hall and bend over to peek under door to see if there were feet in the room to see if it was occupied. Once I bent over, I saw the freshest poop I've ever seen. Joint was SO FOUL. I evacuated the fitting room, told my manager, and she made me do it since it was my first day. Everyone else had seniority lol... plus I was in charge of it anyway. Whoever did that, burn in hell... or maybe they have a weird !#%#-ting in public fetish.

damm son, you have no pride? The first day would have been my last day.
Seriously though...I would've just walked out if they tried to make me do it. 

Gotta draw the line somewhere man 
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

Originally Posted by 703FlipFiend

It was my first day at American Eagle. In the latter half of my shift, I was in charge of the fitting room. I was doing my thing and started to smell something foul. I figured it was the lady's baby that was in the large handicap fitting room with her. Another customer comes in for a fitting room, I go down the hall and bend over to peek under door to see if there were feet in the room to see if it was occupied. Once I bent over, I saw the freshest poop I've ever seen. Joint was SO FOUL. I evacuated the fitting room, told my manager, and she made me do it since it was my first day. Everyone else had seniority lol... plus I was in charge of it anyway. Whoever did that, burn in hell... or maybe they have a weird !#%#-ting in public fetish.

damm son, you have no pride? The first day would have been my last day.
Seriously though...I would've just walked out if they tried to make me do it. 

Gotta draw the line somewhere man 

Son went home

parents asked him "How was 1st day of work?"
703FlipFiend replied "ehh, it was ****te"

I worked at a restaurant and i was the only black guy there and the managers were mainly white(cocaine heads at that, especially the owner) [who the hell does cocaine in 2008] anyway dudes told me to stay extra, i said i got somewhere to go and couldn't stay cause they were understaff i'm ilke hell no i open this store I'm not trying to close the store and the money was getting low from the tips. I dipped dudes called me didn't pick up, came back 2 weeks later collect my pay. Came in there with madd swag, cause they owed my $700.
Originally Posted by 703FlipFiend

It was my first day at American Eagle. In the latter half of my shift, I was in charge of the fitting room. I was doing my thing and started to smell something foul. I figured it was the lady's baby that was in the large handicap fitting room with her. Another customer comes in for a fitting room, I go down the hall and bend over to peek under door to see if there were feet in the room to see if it was occupied. Once I bent over, I saw the freshest poop I've ever seen. Joint was SO FOUL. I evacuated the fitting room, told my manager, and she made me do it since it was my first day. Everyone else had seniority lol... plus I was in charge of it anyway. Whoever did that, burn in hell... or maybe they have a weird ##*@-ting in public fetish.
worked at sports authority, this %%%! happened entirely too frequently
my favorite memory of sports authority - some little man walked up to me and asked where he could find the size 6.5 shoes.  without hesitating i told him to check the kids aisle.  he walked over like 

Originally Posted by reener

Customer- Is this on sale?
Me- No
Customer I got it from the sale section
Me- No it's not on sale.
Customer- But...
Me- It's NOT on SALE!

Also prepare to have no life when working retail.
All of this!
I've been working P/T for Home Depot the past few years. My store is the "urban" store of the district due to location. I've seen so much s**t happen...


Customers get real bold with the theft tactics outchea...

- We used to have customers walk in the store about an hr before the store closes and hide out in the overhead shelves. Once the store was closed and security was gone (they leave as soon as the store closes), customers come out of their hiding spot with the goods and scoot right out the fire exits... On some James Bond type heisting...

- Customers walking right out the store with $700 air compressors...

- Customers rolling rolls of electrical/copper wire out the store, flexing on our security/LP in the process

- People slide power tools under the fire exit door... Collecting the goods on the outside of the store

- Ladies w/ the credit card schemes are the worst... The buy expensive appliances with the fake CC, have us load the products into one vehicle while she had another person pick her up on the other side of the store...

- Employee schemes

- Employee theft, people used to steal grills, tools, and TV's with no f**ks given...


The thing I hate about dealing with customers is the way that the belittle and look down upon our employees. And they talk down on used something terrible. A lot of them are quick to judge and assume we're there to suck up to them. It's a mess...

- People nearby use our trash cans/ dumpsters for their personal use, bringing trash from home and dumping it into ours...

- Customers leave coffee cups/ trash on the shelves

- Some customers let their kids s**t on the floor and don't even clean it up behind themselves... Leave it for us to clean it up... 

- Local teenage gangs used to run all throughout the store chasing each other. Other customers were hiding in the aisle cause they aint know what was about to go down..

af1 1982 wrote:
The worst thing about retail is not the customers, it's the mindless work you have to do. I dread going to work (Target) because it is so damn boring. It requires no thinking at all, you are just consumed in your own thoughts for hours at a time

That's the reason I switched to the Electrical Department of my store, because all other departments (except for plumbing maybe) require little to no thinking at all...

At least with this I can use a little brain to solve problems... every thing else in that store is just physical labor...

The main thing that keeps me going in retail is the chicks... Female customers and employees...
 But that's a whole issue within itself...

It's always something to see in the realm of retail...
I used to work at a department store in the men's department. At that point in my life I didn't mind it at all... I was part time, got discounts and first dibs on all the marked down stuff, worked with girls my age, it was pretty straight.

Fast forward and now I work in banking and there is not a day that passes that I don't hope one of our customers gets in a horrific car crash that leaves them trapped in a fiery blaze unable to escape.

People suck.
i HATED working retail back in the day......

almost fought a customer


cheap customers

sense of entitlement

you work every holidays except Christmas

You can keep that retail life, it aint for me
had a homeboy who chased a theif out the store and tackle him to recover the goods.

The managers didnt even say thank you

He never did that *&$T again
Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

damm son, you have no pride? The first day would have been my last day.
Seriously though...I would've just walked out if they tried to make me do it. 

Gotta draw the line somewhere man 

Son went home

parents asked him "How was 1st day of work?"
703FlipFiend replied "ehh, it was ****te"
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