Women of the 2012 Olympic Games

repped. after watching the finals yesterday, man our number 1 is a grown woman. She is developed in all the right places.

Definitely. Damn we have good taste :smokin
Aly Reisman would get it with the quickness.

Then again I have a thing for jewish girls. Am dating one currently. :D lol
She is a woman. She's in her mid twenties already and taller than the other gymnasts. You can just look at her face and see that she's older than the baby-faced girls.

I know that. I'm saying despite her years of training and competing since 2004, she still has a womanly look to her. Many of these girls will never develop that because of the years of strenous work. The lost periods add up. As someone with a number of friends who played college sports, I know.

Overall, she's just more attractive than that jailbait.
She's lucky that she's a little taller and not ****** status like other girls. Nastia Liukin is another one who still looks good. If you're short like Shawn Johnson you get really round and have a weird body shape.

MrONegative, completely agree with what you said. Kellie and Dawn have medals but still seem bitter. If people still don't care about them then they need to face reality and accept it. Media attention would be nice but isn't important.
The female short distance runners are the best looking ones on the track.

Its the long jumpers and etc that are bogus
Sandra Isbaza from Ukraine is another gymnast that looks good. She is tall and has hips unlike any of the U.S. girls.
Here's my thing about the "SoSo" Jones issue and why I side with Dawn and Kellie...

"SoSo" Jones has been looked at as "The Poster Child" of the women's 100m Hurdles. Yes, I understand she was a tough competitor at LSU, and winning multiple championships before competing on the Pro and Olympic level, but here's a run down of her most recent Pro "accomplishments" (or lack thereof)...

2006 - 5th in 100m, 6th in 100m Hurdles (World Athletics Finals)

2007 - 6th in 100m Hurdles, 1st in 60m Hurdles (World Championships, World Indoor Championships)

2008 - 7th in 100m Hurdles, 2nd  in 100m Hurdles (Beijing Olympics, World Athletics Finals) 

2010 - 2nd in 60m Hurdles (World Indoor Championships)

2012 - 4th 100m Hurdles (London Olympics)

Notice the trend here? She's VERY inconsistent and unless it's the Indoor Championships, she's BARELY competitive! Only ONE Top 3 finish in the 100m Hurdles out of all that are listed is pathetic!

That's just to name a few. Not even to mention in 2009 she didn't even run in the famed Drake Relays (hamstring), which were hyped up because of her competing. As well as losing in the semi's in an event, and a 3rd place finish in the London Grand Prix! That's the first of a FEW problems. 

Second, not only did she placed 4th in the 100m Hurdles Final, but she had to qualify on time to make it, yet she was interviewed on the Today show this morning?? While Kellie and Dawn (the winners) played the background? Correct me if I'm wrong, but many of the medalists are who they've been "interested" in interviewing after the wins, so why wasn't the GOLD & SILVER medalists NOT in the forefront??

At 30, she's NEVER won a medal in the Olympics in her "best" event, but two women who DID capture a medal, were left wondering were they NOT "important" enough to be mentioned. I'd be a little upset as well, but the medals "SoSo" doesn't have, will tell their (Dawn's & Kellie's) stories as well as telling hers ("SoSo's").
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^I can agree with parts of both that and what MrONegative (I think) said. Did Dawn and Wells go about it the wrong way? Sure, but I think it was pretty fair to mention it instead of completely hiding and just letting things run it's course. Lolo pretty much had more coverage than any athlete not named Michael Phelps, but even that's debatable since Phelps has been finished making history for a couple of days now. I guess it is similar to the Tebow thing. I'm not mad at Dawn nor Wells for voicing their opinion, nor am I mad at Lolo for taking advantage of her rise in celebrity.
Honestly, I think you dudes have taken all this LoLo Jones **** too far lol.

Bunch of dudes in here arguing over whether or not the female emotions that some females felt are valid? Turn off the TMZ brahs.

I mean, I have an opinion too, but it ain't that deep. Fact is, nobody will be talking about all these broads in a few weeks. Back to obscurity until 2016.
I had to say my piece on the "issue," I wanna see more wimmenz now! *waits*
Honestly, I think you dudes have taken all this LoLo Jones **** too far lol.
Bunch of dudes in here arguing over whether or not the female emotions that some females felt are valid? Turn off the TMZ brahs.
I mean, I have an opinion too, but it ain't that deep. Fact is, nobody will be talking about all these broads in a few weeks. Back to obscurity until 2016.

I think that's also part of the problem, as far as track athletes in general go. Even if you're a megastar, unless you randomly catch a track meet on tv when flipping channels, or the Olympics are coming up, the advertising/marketing is pretty scarce. So I think it's fair game if someone wants to get their opinions out. I feel pretty strongly about that just cause I ran track/CC for 10+ years. You can say the same for swimming too, and volleyball, but it's only been recently that people actually take volleyball seriously.

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I haven't been in this thread the past few days, and I come back to an intelligent discussion about a few athletes? :smh:

This is not the thread for that :tongue:

Ponor & Maroney(age check) :evil:

I knew I wasn't the only one that thought Ponor was bad :smokin
she just has THAT look
Catalina Ponor :evil: and for some reason that Gabby Douglas chick is pretty cute, she's pretty young tho :lol:
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