Woman stomping and Kicking Baby....SMDH

It is common in asian cultures to beat their children severely.....when i mean severely, I mean stuff that can be more violent than the video you have seen. Iwas tight watching that video, but to some asian cultures, that video may be acceptable. I remember going to school (1st grade) with a huge cut behind my neckand two teachers came over to me and asked who did that to you, i just calmly replied my mom did. At that time, I did not understand why they looked so shockedand disturbed...but as I got older, that memory always stood in my mind and I would think about it every now and then.
Things that my dad did to me when I was a little kid...i don't even wanna think about, I get pisst when I do.
when she first kicked the baby, i was clenching my fist the entire time wanting to punch the monitor.

if this is a video was to catch footage of this adult beating the child, i hope she gets sent to jail for this.
Originally Posted by gusyouout

Originally Posted by manny1

first of all when i seen this video i was so pissed
. man i'm a straight up gent. when it comes to women but i'm sorry if i ever caught some ----- doing this to one of my kids i do her just like that and thats straight talk.
Was gonna put pretty much the same thing. I don't care if it's a woman, if someone does that to my child I would @*#@ them up.

Anyone know the story to this vid yet? I'm thinking maybe it was a nanny cam thing?

I put it on my grandmothers daughter.
I have never wished death on any one. I have now. I hope this woman is dead or will be dead now that this video is on the net.
Originally Posted by jehims

It is common in asian cultures to beat their children severely.....when i mean severely, I mean stuff that can be more violent than the video you have seen. I was tight watching that video, but to some asian cultures, that video may be acceptable. I remember going to school (1st grade) with a huge cut behind my neck and two teachers came over to me and asked who did that to you, i just calmly replied my mom did. At that time, I did not understand why they looked so shocked and disturbed...but as I got older, that memory always stood in my mind and I would think about it every now and then.
Things that my dad did to me when I was a little kid...i don't even wanna think about, I get pisst when I do.

Man i got beat like THAT when i was younger.


Western Cultures are just soft.....for us Asian folks going to school, somer teachers were like the Nazis.

I remembered being beat with sticks, bare butt laying on the table in front of the entire class cuz i didnt do my hw, or talking during glass and got one of myshoes confiscated...ONE OF MY SHOES! Got it back the next day. Brutal.
I watchd a little bit of this and got really mad. I wish i would see someone treating a kid like this. Ppl like that shouldn't even be around kids letalone anyone else. If i knew the address I would pay to fly to them and show them how that feels. money well spent
brought tears to my eyes, real talk

i love my kids too much to do some !!!* like that .........
If I saw someone do that to ANY child, much less my own, I would beat them until I couldn't lift my arms
that makes me so sick to my stomach. how're you gonna do that to an innocent child? how could you ever even try to come up with a reason as to why youwould do such thing to a baby? how're you gonna pick on something someone so fragile and helpless? Im with the dudes that say i'd never lay my hand ona woman except if they do this to a baby in front of me then its no holds barred. i hope she sees prison time and gets the worst treatment imaginable in there.
i would personally torture that !%$!% in the most inhumane possible ways imagined .... rip her skin off her and then pour alcohol all over her
Wow, $#* is wrong with %%+#!# people these days. I clicked it and i couldn't even finish it cause i was to disgusted. That @@%+ got me all pissed now, ladyshould burn in hell.
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