Woman falsely accuses man of rape Vol. Signed by the ATL Falcons!

SMH this is why I keep a small circle, and trust very few. If I was him Id have to kill her. On another note I got a feeling he will get a NFL shot, even if he don't make it he deserves a shot
this hits home -_-

went to that high school too. not only mention that he did time during his prime, but she STOLE money from LBUSD, a school district that's already broke to begin with!
That video just upped my rage by 3786391263917317301731037108371028371028372013721083.
Originally Posted by Rusty Shackelford

Originally Posted by ATLsFinest

Originally Posted by Rusty Shackelford

I would've hit her

I would've done more than hit her
I didn't want to fully say what I would do cuz next thing you know
ksteezy will come in like "she probably had a good reason"

 Damn you know him too well
he literally could rape her now and not be tried for it due to double jeopardy
Originally Posted by 916kid

he has a youtube page

he got pressured into no contest .... 18 months = 6 years more  ... then the defense attorney didn't help him .... wow
that prosecutor would be done
A real shame but I'm proud of dude keeping his head up and staying positive this whole time, I couldn't have done that. She should serve 5 years in jail and he should at least receive $1.5 mil. Also his lawyer is terrible, that fact that she couldn't keep her story straight about where in the school he raped her should have been good enough to go through with the trial.
Originally Posted by oidreez

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by oidreez

he literally could rape her now and not be tried for it due to double jeopardy

 what? No. 

school me
It's two different 'crimes.' Just because you're acquitted orguilty on crime X doesn't mean the government can't get you for crime Y. 
Think about it...your original post basically means that once a person is convicted of rape and gets out of jail...he has a free pass to go around raping his victim over and over again. 
Originally Posted by oidreez

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by oidreez

he literally could rape her now and not be tried for it due to double jeopardy

 what? No. 

school me

Separate instances of rape man. He can't ever be tried again for the first false case.
If he actually rapes her it counts as a whole new case.

Imagine someone rapes a woman, somehow wins the case and get's off.....and then rapes her again and claims double jeopardy.....that's what you're saying.

 Double jeopardy works like that in murder cases because it's impossible to kill someone twice.

And this %%$%! is the scum of the earth. People like this should be sterilized.
That video.

I swear some of y'all women ain't worth %#!*.
She probably thinks she is doing ol boy a favor too... Like I feel bad let me help you and my life will be better.
Originally Posted by 916kid

he has a youtube page

This is legitimately terrifying.  Like i feel something gripping my heart just seeing how easily and coldly you could take away someone's life like that for money. I can't...this world man.
This woman deserves a harsh punishment. To put a person in a situation where there freedom is at severe risk because you decided to lie is just down right low. 
i'm sooooo pissed right now and i'm clearly more evil than he is.....if i was him i would have made the video of her admitting it.....sent copies to the police and said she threaten to accuse me of rape again if i gave you this video....then I WOULD HAVE RAPED HER!!!!.......ugh this chick......my guess, he was the school star HS player dude had girls fighting for him, she saw him with another chick and decided ill show him...
dude better get money from the state(5mil)/school(3 mil)/girl(1.5 mil)

getting falsely accused/convicted of rape is worse than getting raped by a lot.....

this is another example of young men going to jail because they can't afford lawyers.....what lawyer makes a deal with no DNA? and i read that she changed her story first said she was raped in stairwell then elevator.......
How about prosecuting her for fraud? For Slander and libel? how about getting someone falsely imprisoned? How about perjury? And how did they lock him up with no DNA evidence? No rape kit done? There are so many holes in the case... I don't even....
This is so sad. I feel for this poor man. And they were childhood friends too???? Oh man how could you throw your patna under the buss like that?
I would shun her for life. And her parents? They must've been in on the whole thing.

If there is no retribution I would be sorely upset. This is disgusting. I think after reading this I'm going to be a lot more careful when dealing with unknown females (and perhaps even more careful with ones that are supposed to be close to me.)

She deserves to lose 5 years of her freedom for this. This is atrocious, unacceptable.
That video! She lied AGAIN after admitting she lied AND the DNA evidence wasn't there.

Jesus Christ, I'm SO thankful I have yet to come across a woman like that.

It's honestly scary...very scary.
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