WM XXVII Fallout - 4/7 NTWT Maina I Concludes Tonight! - Hombrelobo vs TennHouse | IC Title Tourny

BookerT- Both men just slapped the taste out of one another, now MJ45 throws thefirst punch! Now 916! Now MJ45 with another punch! And now 916! Both men are inthis to able to claim they are the Intercontinental Champion! 916 sends MJ45 tothe ropes and…



Originally Posted by Club29



*916! 916! 916! 916! 916!*
BookerT- Both men just slapped the taste out of one another, now MJ45 throws thefirst punch! Now 916! Now MJ45 with another punch! And now 916! Both men are inthis to able to claim they are the Intercontinental Champion! 916 sends MJ45 tothe ropes and…



hits a CHOKESLAM,and covers MJ45.

RefCounts- 1......2.... kick out.

Cole-What a CHOKESLAM as MJ45 does kickout from being pinned. As MJ45 is moving little bit 916 grabs up MJ45 andthrows him over the top rope to the outside of the ring near the announce tablewhere we are presently are at.

BookerT- 916 waits as MJ45 rolls in the ring and MJ45 moves from getting a boot tothe face to MJ45 clipping the back of the knee of 916 as 916 falls to the mat.Now 916 is holding his left knee and that might not be good for the rest of thematch here as MJ45 takes the knee and drops his knee onto 916's knee with forceas 916 is in pain, as you can see clearly on his face.
hits a CHOKESLAM,and covers MJ45.

RefCounts- 1......2.... kick out.

Cole-What a CHOKESLAM as MJ45 does kickout from being pinned. As MJ45 is moving little bit 916 grabs up MJ45 andthrows him over the top rope to the outside of the ring near the announce tablewhere we are presently are at.

BookerT- 916 waits as MJ45 rolls in the ring and MJ45 moves from getting a boot tothe face to MJ45 clipping the back of the knee of 916 as 916 falls to the mat.Now 916 is holding his left knee and that might not be good for the rest of thematch here as MJ45 takes the knee and drops his knee onto 916's knee with forceas 916 is in pain, as you can see clearly on his face.
Cole-The longer the match and the longer MJ45 works on 916's knee the better itcould be for MJ45 to take advantage and capture the Intercontinental Title! MJ45drags 916 to the corner as MJ45 heads outside the ring. He takes the left leg of 916 and smashes the knee into the steel post. Oh My!What a vicious attack from the 80’s man! That will hurt. Bones could break andlook at this.. he sets his legs up and does a figure four on the steel post. Oh no! This is not looking good for 916. MJ45 still has the hold as ref rolls to theoutside to release the hold and 916 is in massive pain. May have a knee injuryat this point in time.

BookerT- I couldn't agree more, 916 is in trouble here! Ya know I’ve been in thissituation, Cole. And you never want to go through a match with knee damage. AtFall Brawl 97’..

Cole-Booker no one cares about you! How about you do your job and call the match!
Cole-The longer the match and the longer MJ45 works on 916's knee the better itcould be for MJ45 to take advantage and capture the Intercontinental Title! MJ45drags 916 to the corner as MJ45 heads outside the ring. He takes the left leg of 916 and smashes the knee into the steel post. Oh My!What a vicious attack from the 80’s man! That will hurt. Bones could break andlook at this.. he sets his legs up and does a figure four on the steel post. Oh no! This is not looking good for 916. MJ45 still has the hold as ref rolls to theoutside to release the hold and 916 is in massive pain. May have a knee injuryat this point in time.

BookerT- I couldn't agree more, 916 is in trouble here! Ya know I’ve been in thissituation, Cole. And you never want to go through a match with knee damage. AtFall Brawl 97’..

Cole-Booker no one cares about you! How about you do your job and call the match!
BookerT- Excuse me, Cole. I was just making a comparison to help out our audience.Back to the match as he moves away from the posts and tries to stand and justcollapses to the mat. MJ45 goes in on the attack and takes 916's Knee and dropshis weight on top of the knee. But look 916 uses the right foot and plants itin the mouth of MJ45. And MJ45 was dropped immediately. 916 makes it to hisfeet limping and grabs MJ45 and lifts him in the air and plants a



BookerT- Excuse me, Cole. I was just making a comparison to help out our audience.Back to the match as he moves away from the posts and tries to stand and justcollapses to the mat. MJ45 goes in on the attack and takes 916's Knee and dropshis weight on top of the knee. But look 916 uses the right foot and plants itin the mouth of MJ45. And MJ45 was dropped immediately. 916 makes it to hisfeet limping and grabs MJ45 and lifts him in the air and plants a



Booker T- I couldn't agree more, 916 is in trouble here! Ya know I’ve been in this situation, Cole. And you never want to go through a match with knee damage. At Fall Brawl 97’..

Cole- Booker no one cares about you! How about you do your job and call the match!

I hate booker t as a commentator so much. This is putting a smile to my face.

- Yuku is destroying this match
Booker T- I couldn't agree more, 916 is in trouble here! Ya know I’ve been in this situation, Cole. And you never want to go through a match with knee damage. At Fall Brawl 97’..

Cole- Booker no one cares about you! How about you do your job and call the match!

I hate booker t as a commentator so much. This is putting a smile to my face.

- Yuku is destroying this match
BookerT- Excuse me, Cole. I was just making a comparison to help out our audience.Back to the match as he moves away from the posts and tries to stand and justcollapses to the mat. MJ45 goes in on the attack and takes 916's Knee and dropshis weight on top of the knee. But look 916 uses the right foot and plants itin the mouth of MJ45. And MJ45 was dropped immediately. 916 makes it to hisfeet limping and grabs MJ45 and lifts him in the air and plants a



BookerT- Excuse me, Cole. I was just making a comparison to help out our audience.Back to the match as he moves away from the posts and tries to stand and justcollapses to the mat. MJ45 goes in on the attack and takes 916's Knee and dropshis weight on top of the knee. But look 916 uses the right foot and plants itin the mouth of MJ45. And MJ45 was dropped immediately. 916 makes it to hisfeet limping and grabs MJ45 and lifts him in the air and plants a



SCOOP SLAM andcovers MJ45.

RefCounts- 1.....2... kick out.

Cole-MJ45 kicks out, as 916 is up again shaking off the knee, and delivers his rightfoot to the face of MJ45. Who will win this match up?!


(916picks MJ45 up by the hair and swings him onto the ropes, catches him in mid airand slams him down to the mat, 916 picks him up and holds him up in the airwith both hands as he flexes with him twice and drops him behind his back)

BookerT: 916 showing off his power, it didn't look like he was in painthere Cole!
SCOOP SLAM andcovers MJ45.

RefCounts- 1.....2... kick out.

Cole-MJ45 kicks out, as 916 is up again shaking off the knee, and delivers his rightfoot to the face of MJ45. Who will win this match up?!


(916picks MJ45 up by the hair and swings him onto the ropes, catches him in mid airand slams him down to the mat, 916 picks him up and holds him up in the airwith both hands as he flexes with him twice and drops him behind his back)

BookerT: 916 showing off his power, it didn't look like he was in painthere Cole!
916climbs over the top rope and jumps down, he takes two chairs and throws theminto the ring. MJ45 is slowly getting to his feet, 916 climbs over the top ropeand into the ring. But MJ45 gets to his feet quickly and picks up one of thechairs and ..



916climbs over the top rope and jumps down, he takes two chairs and throws theminto the ring. MJ45 is slowly getting to his feet, 916 climbs over the top ropeand into the ring. But MJ45 gets to his feet quickly and picks up one of thechairs and ..



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