WM XXVII Fallout - 4/7 NTWT Maina I Concludes Tonight! - Hombrelobo vs TennHouse | IC Title Tourny

Originally Posted by gregzzy23

Bruhhhhhh...if I paid $55 for this...or if I was in that arena...I would not be able to sleep tonight. All jokes aside I would be furious right now. Then I'd relive the horror when I got my cable bill.

Had a dope stream all night
This, It was worth the 3.50 for the lag free stream
Looking at it now, HHH/Taker would have been the right choice to go on last.

Miz walking out with the title though

Cody with the win

Compared to last year's mania and probably the year before that, this year kept me more entertained throughout despite the Raw-like ending to the main event and Del Rio losing
Looking at it now, HHH/Taker would have been the right choice to go on last.

Miz walking out with the title though

Cody with the win

Compared to last year's mania and probably the year before that, this year kept me more entertained throughout despite the Raw-like ending to the main event and Del Rio losing
what a waste of money...not for me though. lol

Why continue to pay for this crap? There was only 1 good match out of the whole thing.
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Originally Posted by gregzzy23

Bruhhhhhh...if I paid $55 for this...or if I was in that arena...I would not be able to sleep tonight. All jokes aside I would be furious right now. Then I'd relive the horror when I got my cable bill.

Had a dope stream all night
This, It was worth the $6 for the lag free stream

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

For everyone b*******, what did you want to see?

Punk destroy Orton
Anything but a main event draw

I didn't think Del Swag would win the belt.
   Del Swag will win it next year. Miami......only fitting.

 @ both titles being successfully defended! When has that ever happened?

EDIT: who buys a stream? Really?
 And u know that since The Rock would host it, he would come out and have the last say.
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

For everyone b*******, what did you want to see?

Punk destroy Orton
Anything but a main event draw

I didn't think Del Swag would win the belt.
   Del Swag will win it next year. Miami......only fitting.

 @ both titles being successfully defended! When has that ever happened?

EDIT: who buys a stream? Really?
 And u know that since The Rock would host it, he would come out and have the last say.
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Originally Posted by gregzzy23

Bruhhhhhh...if I paid $55 for this...or if I was in that arena...I would not be able to sleep tonight. All jokes aside I would be furious right now. Then I'd relive the horror when I got my cable bill.

Had a dope stream all night
This, It was worth the $6 for the lag free stream

what a waste of money...not for me though. lol

Why continue to pay for this crap? There was only 1 good match out of the whole thing.
show overall was good... i thought all the matches were entertaining, except the last one, but the rock saved it. 
show overall was good... i thought all the matches were entertaining, except the last one, but the rock saved it. 
Edge d Del Rio - Good opener with a surprise finish
Cody Rhodes d Rey Mysterio - Very good match that helped establish Rhodes as a rising star.
Team Big Show d The Corre - Nothing squash match
Randy Orton d CM Punk - Slow, but well laid out match with a good finish. I would have had Punk win, but still a good match
Michael Cole d Jerry Lawler - This was the only letdown of the show for me
The Undertaker d HHH - Awesome match. Amazing what these two did for their condition and age.  Told a great story.
Team Snooki d Team LayCool - Short and sweet.  Provided the needed buffer.
The Miz d John Cena - We all knew it was building toward The Rock's appearance. The Rock certainly made his presence known, laying out Cena.  How often do you see a heel win in the main event at Mania?  Never, so it was a very nice swerve. And fans still went home happy with The Rock dropping the People's Elbow on The Miz.  Sets up The Rock and Cena down the line, and allows for Miz/Cena to continue.

One bad match on the entire show.  I have no idea what most of you are complaining about.
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