Winter break almost over unappreciation

I go back tomorrow

I got homework to do and probably check out the ******** game later
I still have a boatload of assignments to do, a couple of which I realized i forgot my books for
I'll still be off for a few weeks. I'm looking forward to it. I'm bored when I'm out of school.
I start tomorrow.

Doesn't help I've stayed up until 4 or 5 in the morning and I've been completely unproductive during break.
Originally Posted by NewZ05

i for one cant wait to go back...i hate bein home

Jan 17 cant come soon enough
Same here, I live good at college. My girl from lives like 6 hours away from my hometown, but a couple floors up from me in school
school tomorrow....haven't done anything to get my *@!+ together that I didn't do over break :/
Still in High School, so the 11th for me. SMH at my procrastination over the break. A lot of assignments, and I haven't started +$!....
Originally Posted by aaronpayumo

Got school Jan 20th

you starting on a monday? i start on the 19th....
some of my friends at UCLA start tomorrow
Originally Posted by dbbabd

speak for yourself....IM HEATED that we dont go back till the 15. When you get to college you're going to HATEEEEEE coming home for break. This ishh is like punishment I swear.
Take notes kids. This man speaks the truth. I cant wait to get back to LA
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