Winner goes to the guy who made the vid. lock this up mods. thanks

Originally Posted by r0yalty

Originally Posted by Apples28

worlds enemy- correction nipple rings. I guess not every guy likes them but i love them

lakersfan1- whoa whoa whoa i really tried. I want those 50 dollars. lol
Me too

On him, or on you?
Originally Posted by Apples28

worlds enemy- correction nipple rings. I guess not every guy likes them but i love them

lakersfan1- whoa whoa whoa i really tried. I want those 50 dollars. lol

Long Island?
Originally Posted by Apples28

worlds enemy- correction nipple rings. I guess not every guy likes them but i love them

lakersfan1- whoa whoa whoa i really tried. I want those 50 dollars. lol
oh sorry i apologize
I knew this was going to blowup. (sorry to the NT grammer police, my bad, I don't proof read much)
funny stuff guys. so far oh you mad is in the lead. i will make my decision at 5pm tomorrow. pz!
Attention horse

ps. I came up with this saying so I need credit given whener used. Part of my copyrights I bought last time

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