Will We Ever See A 20 Point 10 Assist Season Again?

Deron Williams averaged 21 and 9 this year.

Why do you believe this is such an unattainable feat?
Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Deron Williams averaged 21 and 9 this year.

Why do you believe this is such an unattainable feat?

word. and chris paul had 20 and 9 this year.
just imagine if deron had some better players or a healthy lopez all year. im sure he could have got one more.

John Wall is going to be averaging that soon.
Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Deron Williams averaged 21 and 9 this year.

Why do you believe this is such an unattainable feat?

On one of the least talented teams in the league too. Deron and John Wall I could both see doing it soon.

As if this is some over the top major accomplishment like averaging 50 or something. Chris Paul had two 21 and 11 seasons with the Hornets. Why the hell shouldn't he be able to get 20 and 10 once with the Clippers?

John Wall is definitely capable of this as well. His team will suck and he'll get about as little hype as Blake Griffin gets for his 20+ points and 10+ rebounds, but he can do it.

I'm waiting for the player that the game comes so easily to him, he'll average a quintuple double
Really dumb thread OP. Just because your point guard probably will never do it, doesnt mean it wont be done.
It's been done 3 times in the past 5 years so I don't see why not. (CP3 in '08 and '09, Deron last year).
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