Will, or should any members of the media apologize to the Taylor family?

We know PBF was loud and obnoxious (especially if you saw his 24 hrs show before the fight, and seen him on cribs). Do we know if he was a student of the game? He very may well have been. If I saw him watching film and studying hard, then I would say he is.

When did we ever hear about ST off the field? Unfortunately only when drama arose. On the field, homie was a beast, but at times had mental lapses; leading with the crown of his helmet., spitting on Mike Pittman. Now I believe he was a changed man and may have been doing a lot in the community, but people are only gonna draw conclusions from what they've seen.
Your reply would be relevant to mine, if he didnt say "he did research" and it was "Fact" , so with that said, U didntreeally read what I typed.
If he was giving an opinion, I wouldnt have even replied in this thread, but he said it like it was case study, cold hard fact that on the field play and howyou play is a direct correlation to your life outside of the field of play.
and u can not pick and choose which data you want to apply and which you want to withold to strengthen your study.
I gave you examples of players who's on the field performace bared no resemblance to their off the field performance and lifestyle.
Yeah, I don't know where he gets FACTS from, but me personally, I go off observations to draw OPINOINS for a conclusion.

@ the detour the thread has taken.
People in this country are so damn sensitive. I watch every episode of PTI and Wilbon was very careful with his words about the Sean Taylor situation. They (heand Tony) even discussed the very thing we're discussing right now: the media is always going to be skeptical because that is in their nature. They talkedad nauseam about the fact they don't know what happened, but their first inclination was that it might have something to do with his reckless past. Thereis nothing wrong with that assumption. It's not like Wilbon wrote a column stating as fact that this was some sort of retaliation hit and he was thetarget. He said and wrote that is was a likely possibility. He said that as a media person, and knowing the person's history, you have to look at more thanjust one angle, which he did. He's given him plenty of props for turning his life around and seemed genuinely upset over the incident.

The problem is wackjobs on these internet boards who read one little thing that someone wrote or said, and not even neccessarily matter-of-fact, and they runaway with it as some huge intentional personal attack on the individual. Give me a break. It's called journalism and gut instinct. Why don't you waituntil it's put down as some sort of fact (which is then proven wrong) before calling out a columnist for doing his job.
where did this post go?

judging a man's character based on their play

how the hell did Tiger Woods and Tony Gwynn get mentioned here?

you guys are wasting time responding to whoever started this mess

DoubleJs' topic (which is hard to debate) reminds me of what i saw the other day on ESPN.com

Kentucky's Beard, figure in betting scandal, dies

the man dies, and that's the headline? not "Former Kentucky All-American Beard dies"

it's unfortunate that in todays media, the "bad" outweighs the "good."
Antrel Rolle needs to apologize as well because he was doing the same thing as the media.

But people like to speculate. That's why the initial thread blew up to 20+ pages because people thought they knew the entire story. It's in us (ashumans) to try to fit the puzzle pieces together when most of the time, we have no business doing so.
Actually most writers did rush to judgement as if they knew the facts both in their writing and speaking. They'd live a small out, like "maybe I'mwrong but..." and then follow that with so called aggressive speculation and long diatribes about how black people can't leave the hood behind.
If they start their article by saying "maybe I'm wrong but ... " they're losing their credibility in the first sentence.

I see where you're coming from, but that just won't do. The media is fierce and that's why they always have our attention.
You are who you are in life. And your tendencies show up in all phases of life. This is true everywhere. If your lazy and unorganized at home, then you will be at work, and you will be in relationships. This will always be true. Can you change, certainly, but when you do you will change in all phases.

That is so WRONG on so many different levels. I'm lazy whenI'm doing homework, but when I'm on the basketball court I give it 100% everytime. When I'm playing video games I go 100%, and when I talk topeople I'm not lazy either. In addition, if this were true, Bruce Bowen would be in jail right now.
i been readin this thread and this guy halfheadhalfamazing or watever has a plausible idea in principle. But you are failing to realize that some of thesepeople are not only athletes but they are entertainers.
Deion sanders was a great athlete, but he marketed himself just as well as he played.

Randy Moss & Ricky Williams may smoke pot, but that dusnt mean they arent hard workers. Randy moss is arguably the best receiver in the Leauge. u odnt getthat way by being lazy and not hard-working.

are you saying that Brett Farve is careless with his money and with his family & etc. Yes he was being careless when he donated hundereds of thousand of $sto New Orleans to help after Katrina.

But how can you generalize Sean Taylor like that. Yes he was very physical on the field, he would hit anybody that came his way. that is being a great footballplayer. He did spit in Pittman's face, but everybody makes mistakes, get over it. But back to your point sean taylor was very reserved in his pe rsonallife, a media interview was very rare for him. so by wat u sed wouldnt that mean that he would be reserved in his personal life.

The point of this is that who you are on the field has absolutely nothing to do with what type of person you are. That is a increadibly stupid thing to say.

P.S. That hit on Moorman was a great football play. In that situation Moorman is not a punter, he is a BALLCARRIER THAT IS TRYING TO SCORE. that makes itcompletely legit for ST to level him. the only reason this hit is being brought up is becase Moorman is a P. If he had been a WR, there would be nothing wrongwith this hit. And if you guys dont think there should be real hitting in an exhibition game then they might as well just play two-hand touch.
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