Why is your favorite sports team your favorite sports team?

Jacksonville Jaguars - been a fan since they came to Duval in 95
FSU Football - My whole family went there. Only college team i've ever rooted for
thank god my old man was a Kentucky fan and didn't care for Louisville.

Barry Larkin, Eric Davis.

i used to root for and follow the Mariners when Junior was there, when he came home to Cincy = happiest day of my fanhood.
Originally Posted by frontrunner4life

long story.

Yes.. You do have a lot of explaining to do..

Houston Rockets-Hometown Team
Charlotte/New Orleans Hornets- Alonzo Mourning was my fav player 92-93, and I've followed the Hornets ever since..
Houston Oilers/Texans-Hometown Team
UofH Cougars Basketball&Football-College I attend.. Everyone's leaving CUSA.. Hopefully we do some time soon.. BIG XII!!
Warriors- Grew up watching their games since I was young (grew up in the bay), I went to my first game when i was 4-5 and eventually became a huge fan.It's one of the only constants in my life so far (being a Warrior fan) so it means a lot to me.
Cal Bears- i liked them already before but my brother going there for undergrad made me like em even more, and esp. so since i've been able to sit in thestudent section for football games a couple times

49ers/Raiders/A's/Giants/Sharks-same with warriors (but didn't go games other than warrior games primarily b4 my middle school years)...
Mets - born and raised in Queens, live right by the stadium

Knicks - bleed orange and blue, duh.

Wizards: Richard Hamilton (Jordan coming back got me into them even more), but I still support em even though he's been traded (I root for the Pistonsbecause of it)

NY Giants: My older bro was always a Giants fan so I was brought up watching them. I will show support for the Jets though but I'm not a die-hard like theGiants.

NY Rangers: Got into them in the early 90's, I still remember celebrating 94' and going to the parade.

U-Conn: Where the greatest NBA players come from !
Yankees- My uncles would always come over and teach me about baseball and they have loved the Yankees since they were kids

Giants- From NY....my dad likes the Jets and me and my brother went against him when we were like 7 lol...finally a Super Bowl i remember

Rangers- Uncles again would always watch the games with me .....'94 Cup and Parade

Knicks- Grew up in NY....who else would i like? Starks, LJ, Houston, EWING
Lakers - basically grew up a Lakers fan b/c of my family. I used to live in Inglewood when I was younger. My mom works right across from Hollywood Park/TheForum & I used to get free Laker tickets all the time. Lakers fan 4 life!
Hometown Squads: Mets, , Giants, Jets

Knicks: Raised on the Knicks since forever. The first lasting memory i have is the '99 playoffs i think, the LJ 4 point play. I swear my world was crushedby Tim Duncan and them lame $*@ dudes. Arrgh. I despise the Spurs today, and I will forever.(Edit: Of course NBATV would run a clip from this series today. Ofcourse.

Syracuse: MeloVP, Hakim Warrick... It's in NY, and now I want to go to school there
Lakers: After MJ retired, I needed someone to look up to. Who better than Shaq for a 90s child? He was just so great.
. I was with that team throught allthe championship run, then Shaq left. I still effs with them because Kobe is still great, and Lamar Odom is that dude.

Nuggets: MeloVP

Steelers: I guess this is the best story: In the summer before eighth grade I was thumbing through the Final Score (the discount eastbay joint) for a newjacket, and I stumbled on a steelers joint for like 50. the black and yellow reminded me of the lakers, so I had to rock with it. By time next year, I wasstill rockin that %*%%, and my squad was winning super bowls. And i had the matching beanie.
Lakers- im from LA
Cowboys- My dad hated the raiders because the bounced from LA, and he picked up the cowboys. so i grew up watching them and fell in love with the franchise.
Toronto FC- My boy plays for them
USC- Im from LA and will hopefully got to law school there.
Rockets- McGrady has always been a favorite player
Sonics- Hometown team
Seahawks- Hometown team
Mavericks- Started off being a fan of Dirk and now i just like the team

Grew up watching them. Some of the first basketball I've ever seen since I've always lived in Jersey. Ever since then I've been watching them more& more ( now I watch every game every season) Just started out simple & over the years grew more interest.


A good portion of my family are Cowboys fans. When I was young, I'd see my dad watching the games, I'd watch along. As a grew older, I became moreinterested & rooted for the team I watched as a youngin.


98% of the family is Yanks fans...I just decided to go against them since I was so young. As the above two, I just stuck with them as I grew older/moreinterested.

I got started with sports at an early age...

Always was & always will be my teams...
49ers: My dad is a huge fan and groomed me to be the same since I was young.
Giants: Grew up watching them and went to a lot of the games
Warriors: Hometown team
Arizona: Always been an Arizona basketball fan and now I go there
Knicks- Grew up on them, no matter how bad they can be they will always be my team. Every damn morning it was:

Ma, did the knicks win?
Yes, Andre.....No, Andre (continuous until the fam let me stay up and watch

Giants- I kinda stumbled upon them, pops loved the Jets so I always went for the opposite (Giants) and it stuck.

Yankees- Cecil Fielder, Tim Raines, Jim Leyritz aww man those were the days that took me back (1996 ftw)
Mavericks- I like Cuban, he's a self made Billionaire that got a bunch of money bought his favorite team and runs simply to win a championship and pleasethe fans.

I like underdogs, all my childhood the Mavs sucked for the most part that's why I'm so die hard, I was on the wagon before there was a wagon.

I like the roster, I like that Dirk is an awkward clumsy white dude that his only god given talent is that he is tall but he worked on his game enough tobecome what he is today.

I like the fact Avery Johnson is our coach even though he pisses me off alot. I like the fact pretty much everybody on our team were either people we draftedor players other teams discards(underdog factor)

I like the jerseys.

I like that Josh Howard was the last pick in the first round.

I like the fact that no one thinks they can win a championship.

Texas Football- I grew up in Bryan which is right next to College Station and for various reasons I hate Aggie football.
College Football = University of Miami
College Basketball= University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
NBA= Hornets ....wish they were still in charlotte
NFL= no team really i just like watchin certain teams based on certain players or how they offense/defense is ran
MLB= Atlanta Braves
^ You wouldn't think so, right?

My 5 teams: 1. L. A. A N G E L S, 2. L. A. L A K E R S (I grewup on Angels/Lakers games), 3. U K W I L C A T S(my wife is from Kentucky), 4. TN T IT A N S (we married and started our lives together in Tennessee), 5. L. A. S P A R K S (WNBA/Sparks fan since Day One).


long story.
I swear, it freaking cracks me up when I see people hating on you after you reply to something.

The first time I saw your sig and your screen name, I knew it was a joke, cracked up, and carried on. But I see dudes throwing you stonefaces and asking howyou can be a fan of the teams in your sig, and it's just hilarious to me that they could think someone could be a fan like that.

The whole sig + s/n combo is comedy, and the fact that anyone takes it serious is comedy.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

My 5 teams: 1. L. A. A N G E L S , 2. L. A. L A K E R S (I grew up on Angels/Lakers games), 3. U K W I L
(my wife is from Kentucky), 4. TN T I T A N S (we married and started our lives together in Tennessee), 5. L. A. S P A R K S (WNBA/Sparks fan since Day One).


long story.
I swear, it freaking cracks me up when I see people hating on you after you reply to something.

The first time I saw your sig and your screen name, I knew it was a joke, cracked up, and carried on. But I see dudes throwing you stonefaces and asking how you can be a fan of the teams in your sig, and it's just hilarious to me that they could think someone could be a fan like that.

The whole sig + s/n combo is comedy, and the fact that anyone takes it serious is comedy.

yeah frontrunner has a pretty funny thing going...when i first saw that sig, i was like wth?!?!? then i saw the sn and more and more of his posts and icaught on
Born and raised in LA so there for i'll always be a Dodgers Lakers fan forever.....
it sucks living in AZ with all these LA haters
but i just dust them off
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