Why is it???


Aug 22, 2008
Why is that The N bomb can be dropped on cable TV by white people, but when a black movie comes on they edit the word when used as a term of endearment.
Just crossed my mind..If we are going to not allow the F word and words like that to be on censored why not the most offensive word in the english vocabulary.
Like i was watching a time to kill the other day, and the N word was being said all over the place on tbs...
First of all you have no proof of this. Second, it being the most offensive word in the English language is an opinion
i don't think it's what kind of person is saying the words..i think it's more which channel is the words being aired on? and at what time.

ex: commedy central 1am specials (all language is uncencored)
Originally Posted by viintage

i don't think it's what kind of person is saying the words..i think it's more which channel is the words being aired on? and at what time.

ex: commedy central 1am specials (all language is uncencored)
Maybe people haven't really noticed it..but if you watch like amistad on TBS at 9pm, the N word will be said many times (i understand thatshow they spoke in that time) but if F words are censored I think the N word should be as well.
I don't believe you. Maybe it was being used in that movie (which I doubt), but I would be willing to bet that if a black person used it on the samechannel it would not be censored.

Also, have you never seen the Chappelle Show? The N word is thrown around a lot. You are looking for racism. And The Sole Full 1, stop posting.
I literally just watched american history x on usa last night. And the n word is not censored at all.
When i see it used...it is in a show where racism is bluntly displayed or is the topic.Other then this,i have not seen a white person say the 'n'word...for any other reason.
Originally Posted by InfaredUser

When i see it used...it is in a show where racism is bluntly displayed.Other then this,i have not seen a white person say the 'n' word...for any other reason.
Yeah, that is true.
Originally Posted by mdresident

Originally Posted by InfaredUser

When i see it used...it is in a show where racism is bluntly displayed.Other then this,i have not seen a white person say the 'n' word...for any other reason.
Yeah, that is true.
In most cases, like ^^^ said, it's usually used in blunt racism. I've never seen it used as like a "social gathering" term.
If they had a funeral for the word %%+@% today would be EASTER. I love the word actually.

But can white people say it...Not really. (c) Chris Rock
Originally Posted by RetroJTino

In most cases, like ^^^ said, it's usually used in blunt racism. I've never seen it used as like a "social gathering" term.

lol how would u use it as a social gathering term tho? you mean like a term of endearment?

but yeah, i guess ur right, i guess it adds effect to the dialouge...
FCC stopped reguating what can and can't be said on the tv and is leaving it up to networks to establish their own standards. Furthermore, they have justremoved the f bomb from their unable to say list anyways, as long as it wasn't used as a verb to describe sex. Still, no channes or shows were in a rush totake advantage and I never heard it said
Originally Posted by mdresident

Originally Posted by RetroJTino

In most cases, like ^^^ said, it's usually used in blunt racism. I've never seen it used as like a "social gathering" term.

lol how would u use it as a social gathering term tho? you mean like a term of endearment?

but yeah, i guess ur right, i guess it adds effect to the dialouge...

O naw, not me. But yea, that's wut I mean. Yea "social gathering" wuz definitely the wrong term to use. You got the just wut I mean tho.
me and my boy was wondering this too when we were watchin american history X on the tube..
Originally Posted by The Sole Full 1
OP i feel ya fam. I was watching Gangs of New York the other day on cable & I heard it a few times w/ out edit. was wondering the same
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