Why is Garnett considered as an MVP candidate?

but Regular Season smeason...it all depends in the playoffs which I don't think they be 100%..Injury prone players.
I'm sorry, but your man Kobe has yet to get out of the 1st round without Shaq.
Originally Posted by doyung9

Kobe - 28.2 ppg / 6.1 rpg / 5.3 apg

LeBron - 30.9 ppg / 8.1 rpg / 7.5 apg

CP3 - 21.6 ppg / 11.3 apg / 2.7 spg / 3.9 rpg

KG - 18.8 ppg / 9.4 rpg / 1.3 bpg / 3.5 apg

Now I'm sorry, but Kobe is dead last in this race.

All other 3 could make an argument to be the mvp, but let's face facts, Kobe isn't the mvp. I understand, alot of you guys are youngsters, hate Michael Jordan for some reason, didn't get to shoot enough when you were in league basketball, or hell, shot too much. For whatever reason, you're riding Kobe's d HARD, and you're not right this time. Yes, he's a great scorer. Yes, he's clutch. But he's not the MVP.


KG - He's the best player on the best team in the country. Could he score in the 20 bracket? Yes. But he doesn't need, too. Boston went from being 0-82 last year to being on pace to win 60+ this year. Yes, Paul and Ray Ray are a big part of that, but none like KG.

Result : KG can argue he's the, now read this slowly for those of you who failed 5th grade, MOST VALUABLE PLAYER on his team, which is best in the league.

LeBron - Well, simply put, he carries his team, with less talent than Kobe's Lakers. Their record isn't as good, but they're not 10 games below 500 either. Also, LeBron leads Kobe by 2 in all 3 big stats.

Result : LeBron stat line is better than Kobe's. LeBron is more important to his team than Kobe. Players want to play with LeBron because he makes everyone around him better. Kobe NEEDS players to play with him, otherwise the Lakers struggle.

CP3 - Probably the MOST VALUABLE guy to any team in the league, he single handedly took a team from the gutter to the top floor in one year. Like Garnett did with Boston, however, CP3 doesn't have the perennial all-stars on his team like Garnett. The Hornets are on pace to compete for the #1 seed in the West.

Result : If the award is for the most valuable player in the league, CP3's only shortcoming of Garnett is the fact that Garnett is the leader of the league's best team. His stat line is incredible and he's sparked a fire behind a team that NO ONE thought could be in the position they're in now.

I respect your opinion, but using LeBron's stat line and downing Kobe because in your opinion he doesn't make players better around him is justmindboggling. Do you think that it's a coincidence that Larry Hughes, Drew Gooden, etc. stats and effectiveness all went down since LeBron came? I take ityou mean making his teammates better=avg. more assists which in that case would be true, but would also mean that CP3, Nash, J. Kidd, Jose Calderon, and DeronWilliams are all making their teammates better than LeBron is. The whole Kobe NEEDS players to play with him sounds like saltiness to me because he has did forthe past 2 seasons what LeBron is doing now in the West, a much tougher conference. I mean your statline can't be much better than 35, 5, 5 or 32, 6, 5 butthat didn't get Kobe MVP did it. Why? Because his team was 7th best in the West winning only 45 and 42 games respectively. LeBron is having a monsterseason, but his team is 4th in the East, and have the 14 best record overall in the league, so how much better is he really making his teammates? The only TRUEcandidates for MVP should be CP3, Kobe, and KG because of the impact they have had on their teams AND the league.
KG is considered a MVP because being from Boston and seeing the turnaround we had from last year to this year is crazy. KG has done nothing but lead the teamand show heart. PP and Ray are also nice but they haven't really done anything but just be sidekicks to KG. When he plays you can see his heart too. Oneexample is the Bucks vs. Celtics game. Somebody flagrant fouled KG and as soon as Rondo and Pierce turned their back to see KG was done they ran to him to pickhim up and that Gremlin Cassell too. Cassell was on the bench. That's why he's an MVP candidate.
doyung9 is out of his damn mind.

Kobe is the Most Valuable Player in the NBA the last 3 years and i dont care what anyone says. The last 2 years the Lakers would have been worse then theceltics were last year without Kobe. He was plain and simply robbed both of the last 2 years because of the hatred he has gotten stemming from his Coloradocourt case. I would be willing to bet a HUGE majority of the League would agree with me also.

As far as this year is concerned, 1. Kobe 2. Lebron 3. is a prolly Chris Paul but KG could have a strong argument as well. Either way those are the top 4.Cleveland is terrible and without Lebron would be hard pressed to win 25 games all season long.

Now i see where the OP was coming from with this thread as i was just talking to my dad on the phone about this earlier today, and im not taking anything fromPaul Pierce as i am a huge Paul Pierce fan and Ray Allen, well is Ray Allen, he has always been clutch. But KG does incorporate a certain swagger to his gamethat truly makes everyone around him better and with the 3 of them together it creates so many open looks for the role players on that team which is the mainreason they have had so much success this year. That unfortunately is what takes him out of the 1, 2, race as far as im concerned simply because he does haveso much talent around him which is also what takes Nash's 2nd trophy (1st year i agree with) and Dirk's last year.
Originally Posted by doyung9

Kobe - 28.2 ppg / 6.1 rpg / 5.3 apg

LeBron - 30.9 ppg / 8.1 rpg / 7.5 apg

CP3 - 21.6 ppg / 11.3 apg / 2.7 spg / 3.9 rpg

KG - 18.8 ppg / 9.4 rpg / 1.3 bpg / 3.5 apg

Now I'm sorry, but Kobe is dead last in this race.

All other 3 could make an argument to be the mvp, but let's face facts, Kobe isn't the mvp. I understand, alot of you guys are youngsters, hate Michael Jordan for some reason, didn't get to shoot enough when you were in league basketball, or hell, shot too much. For whatever reason, you're riding Kobe's d HARD, and you're not right this time. Yes, he's a great scorer. Yes, he's clutch. But he's not the MVP.


KG - He's the best player on the best team in the country. Could he score in the 20 bracket? Yes. But he doesn't need, too. Boston went from being 0-82 last year to being on pace to win 60+ this year. Yes, Paul and Ray Ray are a big part of that, but none like KG.

Result : KG can argue he's the, now read this slowly for those of you who failed 5th grade, MOST VALUABLE PLAYER on his team, which is best in the league.

LeBron - Well, simply put, he carries his team, with less talent than Kobe's Lakers. Their record isn't as good, but they're not 10 games below 500 either. Also, LeBron leads Kobe by 2 in all 3 big stats.

Result : LeBron stat line is better than Kobe's. LeBron is more important to his team than Kobe. Players want to play with LeBron because he makes everyone around him better. Kobe NEEDS players to play with him, otherwise the Lakers struggle.

CP3 - Probably the MOST VALUABLE guy to any team in the league, he single handedly took a team from the gutter to the top floor in one year. Like Garnett did with Boston, however, CP3 doesn't have the perennial all-stars on his team like Garnett. The Hornets are on pace to compete for the #1 seed in the West.

Result : If the award is for the most valuable player in the league, CP3's only shortcoming of Garnett is the fact that Garnett is the leader of the league's best team. His stat line is incredible and he's sparked a fire behind a team that NO ONE thought could be in the position they're in now.

I'm just gonna go ahead and assume you were either drunk when you posted this or you hate Kobe. Probably a combination of both based on your firstparagraph. Lebron is doing the same thing Kobe has did the last 2 years. CP3 and KG are the only two people other than Kobe who should be involved in the MVPdiscussion. Seems like your the only person who doesn't realize that. How about we look at the teams too? What is the Cavs record again? And the Lakers?Celtics? Hornets? Basically Bron makes a terrible team.....average. Yet he's the MVP?
Maybe you forgot we are talking about the MVP of the LEAGUE! Not theirrespective teams. Maybe you didn't realize that this award isn't based purely on stats. I mean what is it? Seriously
KG is the leader of that team...mind you, he is the leader of the best team in the NBA. So that says a lot about him.

Honestly, i agree with some people when they say CP3 is the MVP of the league. But i know this is Kobe's year.
Kobe is the Most Valuable Player in the NBA the last 3 years and i dont care what anyone says. The last 2 years the Lakers would have been worse then the celtics were last year without Kobe. He was plain and simply robbed both of the last 2 years because of the hatred he has gotten stemming from his Colorado court case. I would be willing to bet a HUGE majority of the League would agree with me also.

how was he robbed the past 2 years? When his team had the 7th seed and less than 50 wins.... You guys know how the voters base so much of their vote onwinning..... Based on the criteria he did not deserve it in 06 or 07.

man, this double standard some of you guys have on him winning the MVP is laughable. If anything, he deserved it in 03. Not in 06, not in 07. But he definitelyshould win it this year...
Kobe gets !#$ on again....WTH?!...Don't u people understand...KOBE CARRIES THAT TEAM!!!!....without him they ain't !#$ ....LeBron carries Cleveland whoare number 5?6? in the East....Kobe's team has survived injuries and stilll number 1 in the west. Sure Lebron averages more, but who's the clutchplayer?

Wow KG is the best player on the best team....I don't understand it....Son can't lead a team by himself like Kobe and YET! he's the front runner ofthe MVP race.

Iverson won MVP in 01 and they weren't the best team in the NBA...they were the best in the East with a 56-26 record

San Antonio was the best team in the NBA with a 58-24 record

This just shows me that this is Kobe's title this year.....He's the heart and soul of that Laker team...just like Iverson was that year.
i havent read all the replys, but i must comment as i have seen every celtics game.

yes the celtics went 7-2 without him. losing their first three back meant nothing, he wasnt in playing shape, in high altitude, and his shot and energy justwasnt there.

yes ray allen is a great player who can hit a big shot, and hes done that all season, when hot injured, but to say he is as big a part as kevin garnett isfalse.

as for paul pierce, he has been the best player on the team. hes the only one on the team to start every game. his offense has been the most consistent, and hehas taken over defensively at times (his defense as a whole has been excellent - i wouldnt be surprised if he makes an all defense 2nd team). as far as valuethough, kevn garnett transformed this team.

i cant listen to an argument that he shouldnt get it because of his teammates, then say kobe should be mvp (or agree with either of nash's trophies).

overall, its hype keeping him in the conversation. when the celtics opened the season 29-3, he had to be named. now, after a long season where he hasnt had todo as much, others have passed him.

with all this said, i have it (right now) as a two man race between lebron and cp3. kobe and garnett could win it on their name alone though.

my vote would go to chris paul.
Originally Posted by JsindaA

Lebron is doing the same thing Kobe has did the last 2 years.

So why does everybody claim Kobe "deserved" the MVP the last 2 years but now Lebron doesnt this year?
Originally Posted by THockey66

Originally Posted by JsindaA

Lebron is doing the same thing Kobe has did the last 2 years.

So why does everybody claim Kobe "deserved" the MVP the last 2 years but now Lebron doesnt this year?
I think It's because Kobe didn't get the MVP and the Cavs are in the East. The West is just a much more competetive conference than the West.It seems almost a joke that a team 10 games under .500 is on the 8th place. The Cavs are still in 4th place, when I guess we can assume that if the Lakers 2years ago would probably be number 2 or even number 1 in the East.
Originally Posted by OHyeah10

i have no idea. this guy is a bum. hes old and washed up

You can not be for real. KG is still hands down one of the best players in the NBA. He makes everyone around him better. He brings it every night. He mightnot get the MVP but don't get crazy no big man in the NBA can garud KG. He is the MVP on the best team in the NBA.
KG doesn't care about the MVP award. The man wants a ring, as does the rest of the team. For what it's worth, KG said himself that he felt PaulPierce should be MVP. If anyone's followed him like I have, you'd notice the difference in his game this year. Dude is a beast on D.
Funny because I was going to make a post asking if Garnett has a chance to actual win it this year.
KG - He's the best player on the best team in the country. Could he score in the 20 bracket? Yes. But he doesn't need, too. Boston went from being 0-82 last year to being on pace to win 60+ this year. Yes, Paul and Ray Ray are a big part of that, but none like KG.

Result : KG can argue he's the, now read this slowly for those of you who failed 5th grade, MOST VALUABLE PLAYER on his team, which is best in the league.

KG is not even the clearcut MVP of his TEAM. the Celtics did just fine without him. Paul Pierce has a stronger argument for MVP of the Celtics.

now if you he isn't even the clearcut MVP of his team, how can he be ahead of Kobe, Lebron, and Paul in the MVP race?

KGs name has to be mentioned because he's the biggest name on the best team, but he's in fourth place right now.
Originally Posted by allen3xis

Kobe has lead a team by himself better than KG??

KG lead a team to the WCF....

KG had Cassell and Sprewell

Kobe had......?..OH!

So why does everybody claim Kobe "deserved" the MVP the last 2 years but now Lebron doesnt this year?

Kobe deserved MVP because he was shattering records....and no one expected LA to be a playoff team playin in the West. LeBron isn't as great as Kobewas...and LBJ has/had better players around him. and Clearly there are more people doing more then LeBron
Originally Posted by THockey66

Originally Posted by JsindaA

Lebron is doing the same thing Kobe has did the last 2 years.

So why does everybody claim Kobe "deserved" the MVP the last 2 years but now Lebron doesnt this year?

Because Kobe didn't win. So if you are gonna punish someone for having a great INDIVIDUAL season...keep it consistent.
Originally Posted by BrandonL32

Clearly there are more people doing more then LeBron

Get out of here with that garbage.

There is not one other person in the NBA putting up a more complete stat line or meaning more to his team, except for Chris Paul and/or maybe Kobe.
Originally Posted by THockey66

Originally Posted by BrandonL32

Clearly there are more people doing more then LeBron

Get out of here with that garbage.

There is not one other person in the NBA putting up a more complete stat line or meaning more to his team, except for Chris Paul and/or maybe Kobe.

STATS DON'T MEAN A THING....If stats did don't u think Kobe would have won MVP 2 years ago.

Once again Cavs are in a weaker conference and number 5? 6?....CP & Kobe are in a tougher conference and they are in the top 3

"This is a two man race" - Sir Charles
if only kobe's passing ability is as good as lebron...hes too selfish. fisher is the mvp of the lakers...hes a leader and is not afraid of taking ball fromkobe.
I have to stay out of this thread.

Some of the stuff I have seen lets me know that some of you just don't know the game AT ALL.
STATS DON'T MEAN A THING....If stats did don't u think Kobe would have won MVP 2 years ago.
I just notice i said that incorrectly...Stats isn't the only thing that goes in to decision

It's where your team is standings wise
How much u contribute to their success

Now Kobe has a presence...of course they would rather leave Fisher, Farmer, Odom, Walton, and Turiaf open...This is what is makin Kobe a better passer. Histeam is knocking down shots too.

Same goes for CP....thats why i believe there should just be a Co-MVP season because those two alone are doing it big for their teams in a TOUGHER conference.

LeBron isn't the MVP this year...maybe next year if he stays in the gym in the offseason...sure he's puttin up great numbers but how the Ws lookin?Where are the Cavs in a weaker conference?
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