Why do people talk all vague when talking about a specific person?


Staff member
Apr 30, 2004
Say everyone in my office is having a weekly meeting (I don't work in an office, but just run with it).

Alright, let's say that in the meeting, Josh wants to point out that Carrie is late ALLLLLLL the time, and it really holds the team up, because theycan't move forward with projects f the entire group isn't there.

So the meeting takes place, and Josh says 'I just wanted to say that I think it's important that everyone be to work on time. Some people have beenstruggling with this a lot lately, and I don't really appreciate it, and I know that other people here find it annoying as well.'

That kind of thing happens around me all the time, and I just want to interrupt and say 'Ummm, we all know who the heck you're talking about. Carrie,you're late all the time. We all know it. Josh doesn't appreciate it, and it's annoying to other people as well.'

Is that... like... against some set of rules I was never taught or something?
I mean, even on sports teams, in locker rooms, you'll hear stuff like 'Well if some people would box their damn man out then...' blah,blah, blah. Dammit, say who the hell you're talking about. If you don't think Marshall is boxing his man out and he's getting owned under the rim,freaking say it.

What the heck?

And I know some people are going to respond with something like 'It's professional.' I can understand maintaining professionalism is a workenvironment, but in a locker room? Going back and forth in a thread on NT, and then saying something like 'Well, some people think they know everythingabout Reeboks, so I'll just leave now.' It's professionalism if it's a work environment; it's cowardice in other situations.

In my humble opinion.
Somebody should look into getting a blog. Not saying you just uh...somebody.
would you wanna be put on the spot like that? Imo its disrespectful, stuff like that needs to be handled on a 1on1 basis not infront of the whole staff
would you wanna be put on the spot like that?
Yes, I would. Heck, if you're trying to address me taking too many smoke breaks, but you never mention me, I'm probably just sittingthere thinking 'Boy, he really is pissed at whoever he's talking about. I'm glad it's not me.'

I think that in professional situations, if it's a small matter, you talk to the person 1 on 1 FIRST, and if that doesn't yield any results, hell, put'em on blast in a group setting.
And... that's probably whyI'm not a supervisor or anything. Apparently, I'd have all my subordinates going at each other's throats. But we'd all be clear on what pisseseach other off and who's doing it.

And in non-professional settings (locker rooks, message boards, etc.), just freaking mention the name of who you're talking about. Why leave peopleguessing, wondering if you're talking about them? And the person you are talking about, why leave them wondering when you really want to let them know? Let'em know!
I put people on blast when they're messing up and I expect the same from them. Being vague about it wastes time and doesn't accomplish anything.
Originally Posted by reggie707

would you wanna be put on the spot like that? Imo its disrespectful, stuff like that needs to be handled on a 1on1 basis not infront of the whole staff


Doing something like that is very unprofessional
Originally Posted by kicks4kaskets

I put people on blast when they're messing up and I expect the same from them. Being vague about it wastes time and doesn't accomplish anything.

1 on 1 or in front of people depending on the situation
Ska I find your jokes repetitive and your avatar distracting. Previous instances where I have professed a liking of you have been false.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

would you wanna be put on the spot like that?
Yes, I would. Heck, if you're trying to address me taking too many smoke breaks, but you never mention me, I'm probably just sitting there thinking 'Boy, he really is pissed at whoever he's talking about. I'm glad it's not me.'

I think that in professional situations, if it's a small matter, you talk to the person 1 on 1 FIRST, and if that doesn't yield any results, hell, put 'em on blast in a group setting.
And... that's probably why I'm not a supervisor or anything. Apparently, I'd have all my subordinates going at each other's throats. But we'd all be clear on what pisses each other off and who's doing it.

And in non-professional settings (locker rooks, message boards, etc.), just freaking mention the name of who you're talking about. Why leave people guessing, wondering if you're talking about them? And the person you are talking about, why leave them wondering when you really want to let them know? Let 'em know!

We are on the same page. It aint about callin folks out, its about just addressing the issue (usually 1 on 1 first, as mentioned) and sollving it. tell me whyi did the exact same thing, call a staff only meeting (no supervisors) had everyone state their issues, made a co worker aware that her being late all the timewas F!!!n wit me. She still kept comin in late, told the Supervisor.......AND MY HOURS GOT CUT

i was
Ska I find your jokes repetitive and your avatar distracting. Previous instances where I have professed a liking of you have been false.
I really do wish people were more like that, though.
I put people on blast when they're messing up and I expect the same from them. Being vague about it wastes time and doesn't accomplish anything.
I wish my manager would call out the other two pende's at my work. I've already told them face to face and they just take it way too personally.She's "spoken" to them and nothing. We've had those vague meetings and nothing. It's pretty frustrating.
Well somebody disabled my Sig I'm not saying who (because I don't know who did it), but that person is ___________.
i started being extremely blunt with my supervisors/coworkers ... some have respected it and some have been disgusted by it, but it definitely makes me feelbetter ...
Why the person in the work environment named Carrie and the dude hooping named Marshall? Why can't Carrie be the one not boxing her man out and Marshall bethe high powered exec... who is late for meetings.
im on the same page too, cuz that just dont make no sense my mom does that crap too. like " someone needs to take out the garbage" knowing damn wellim the only one thats does that. just say can you take out the trash please not all that beating round the bush talk.

ima go to a club and go " someone here gonna give me some (()) , i didnt pay 40 bucks to get in here to sweat for no reason"
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