Why do people from other countries hate Americans so much?

America is like the star quarterback that's dumb as rocks and the other countries are the studious nerds that have to work for everything
I do NOT believe all humans are born the same/equal. I do believe all humans should be granted equal opportunity to achieve their full potential.

You should've just looked at the SN you were responding to and kept it moving :lol:
Cuz we arrogant, ignorant, taking over mad countries for their resources..
Go to a third world country and peep how people live in there
Our women suck i dislike this country. Our laws , how the gov is ran and I live here but hey what are you going to do. Cud be worst.if I had the resources id be gone in a minute.
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Because americans always say they live in the greatest country in the world and everything else is bs

Came in here to post this. We aren't the greatest country
Our women suck i dislike this country. 
you must be getting no play
you must be getting no play
no  fool its not that.


they have more rights then us.

they have unfair advantages when it comes to the laws.

American women are spoiled. the absolute worst

are laws. are government.

like i said it could be worst but given the choice i would choose to live elsewhere.
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no  fool.


they have more rights then us.

they have unfair advantages when it comes to the laws.

American women are spoiled. the absolute worst....
'Merica's women are the best. Go to the Middle East and get you a veiled up woman, you'll have so many more rights than her you'll love it
'Merica's women are the best. Go to the Middle East and get you a veiled up woman, you'll have so many more rights than her you'll love it
equality sounds good to me but there isn't. it is what it is.
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we may not be on top anymore...but there's no country i'd rather live in. that's for damn sure :pimp:
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Because we live luxurious lifestyles while other countries don't have the same quality of life. It's envy more than hate.

luxurious lifestyles? :rofl:

oh you mean the top .01% holding MOST of the country's wealth while our middle class is shrinking?

oh you mean that American dream? Which just happens to be on life support. Most Americans don't believe it's attainable.


oh you mean a country that incarcerates more of its own people than any other nation on the face of the earth?

oh you mean a country that has widespread violence issues?

oh you mean a country afflicted by a war on drugs that claims thousands of lives every year?

what lap of luxury are YOU talking about bruh? 'cuz I don't see it. seems like a lot of you in this thread are walking around with your blinders on, probably never had a taste of the realities of this country.

the pretentiousness in this thread is absolutely sickening.
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