Why do HDTV's have that UnNatural "Motion"???

i used to think this was
.. but now its somewhat annoying.. takes away from the movie..
The TV in my media room is a DLP. Refresh rate has never been a problem with these, but I'm thinking of upgrading to LED.

Can anyone shed some light on the pros of LED vs. DLP besides the wall mount option, and picture brightness?
That's why plasmas will always reign supreme. When I go to the movie theaters it doesn't look like that, so why would I want my TV to. But I guessit's kind of like the argument between CD and Vinyl. Vinyl will always sound better but digital music has taken over forever. But as long as they makeplasmas you won't have to worry about the unnatural motion. But if LCD and LED TVs ever take over for good then it's a bad day for movies looking likemovies ever again. I will never get used to the unnatural motion. I might as well be watching a Pan & Scan full screen movie. NO THANKS!
whenever i walk through a tv aisle at frys or best buy, i might see this on just one tv and i cant stand it

120 and 240 hz most likely means youre running an lcd, some lcds come with some kind of "24p" or "cinema" modes, try looking for them
I can't see why anyone would like this at all.. It looks fake not real fake. What world do you live in to say it looks like you're really there.

Trust me if you were really on the set it would look like ppl are floating across the screen. SONY is the only one that has a way to take this off orsomething.

I bought a new SONY 42' and made sure it wasn't with that whackness. Soap opera affect fo real.

When i go to friend's houses and they have that I tell them they got ripped off. and that their tv sucks. put it on the normal channel pleasee
^^^Samsung has it as well. I would think every LCD TV has a option where you can turn it off. That is why I don't get why everyone is complaining aboutLCDs....but i could be wrong.
The young kids of today will have their eyes affected very much so by this feature on tvs.

Yes your kids will be googly eyes
You can turn it off on Sony's... Turn off MOTIONFLOW.

I hate it for everything but games and sports...

Movies look like British Stage Plays with it on
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

I noticed it in the newer HDTV's especially the Samsungs, I hate it.

I like my older HDTV, owned it since 06'.

Yes I have a samsung LCD and it sucks the it looks like your watching a documentary instead of a movie, i hate it. The movement is just weird.
i always wondered about this.
Originally Posted by RFX45

I like it, I saw a TV playing Transformers 2 at the store and it had this effect and it was actually pretty cool, almost 3D-esque. Its got a more "real" look into it.
^at best buy i think thats where i always see/notice this. transformers is on and im like, wat the hell... i personally dont like it. i mean itsso damn clear that you can tell its fake. when i was watchin it felt like i was there.... on set
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

any video of what you dudes are referring to?

This is the best example that I can find on the web. Go to:


And then go to the bottom left where it says skate fairy (I would just link you to the skatefairy site but I am at work and the firewall blocks it) and thescroll down to where you see:

ENTRY #189

9:16 Ultra Definition 60p
(Minimum requirments for Mac:
2 GHz Intel processor recommended. If it is dropping frames your processor is too slow.)

And click it and if you have quicktime and a fast processor, you can see an exaggerated motionflow (high refresh rate) on the web.
I have seen those tv's that look fake and I don't like it at all. I have all Samsung Plasma's and I don't have any problem with motion blur. Ihope plasma never goes outta style because imo its the best picture quality. Deep blacks and more natural picture, they are not as bright as lcd's butlcd's are un naturally to bright and it makes things look off.
it gives images a sense of fake movement. it also creates an affect that the foreground objects are popping out and clearer, but it also effects the backgroundobjects making them

look out of sync with the foreground. most of the the time it creates a feeling that the background is moving not the actual person running
Originally Posted by sole vintage

it gives images a sense of fake movement. it also creates an affect that the foreground objects are popping out and clearer, but it also effects the background objects making them

look out of sync with the foreground. most of the the time it creates a feeling that the background is moving not the actual person running

Thank You!.........I have a 46" Z series Sony, so you can turn it off? I like it for video games but not for movies at all
I didn't know it was from the TV, I always assumed it was from the movie or show I was watching.
Like when it looks like the camera is panning left or right?
I always thought that it was because the new tvs are focused and super clear. On the older ones, we are used to them kinda blurred. Like when Jack Sparrowwalks across the screen, you can see his pores on his nose.
i cant stand it....me and some of my homeboys were chillin out watching the strangers...and the movie was like what op is talking about..we were like %+! iswrong with this movie

it makes what im watching look super fake..like the background is staying still and only the people are moving
and i was complaining that my tv didnt have this because its 60hz... its all good i still love my sony lcd.... ill eventually get a better tv
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

You can turn it off on Sony's... Turn off MOTIONFLOW.

I hate it for everything but games and sports...

Movies look like British Stage Plays with it on
i have a sony bravia, could you explain how to switch the motion flow on/off?
The unnatural motion is called judder, you can turn of the anti-judder feature on most 240hz tv in the system settings.
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