Why did they go to such great lengths to try and destroy the black man?

see everyone is getting worked up over words... Its cool to be a little vigilant but y'all aint gonna get no where with out doing some solid research andthinking things out a little clearly... I'll be back a little later with some insight on this topic....
You see how they get mad?...LMAO Racists hiding behind the moniker of ''con-servatives''...and check out the idiots SN...lol...the irony.
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

Originally Posted by lnMyMind

It's true...and it's why your Malibu's Most Wanted hillbilly *%@ wants to be one of us so bad. And before anyone over analyzes my original comment that I only entered to thread to say something similar to what Knowledge said...
lol i wanna be one of "you" so bad huh man ... so i guess all those rock star jean wearin dudes these days wanna be "what im supposed to be" ... ? ...

you think i cant come sideways out of my mouth on a message board? how about if i wanted to be one of "you" ida skipped my college education, continued to sell drugs on the corner, had unprotected sex, contracted aids, had some more unprotected sex, had 3 seperate baby mommas, filed for unemployment and any other assistance i could swindle the government for, shot my gun in the air when obama got elected and still sat my lazy +*! on the couch eating 3 pieces covered in mambo sauce ...

suck +*! @$@*%
wow. some people just have no kind of class
+#%+% wanted to generalize so i generalized ...

You see how they get mad?...LMAO Racists hiding behind the moniker of ''con-servatives''...and check out the idiots SN...lol...the irony.
get mad at someone calling me a wanna be malibus most wanted hillbilly? yes ... mad at anything else? no ... nothing is racist about me im just ahuman being replying ignorantly to an ignorant comment left about me ...
^ word... my dude just generalized EVERY African American male on some real racist *#$%...
so its ok for dude to "generalize" me, but i cant "generalize" him because im white and hes black? %%#$ outt ahere with that *@++
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Assassination of the Black Male is a good book by Earl Hutchinson[/color]
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

Originally Posted by lnMyMind

It's true...and it's why your Malibu's Most Wanted hillbilly *%@ wants to be one of us so bad. And before anyone over analyzes my original comment that I only entered to thread to say something similar to what Knowledge said...
lol i wanna be one of "you" so bad huh man ... so i guess all those rock star jean wearin dudes these days wanna be "what im supposed to be" ... ? ...

you think i cant come sideways out of my mouth on a message board? how about if i wanted to be one of "you" ida skipped my college education, continued to sell drugs on the corner, had unprotected sex, contracted aids, had some more unprotected sex, had 3 seperate baby mommas, filed for unemployment and any other assistance i could swindle the government for, shot my gun in the air when obama got elected and still sat my lazy +*! on the couch eating 3 pieces covered in mambo sauce ...

suck +*! @$@*%
wow. some people just have no kind of class
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]
you forgot going in and out of jail for various drug charges[/color]
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

ok guys...i gotta graduate in december and to do so i have to write a 20 page paper on the topic of my choice...im an african american studies major so it has to have something to do with black people...but i doesn't have to be in america...any topic suggestions???? i want to do something about education but i can't narrow it down or focus it on mainly black people...HELP ME PLEASE AND THANK YOU...

dirty i'm not lookin for homework help just a topic suggestion...
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]The Black Male image in American Mass Media. Did a 12 pg paper on this and was onlyposed 2 do 6-8...Talk about modern and past forms, minstrels and DW Griffinths movie to news, sports, music, movies. Theres alotta topics to discuss aboutthis and you will get your 20 pages[/color]
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

''Nothing is racist about me...'' LMAO Let me guess...you have black friends...
see thats something i would expect someone like you to say ... but in the real world i have friends that will go to bat for me when called for andvice versa ... black/white/hispanic ... growing up where i grew up if i was "racist" ida been a lonely @$% kid
He made a 1 sentence statement about YOU. You went into a racist rant about an entire race of people. Thanks for showing your true colors ane upholding thepoints made in this thread.
- I'm having trouble putting my answer into words

- Go rent Roots & Roots the "new version"
no morequestions after that.

- Human Nature.....
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

''Nothing is racist about me...'' LMAO Let me guess...you have black friends...
see thats something i would expect someone like you to say ... but in the real world i have friends that will go to bat for me when called for and vice versa ... black/white/hispanic ... growing up where i grew up if i was "racist" ida been a lonely @$% kid
you put all this on yourself with that post you made generalizing every black person. nobody made you say it, you chose to. dont get upset whenpeople think you're racist because of it
^Im assuming you were a lonely *#$% kid then bcuz that statement was very racist...
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

"never knew getting my hair done" in a quintessential ethnic black hairstyle "made me want to be something"

, yeah, cause cornrows and dreads are "universal"

but its only a hairstyle

Originally Posted by lnMyMind

Cause they're afraid of us...

afraid of what tho? didnt you watch boyz in the hood?
gun shop onevery corner, liquor store on every corner.
the only thing you should fear is your own kind. because thats who's most likely to end your life. pretty sad when you think about it. but yeah lets blamethe white man for that
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

He made a 1 sentence statement about YOU. You went into a racist rant about an entire race of people. Thanks for showing your true colors ane upholding the points made in this thread.
lets dive a little deeper since you are extremely educated ...

what does he have to go off of in order to make the remark he made about me? im guessing my screen name, a few pyp's and maybe some dc/md/va replies ... soin essence because i had braids, wore some area clothing brands and like things from where i grew up, im trying to be "them" ... ? ... so everyafrican american has braids, likes bob marley, wears "certain" clothes, listens to certain music etc... etc...
whos generalizing?

i replied to an ignorant statement with ignorance ... and i preceeded my ignorance with an obvious admission of doing so ... the reality is, i dont have toprove who i am or where i come from to people on here ... but when someone suggests that im in any way "fake," thats when i get offended ...
Originally Posted by INFAMOUS199

our president is black and were still with this.
and thats the main point ... people still hung up on things as trivial as a hairstyle when we have a black man in office ...
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by INFAMOUS199

our president is black and were still with this.
, oh, you thought that was the end all be all?

the magic bullet?
but white folks do believe that he is the magic bullet that has killed racism. thas their response whenever someone brings up racism
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

because being white is a recssive trait, and you can't make a white baby with interracial parents.

Read the Isis Papers.
Welsing WENT IN

lolwut? i know about 5 girls and about 2 guys who have a brown haired brown eyed black father and a blond hair blue eyed mother. and they have blond hair andblue eyes. the children that is. i didnt know black was a dominant gene.
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