Why are there ads on NikeTalk? The answer is inside.

It's really nice to see the donations going to charities.

f that i agree that some should go to charity but some should go to the mods whats a few more ads going to do honestly they will only appear at the top bottom and middle of pages and wont be annoying at all
I'm black, if that matters.
Is it just me or is it the fact that I have EzSupporter and all the banner ads, etc are gone now?
The ignore feature is dumb a lot of things that are ognna happen will be stupid its gonna be like one of them communitys that got tthe gold and treasure by their username based on their posts

have yo gurl takin down loads faster than napster​
my bad, i didnt really want to go thru all 10 pages..but with unlimited thread viewing also mean unlimited posts per day?
Umm...the moderators have sold NikeTalk t-shirts before...soo...they have sanctioned the sale...
we sanctioned the sale of Tshirts that went towards NT.

we're NOT going to tolerate sales of a tshirt that uses the Niketalk name that will line YOUR pockets..

end of discussion.

wow very BIG news!

I think the change to come sounds amazing, I can't wait!

as far as the donation of extra funds to charities, I'm sure there's a ton of programs for donating money to buy shoes for the less fortunate but I remember maybe around All Star Weekend TNT did a segment on Donating money or shoes for kids in Africa & other countries, I can't think of the name of the program for nothing but I say since we are the largest sneaker community we should donate the funds to help buy shoes for children or the less fortunate.

just a idea, I'm sure we can all figure out a way where the donations will actually do good.
Sounds fun,

Thanks to all the Mods and Admins for keeping this place afloat
Gentry is doing fine.......
Cliffnotes: Buy/Sell Forum Rules​
1. Only 10 items, and only two of any of the same.2. ALL ITEMS MUST BE PICTURED. So no selling things you don't have yet. THAT INCLUDES REPLIES TO WANTED ADDS, seriously everything needs a picture.3. All Items must have asking price, no waiting for offers.4. Links to online auctions are not allowed, no more links to your ebay auction.
we have 100,000+ members???
"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody."-Bill Cosby
I support you decision, 100% percent. I am behind you guys in all your choices. You give us niketalk...you work for free, and thank you for that. I am proud of the fact you made the choice to give the money to charity...that is a wonderful thing. Thanks for everything, and I want the BLUE yuku suite in a L, or maybe a XL...hmmm how do they fit Dirty?
Been here for years...will be here for many more years
New Jersey Nets... Start the Vin-sanity!
team JORDAN...brian SCALABRINE...boston CELTICS...44...scalabrine.com
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change the name to somthing new and make a magazine and what not.... sole collector did it and look how rich they are....

No. SC is exactly what is wrong with the game.
2006 National Champions​
Sorry for the delayed response, guys. I haven't had a chance to check in since the ads went live. Thanks to Dirty and Steez in particular for holding things down.

Let's get to your questions.

This sounds awsome, but will we keep our post counts when we switch over?

YES. I asked ezboard's CEO EXACTLY this question - because I know that some of you are very attached to your screen names, post counts, and join dates. I've been told that those attributes WILL be transferred over to your Yuku accounts.

In fact, ALL of your user names have already been reserved on Yuku. In a few weeks, you'll be able to transfer your accounts over to Yuku to try out the profile features etc. The process is supposed to be VERY simple - as in a few mouse clicks.

As Dirty mentioned, Yuku is the name for ezboard's next platform. Think of it as the 'next generation' ezboard. Rather than simply "renovate" ezboard, they're building a new platform from the ground up. It should be faster and more stable than anything we've experienced thus far.

Of course, we'll have to be patient. The last estimate I heard for our transition to Yuku was October - and obviously the timetable can (and likely will) fluctuate a bit.

Could we move the ads to the bottom of the page instead of right under the NT logo thing?

We're going to test out a few different locations over the next few weeks. We may even try inserting an ad or two between replies in a given topic, just as a different look. What we're trying to do is position ads where they'll get a good response. Otherwise, we won't be able to reach our goals. As much as you might prefer to have the ads pushed down to where you can't even see them, we just can't survive with that type of placement. No one would participate. We need CLICKS, not just views.

What about the registration process?

It is my GOAL at this point to eliminate the membership by approval system. I would love to allow people to begin posting the same day they apply to NikeTalk. However, we can NOT do this until ezboard is able to deliver security features that will meet our needs. I can't have people signing up for 50 troll accounts.

If we can devise a worthy solution to this problem, we'll discontinue the approval process. Otherwise, we'll need to keep it in place until such a solution can be implemented.

wow, I don't really know what to say. I may just prucahse ezsupporter now, so I don't see the ads.

You're free to do so, of course, but I wouldn't recommend it. I don't believe the ezsupporter program will be extended once we transition to Yuku. It just doesn't make sense to let the people who consume the MOST bandwidth evade our advertising. That type of arrangement only COSTS NikeTalk money.

i$$ has a lot of things on there fourm. how much does it cost for them to stay up w/o ads?

I don't know what their hosting costs are, but you have to keep in mind that their entire forum IS an ad. They run a reselling operation and a magazine. Look at their forum and tell me they're not CONSTANTLY promoting those businesses. Their board operates on the same principle as the roach motel. They want to lure you in and get you stuck to THEIR site, so you can promote and patronize THEIR business. It's a popular and profitable strategy, and it works well for plenty of websites. You can't really compare what they're doing to what we're doing, though.

NikeTalk is a community operated by and for sneaker fans. Our staff members are providing what's essentially a professional service in moderating this community - but at this time we're STILL declining pay for the benefit of the community. We're not trying to sell you anything, and since we have no ulterior motivation you don't see NikeTalk members soft-selling you Nike, Jordan, Puma, etc. As anyone who reads NT regularly will attest, if our staff members have a gripe with a Nike product, we don't hesitate to express it!

We exist to serve sneaker FANS, not sneaker BRANDS.

just dont let there be pop ups.

I'm 100% opposed to pop ups and pop unders and I'm sure the entire staff feels the same way. Pop ups are deceptive and manipulative. They screw with your browser, slow your computer down, and ruin the quality of your online experience. They're very profitable, but this is because they TRICK you or your computer into opening pop-ups. You can hammer the ad's close button ineffectually, and the only result will be a visit to the sponsor's website. I hate pop ups as much as you do, and with as much time as I spend on this site - you'd better believe I don't ever want to see a pop up here.

If these text ads do well, we'll never be put in a position to choose between pop-up ads and going offline.

Are the Mods going to stay the same?

Yeah, we're bringing the team back for another run - even the "honorary" staff members who served for a couple of weeks back in the late 90s never to return again will stay on the roster.

I could make a joke here about firing somebody or Bastitch being on thin ice, but I think our staff has done an unbelievable job and to me it's never been a matter of whether or not we want to retain them, but whether we're lucky enough to have them remain with us.

We ask these people to do so much for us and we offer them literally nothing in return.

On a side note...would anyone be interested in buying NikeTalk t-shirts for around $20 shipped...going to help the community?

Are you asking because YOU want to provide those shirts, or because you'd like to see the staff produce another run of t-shirts?

I appreciate that people are interested in shirts and would like to help, but we're not going to allow people to sell "unauthorized" NikeTalk shirts. If there's enough interest, we may produce a run ourselves. We actually have some amazing designs sitting around...

will we still have the same format?
black/red NT banner, ect...????

Let me ask you this, do you guys like the format? We have the option of allowing ezboard to come in and creating a custom "skin" for the site once we move to Yuku.

I'll be honest, I like the way the site looks now, though. This IS NikeTalk, to me. I don't think we need or want something ostentatious. We may clean it up a little, but I think the essence of the site should remain the classic black, white, and red style we're known for.

we have 100,000+ members???

We have around 50,000 registered members. Obviously not all of them are unique accounts and not all of them are ACTIVE accounts.

However, around 100,000 different people VIEW NikeTalk each day. We're charged based on how many people VIEW the site, not by posts or membership count. If someone downloads a page of NikeTalk into their browser, they're consuming bandwidth from our host - and that basically costs us money.

So, to bring this back to my initial post, I don't think it's fair that a few of our members should be asked to pay for the 100,000+ people who VISIT NikeTalk every day. If we serve ads to everyone who visits the site, then everyone is pulling their own weight.

Ya'll can put ads on this thing all you want, but for those users (like me) who dont want to see the ads, we should have a right not to see them...

No, thats not a right. Thats like saying When I was a kid, my dad used to buy me basketball tickets all the time. Since Im used to going to see games for free, I feel have a right to sneak in to an NBA game now if I feel like it.

Ads are how we pay for NikeTalk, and theyre also how we plan to give back to the community. If you circumvent the ads, not only are you cheating NikeTalk and your fellow members youre cheating charities as well. When you view this site, you COST us money. Is it fair that someone else should have to pay for YOUR time on NikeTalk? I think thats a very selfish attitude, personally.

Thank you all so much for understanding and respecting this decision. Honestly, I expected to come into this post and see a lot more negative comments. I thought we'd take a beating for this, even though we as a staff are doing more work than ever without taking even a single penny in compensation for our ongoing efforts.

We fought so hard to keep the site ad free for 6 & 1/2 years, but I've come to embrace the transition to ads because it enables us to work together as a community to achieve even greater goals.

I've been told that, in just half a day, we've already served 280,000 impressions. You all are doing a great job of supporting the ads so far. I can't wait to see how much we're able to raise for charity over the next couple of weeks. I'm looking forward to making the most of this opportunity.

I hope you guys are going to feel proud to be NikeTalk members when you see what we're able to accomplish together.

I am very happy this is a well thought out situation, not a spur of the moment decision. Thank you method man, and all the other moderators.
as far as the "SKIN" goes, i mean like you said..this is niketalk, 3,4 years on here...this is what it is to me, i had a hard time getting usta the facelifts and forum changes...i am a classic niketalk fan, i have seen people go and come...keep niketalk niketalk, i do think you know what i mean.
once again thank you for everything
New Jersey Nets... Start the Vin-sanity!
team JORDAN...brian SCALABRINE...boston CELTICS...44...scalabrine.com
AIM/...\Gmail/...\AOL/...\team SCALABRINE
are all the banned s/ns unbanned on the new server? or just the ppl that are approved right now, well, till the move accepted?
^^^ dirty said banned members are still banned.

thank you again meth and all the other mods.

i am behind this100%. you guys, as the mods are running this site w/out getting paid, so i feel it's your decision on what would be best for the community.

as long as there are still the wise-cracking mods (dirty and bas), its all good. :lol

Not new, just an alternate sreen name
have you purchased EZsupporter?^^^^

We're going to test out a few different locations over the next few weeks.

NOOOO!!!!! this is what killed howardforums for me

references: yvespo3, aephlux, projectdtp,BocaPimp,LIVEMYREALITY,morningstar777, oscarmeyerslanger
If you don't see an ad you either:

A) Have ezSupporter.

B) Have FF with a certian extension that blocks them.

To solve this just log out and use the IE tab extension or just open niketalk.com in Internet Explorar.
will niketalk still have ads after the switch-over?
Not new, just an alternate sreen name
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