Who's watching Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles tonight? (FOX 8 ET/PT)

--I seen a few episodes of this show. Pretty good from what I've seen so far.
--Nothin to do tonight..probably watch it.
--Even though they are ret-conning the Terminator series, it's pretty good nonetheless.
It was a good episode last night. It effectively set up next week's episode in which someone WILL DIE (had to make it dramatic). I have a feeling it'sprobably going to be the girl that John likes. They aren't going to kill of Derek or that terminator.
Great episode. Everything that happened finally took a toll on Sarah.

Spoiler [+]
I was wrong about last week. They did kill Cromartie.
man i wanna read that spoiler so bad

still got another 50 minutes over here.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Great episode. Everything that happened finally took a toll on Sarah.

Spoiler [+]
I was wrong about last week. They did kill Cromartie.

i guess this means yet another new one from the future.
or that crazy red headed "woman"
tonight's episode was great. 2 very good back to back episodes

some thoughts;

Derek should have killed both the Fisher's
Sarah should have killed the guy at the bowling alley
John should have let Cameron get the truth out of Ellison

interesting how their human compassion's and judgement has come back to haunt them
Originally Posted by HOVKid

The show is awesome. I've seen every episode (I just DVR them).

it really has become a great show, season 2 has gotten so much better than season 1. I usually just catch online streams of it since I usually miss it on TV

I wish more people would tune in and give it a chance(and thus more seasons). this season has been phenomenal
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