Who sits in the front seat of the car, your mother or your wife?

how takes the front?

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If my wife and mother argued like that I'd just remove the front seat and put a milk crate there. See who's really bout that shotgun life.
Whoever weighs more and needs leg space. Can’t stand some one behind me leaning to the side cause they legs too long
Do y'all offer up your seat to females or elderly males on the subway?
1. woman, depends on how i'm feeling. if i find her attractive than definitely
2. men if visibly injured or wild groceries, etc.
3. old ppl
4. small children like 5 n younger usually sits on the parent (typically the mothers) lap.
I hate it when someone beats me to offering and elder my seat. Especially when another woman does it. Then I feel like that guy. :lol:

I used to feel awful when this happened to me on the bus as a teen. I couldn’t look the elder folks in the eye because I was mad dogging the girl who beat me to offering first :lol:
Wife, nothing against my mom its just more practical for her to be up front most of the time.
Wife in front.

It the mothers husband's responsibility to hold her in that high esteem. Not the son/child-husband.

Some cultures demand that the mother be held in the highest regard to the son but those same cultures complain about the parents every generation(Nigerian, Italian, Islamic etc. some not all).

There is other dysfunction in the husbands family for him to even be put in that situation.

But the mother is foul for that, instigating dysfunction in his house. You aint changing his pamper anymore, the wife is. RNS:emoji_smiling_imp:
No way I’m making an elder(male or female) sit in the backseat
Do y'all offer up your seat to females or elderly males on the subway?
Yea. I used to ride the train to and from work everyday for 3 years. I've given up my seat to pregnant women and kids too. Small kids are at risk of falling down. Elders have to be real old, can't be out here looking like no 80 year old fitness guru. Also, there's a calculation that takes place, if I'm still super far from work and the old lady looks like she has sturdy legs, I might hold off. Keep an eye on her. If she's lookin wobbly, I'll probably give it up.
Do y'all offer up your seat to females or elderly males on the subway?
I’m from NYC.

it’s savage time for seats. I’m only getting up for an older 60+ person, a woman who is visibly mad pregnant or someone with a cane or boot.

Other than that I’m basking in my seat war victory. Especially if I have an edge seat. I’m not tryna move lol.

I’ve seen dudes give up their seat cause a chick is cute...**** outta here :lol:, she still looks cute standing up.

Or even little kids, their parents already be holding their backpack anyway, and they’re mad youthful. If they took their head out that damn iPad maybe they would be able to keep balance... a lil kid can stand that *** up too.
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