Who In The NBA Shoots With Their Non-Dominant Hand

Oct 13, 2001
Meaning, they are NATURALLY a left handed person, and they shoot with their right. Or vice versa

Like this dude

I heard about this on a televised game. But I thought he did that more for another reason. But he's still right handed.
I am right handed. I do EVERYTHING with my right, except for shooting jumpshots.
Layups = Right is stronger
Dribbling = Right is stronger

I don't know how that happened but throughout life everyone always forced me to my right.
There is a whole Book on this subject, Larry Bird used his left hand for most things except playing basketball, Ricky Henderson, was left handed in everything except when batting, which is extremely rare.
Just because Bron writes with his left hand doesn't necessarily mean he is "naturally left handed".  He is actually right handed.  He not only shoots right handed, but he throws (footballs, baseballs) right handed.  Throwing is usually the tell tale sign. 

My dad is the same way.  He writes left handed, eats with his fork/spoon in his left hand, but does basically EVERYTHING else with his right. *shrugs*

They are just ambidextrous, word to that little Larry Legend blurb someone posted.
I do the opposite... I write, shoot guns/pool with my right - but shoot hoops, bowl left. Basically anything that takes precision is right-handed, left is stronger. I can use both hands for chopsticks tho!

I think I was supposed to left handed, but my parents made me use my right.
Bob Cousy
Cousy fell out of a tree and broke his righthand. It forced him to play left-handed until his hand healed, to apoint he became effectively ambidextrous. In retrospect, Cousy describedthis accident as a "fortunate event" and cited it as afactor in him becoming a better player.[sup][9][/sup] During a Press League game, the highschool basketball coach saw Cousy play. He was impressed by theyoung man's ability to play with both hands.
Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

Just because Bron writes with his left hand doesn't necessarily mean he is "naturally left handed".  He is actually right handed.  He not only shoots right handed, but he throws (footballs, baseballs) right handed.  Throwing is usually the tell tale sign. 

My dad is the same way.  He writes left handed, eats with his fork/spoon in his left hand, but does basically EVERYTHING else with his right. *shrugs*

They are just ambidextrous, word to that little Larry Legend blurb someone posted.

You just argued that he's actually right handed, then said he's ambidextrous. Which one is it?
Chill...you can have a dominant hand/arm and be ambidextrous simultaneously.  Bron's right is his true dominant hand/arm is all I was saying.
I'm not in the league obviously but I am right handed in everything besides basketball and bowling. I think Josh McRoberts is the same way.
I write left-handed, shoot a hockey puck left-handed, but everything else I do right-handed.

I even eat with my right hand, which is strange because it's essentially the same grip as when you write
Originally Posted by hpscots0906

Isn't phil mickelson (don't like the guy) right handed yet chooses to golf left-handed?

Yeah. When he was a little kid, he used to stand in front of his father and imitate his swing, so he learned the game playing lefty.
I do everyday stuff like write, eat, brush teeth, etc. with my left hand. But when it comes to sports, everything is done right-handed.
I write and eat left handed.

everything else is right handed.

My dominant hand is my right...at least to me.
Didn't Kobe have that phase where he was shooting damn near everything with his left?
Originally Posted by JD617

Originally Posted by hpscots0906

Isn't phil mickelson (don't like the guy) right handed yet chooses to golf left-handed?

Yeah. When he was a little kid, he used to stand in front of his father and imitate his swing, so he learned the game playing lefty.
Thought I'd heard something, just realized this is an NBA thread
thats what posting during Gov't 2302 does for you
Just because LeBron signs with his left hand doesn't make him left-handed. Russell Westbrook signs with his left hand. Barry Bonds signs with his right hand. Griffey signs with his right hand.
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