Who got robbed in the late 80's early 90's?

:lol: at "relieved"

Exactly dudes use words to lessen the reality of the situations. This thread is silly. Funny nobody in this thread was ever "punked" or "deebo'd" or "styled on"...naw just "relieved of their gear". This is the worst pissing contest I've ever seen. This is basically "How can I tell a story about being robbed but still sound cool..."
born in '80 flatbush brooklyn, then moved to brownsville in '86 {Herzl & Pitkin Av}. Back in 91 or 92 Jansport bookbags were hot. Went to Meyer Levin JHS, one day afer school I peeped some dudes checking out my boy and pointing to his bag. I let him know whats up so we decided to jet when the light turned green. These dudes chased us up remsen ave until finally they gave up. The next time we were on kings highway and there was a group of kids hanging around. He wanted to go see what was going on, I wanted to go the other way. At the time we didn't know what was going on, but later we found out it was a gang initiation for Decepticons. For those of you from Brooklyn in the early 80s and 90s. This was the time when BMW and Decept were doing things. Once it was all over we just ended up getting surrounded by everyone, then someone yells out Jannys refering to our book bags. They seperated us and we were surrounded. Some dude told me to run it and I refused, then I got kicked in the nuts and they took it off me. Once they cleared out me and boy was picking up our books off the floor.
^Damn I forgot how jansports use to be poppin back then.....I remember I had a whole bunch of those stupid colorful strings hanging on mine lol

http://www.noxmen.blogspot.com/2008/11/dj-victorious-blog-5-jansport-legend-of.html Found this years ago, I'm sure you two can relate.
Everybody has taken an L at one time or another. This thread is just asking for specific experiences. I don't see anything wrong with it.
Everybody has taken an L at one time or another. This thread is just asking for specific experiences. I don't see anything wrong with it.
Right. At the end of the day I just wanted to make interesting conversation..which is what forums are about anyway.
i almost got robbed in elementary school in the early/mid 90s but i was a fast runner and they never caught me. 

they wanted to take

-49ers starter jacket

-49ers gold satin jacket

-michael jordan vs larry bird handheld video game

-dan marino handheld video game

-blacktop reebok bball shoes

-reebok pumps

my cousins on the other hand got ran for hella stuff.. gold chains, hats, pagers.. i remember in 95 my older cousins were out celebrating the 49ers superbowl victory and got jumped for all their stuff came home barefoot wit hella welts on their heads smh
Not robbed technically, but I remember my brother got his White 4's stolen from his locker during karate as a kid :smh:
I remember when I was walking around with the patent leather blk/gold Jordan 1's in 9th grade. Set em down by my backpack during Algebra class, and later looked down noticed a side was missing. Grabbed the one side and went to harass people to find the other side. This one dude in my class was build lk a NFL player at 15. I knew it was dude, cuz he was so determined to help me find em. Found em behind a computer in the classroom. The next day dude stole a girls blue contacts then wore em the following monday. Black with blue contacts :smh:
So, why is NY better now, is it because of the police or are people just nicer?

I wonder why it got so bad to begin with. Probably had something to do with the lead paint.
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I remember when dudes were zip tying zippers and such but i was lucky enough to jus be a visitor n the rough areas where theyd run u for ur starter or jays...

It was def a dif era tho... one time n the 6th grade some1 stole my taxi xiis right off the bench during a game smh

I only wore em for games n it was a blowout so i switched to sandals and left em on the bench... came back after the team huddle... gonzo

Also i remember my cuz from texas (el paso) tellin a cat he was gunna hafta shoot em if he wanted his jacket... he got pistol whipped n they tried to rip it off him but im pretty sure he kept his coat
:lol: at "relieved"

Exactly dudes use words to lessen the reality of the situations. This thread is silly. Funny nobody in this thread was ever "punked" or "deebo'd" or "styled on"...naw just "relieved of their gear". This is the worst pissing contest I've ever seen. This is basically "How can I tell a story about being robbed but still sound cool..."

Why you mad though? Clearly, "relieved" was intended to be a euphemism for something more serious... :rolleyes

Me and a friend walked into the wrong neighborhood (Bronx, behind the BX zoo) one day, about 6 dudes approached us, they wanted my boys 700 North face (blue/black) and his Cuban, I took a hit on the closest dude to me and took off, my dude ran the other way, one of the dudes that chased me got a hold of my North Face book bag and snatched it, but I was able to get away untouched, when I linked up with my boy he got "got" for his jacket and chain, the mid 90's were NOT pretty in the BX...**** was straight disgusting, today's youth is soft as hell :rofl:

If I recall, you wen to Columbus in the BX, right? I know you've got stories to tell about how wild that place was... :lol:

I grew up in the Castle Hill section of the BX, MS 127, St. Raymonds HS for Boys alumni over here. Anyway I just remember hearing so many stories about dudes getting robbed for their gear at Columbus. It mattered to me only because that was my zone H.S coming out of middle school. Luckily for me, my parents decided it would be best for me to attend St. Rays so I was spared the hell that was Columbus... :lol: :lol: :lol:

I knew a few dudes that got jumped for their ishh in middle school. Me personally, I stayed decked out in Payless and the fugazzi Polo and Tommy H--you know, the one that had the Fruit of the Loom tag :lol: :lol:-- so I was never bothered. Didn't get my first nikes until 7th grade and even those weren't worth stealing. I did almost convince my dad to buy me some Reebok DMXs, and he was about to, until my mom saw mad news reports of kids getting jumped for those kicks (DMXs were affiliated with the bloods so yeahhhh)... :lol: :lol:.

Those were the ddays though... :lol:

I'm also an older guy that went throught he Starter Jacket/Jordan/Reebok Pump Era. I was always a smaller guy, but luckily the "Debos" in my area knew that I was one of those guys that it would be a problem to try and lift something right off me. I heard plenty of so called thugs at barber shops, corner stores, and malls loud talk their people when they passed me about how they should rob me, but no one ever tried.

I almost was a victim in the 6th grade when I left my red satin bulls starter in my locker. I heard a locker open and shut and I knew that it was mine. I saw the guy during the class switch rocking the hell out of my jacket. The clothing exchange ended with a choke hold and me taking my jacket off him.

I was one of the lucky ones. I can remember countless friends of mine getting their chains snatched, and exchanging their jackets and shoes for the right to walk away from the situation still alive. The State Fair was open season for stick-up-kids. :smh:

Growing up in that era changes you. Spidey senses are amazing now, and I will never buy Jordan sneakers for my kids.
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Why you mad though? Clearly, "relieved" was intended to be a euphemism for something more serious... :rolleyes
If I recall, you wen to Columbus in the BX, right? I know you've got stories to tell about how wild that place was... :lol:
I grew up in the Castle Hill section of the BX, MS 127, St. Raymonds HS for Boys alumni over here. Anyway I just remember hearing so many stories about dudes getting robbed for their gear at Columbus. It mattered to me only because that was my zone H.S coming out of middle school. Luckily for me, my parents decided it would be best for me to attend St. Rays so I was spared the hell that was Columbus... :lol: :lol: :lol:
I knew a few dudes that got jumped for their ishh in middle school. Me personally, I stayed decked out in Payless and the fugazzi Polo and Tommy H--you know, the one that had the Fruit of the Loom tag :lol: :lol:-- so I was never bothered. Didn't get my first nikes until 7th grade and even those weren't worth stealing. I did almost convince my dad to buy me some Reebok DMXs, and he was about to, until my mom saw mad news reports of kids getting jumped for those kicks (DMXs were affiliated with the bloods so yeahhhh)... :lol: :lol:.
Those were the ddays though... :lol:

I lived 4 blocks away from Colombus, **** was no joke in the late '90s, luckily for me I was cool with the folk who were doing most of the stick ups back then lol.

I got a gun pulled on me for team Jordan's & a fake Tommy Hilfiger bubble on Jamaica ave in queens when I was in 9th grade (1999 I believe) had to walk to my boys house to call my mom & bring me some cloths.... Smfh
Born in 76
Got relieved of a raiders snapback once
"Relieved" got me over here giggling my *** off. 

What fine choice of word, for such a kind gentlemen to relieve you of your burden.
Born in 1981 in good ole' Kings County, NYC.

I got "got" for of course money, snapbacks, North Face jackets ... but NEVER polo gear or kicks.

However, ive had homeboys completely stripped of their Polo gear (especially in High School), earrings, chains, Timberlands (yep, bum *** timbs) and of course leather jackets...

thats when it became real to all of us that a gun is the new pitbull...

brooklyn was a mess, for real...
Interesting but being that you were born 1981, I'm surprised people were still getting robbed in the mid 90's for Lo and other things cause I thought by then Giuliani was coming down hard on BK and the whole NY. But I guess BK still had a long ways to go?
let's put it like this..if you wasn't thoro or at least fast enough to outrun goons, you had no business in a vanson or northface or triple fat goose.
:wow: at the Tripple Fat Goose...but I have to disagree Ninja, I've seen the most thorough return to homebase without their jackets and sneakers.
A lot of us were just plain lucky that weapons weren't involved.
ill share a story

back in da day i was in da last car of a train wit my OG black and purple north face bubble...some goons got on da next station, they hesitate no time in asking me "what size was your north face"

which meant they were tryin to gank me for my joint..i told em its a size small to buy some time till da next station came up, soon as it did i walked outta there..by da time they figured out i outsmarted em ( i was way too tall for a small lol)

they ran to da express train transfer i walked to and demanded i come out..i said "hellz no!" they were frustrated cuz they knew they had da jump on me and i outsmarted em, so they punched da glass of da train i was on in frustration..they couldn't

try me on da express train cuz da train car was more populated and da next stop was a long ways it made a escape with me jacket a impossible feat.
Born and Raised in The Bronx and only got robbed once thank god and believe it or not for a basketball got approached by three dudes and one just straight
punched me while the other pulled out blade and said "how bad you want it back" proceeded took take the L. Yeah early 90's where no joke walking through Hunts Point with anything of interest was a jooks for sure.
I'm an 80's baby and I'll rep the West Coast:

Walking back home on Manchester Ave from a hotel party in Inglewood at about 2AM. I had a backpack with a half gallon of cheap rum, my student ID and that's it. All of a sudden had that sixth sense that someone was behind me, I turned around and two kids with bandanas over their noses/mouths were creeping on me. They just shouted: "give me your cash homie". I just put my hands up, backpedaled and said I didn't have anything, which was true. One of the dudes lifted his shirt to show a gun handle, and I just repeated that I didn't have anything (honestly, broke down in real tears). I figured that if I gave them my backpack, I might've gotten offed to leave no witness. The two guys then inexplicably took off running down a side street.
I ran a couple blocks to a 7-11 and called for a ride home - old school, no cellphones.
Born in 88' Lived in Harlem....Never got robbed when I was younger although where I stayed @ on the East wasn't that bad...couldn't say the same for other areas, and especially over on the Westside uptown....My grandparents stayed on 142nd and 8th...**** used to get crazy out there looking back on it, but I guess I was just too young to realize all the hardships.....But some cats did attempt to rob me and my homeboys back in 05' when were leaving a teen party @ Club Exit
ive had my bike stolen multiple times but the one memory that was the most vivid sticks with me. i was i want to say 10-12 and i was outside a burrito shop with a friend eating food with our bikes right beside us. this guy maybe 17-20 comes up to me and says "NICE BIKE *****" and leisurely takes, it looks both ways before cross the street and rides off into the distance. I'm walking home dumbfounded and crying because i knew my dad would kill me. I can now laugh about it because of how outrageous it was but back then i was crushed.
I remember seeing plenty of dudes getting their bubbles slashed for no reason :smh: , they'll be walking and all you see is feathers coming out
Born in 88' Lived in Harlem....Never got robbed when I was younger although where I stayed @ on the East wasn't that bad...couldn't say the same for other areas, and especially over on the Westside uptown....My grandparents stayed on 142nd and 8th...**** used to get crazy out there looking back on it, but I guess I was just too young to realize all the hardships.....But some cats did attempt to rob me and my homeboys back in 05' when were leaving a teen party @ Club Exit

Fellow 88er here from Harlem too except I actually live west side uptown. Man I seen some crazy stuff growing up... It's wayyyyyyyy better now but back there was gun shots every other day and some days you would actually see a body laying on the floor. Dudes getting jumped by like 50 people, getting bikes thrown on them. Thank god *knocks on wood* nothing ever happen to me I always stayed to myself and never got involved in that stuff but I can't say the same for everyone.

had my royal blue jansport with the suede bottom "got" right in front of Grady HS like 2 blocks from my crib. I hit dude with "but my grandmama just bought me that" line >D, needless to say the goblin at the time dumped my books and let me keep them. Moms still made me go to school that day wit a luggage bag for a school bag!! :roll eyes

I remembered freshman year in Lafayette HS in BK. I swear every week one of my home boys from flatbush would get picked off and stop comin to school cuz of being robbed (jewelry, starter gear, colombia jackets, Lo, Beef, buck 50's).

The worst day was of course halloween in BK.
But thats another story.
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