Who else is watching The Real World.

it was a joke
Originally Posted by Fanatic15

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by DallasSneakerHead08

Originally Posted by ucubed

lol well I know who gets kicked off/leaves if anyone does...but I never talked to Greg, but to me he seems like an arrogant pompous bast*** and yea I don't think he's that witty.

, people getting overly pissed off at dude just b/c he has that "chill mode, i dont give a f***" swagger.

It's fine if someone is like that, just don't be a complete +$#%$*%#$ tool about it. Isaac from Sydney was much better at it.

Exactly. It's one thing to be cool and laid back. It's quite another to be an *+$. You can't communicate with people like that which makes it ultra difficult to be around them.

How was he being a (W/e you were trying to say)? Everyone in the house was asking him all these questions from the jump and he obviously a guy that keepsto himself. He chooses not to wait in a long a** line at a club,then says a club is "lame" (which was very true based off what was shown) then callsdude a "weirdo"
and all hell breaks lose against him. Nottrying to d***ride but lets look at it from both sides.
YO! ^ I dig you but like I mentioned earlier... one club was too lame. The next night he doesn't want to wait in line for a spot that's poppin'.What the hell does he want? Who is he to think that he can waltz into the most happening joints in L.A.?

Entertaining as it is; he could benefit from some humility. I didn't catch where he's originally from but he seems to be the most attractive person inhis circle (or have been told he his). Which as a result has made him delusional. DF!!!
Originally Posted by WILLINC

Exactly. It's one thing to be cool and laid back. It's quite another to be an *+$. You can't communicate with people like that which makes it ultra difficult to be around them.
But him being an %$& at least makes it entertaining,

He was definitely cast for entertainment value (I don't believe the MTV voting is 100%, they have to do interviews and stuff to make sure he'sactually watchable). Sometimes you need that type of personality. If everyone was happy and got along it would be very boring. SO yeah it'sentertaining, but that doesn't take way from the fact that I'd never like this guy as a person
How was he being a (W/e you were trying to say)?

Calling people peasants, calling a grown man a "cheerleader" (if that isn't a knock on his masculinity what is. How can anyone expect thisdude to be cool about that). The way he presented himself in the beginning. The fact that he calls women associates, as well as his other"friends". Pretending not to care about them but get mad when another guy kisses one. If you don't care, then don;t care. Having this persona,and totally going against it is corny. And let's keep in mind all of this occurs in a span of like 3 days.

But that's my opinion. He might be a cool dude, the Hollywood lights seem to have gotten to him.

YO! ^ I dig you but like I mentioned earlier... one club was too lame. The next night he doesn't want to wait in line for a spot that's poppin'. What the hell does he want? Who is he to think that he can waltz into the most happening joints in L.A.?

Entertaining as it is; he could benefit from some humility. I didn't catch where he's originally from but he seems to be the most attractive person in his circle (or have been told he his). Which as a result has made him delusional. DF!!!


at me really having a drawn out conversation about a random corny dude on the Real World
I don't get how some people find Greg to be cool. He is always so negative in everything he does and says like when he calls people peasants, what makeshim better than anyone else? nothing.
Greg kept it 100, most of the time %$$#$+ get there and seem to just loose their minds. One minute the meathead from PA is gawking at the females w/o theirtops the next he's naked in the their room while they cover their eyes
Like %+@?How many times have we seen "Oh xyz is sooooooo my type he/she reminds me of home, I can totally see him/her as bf/gf material
" just to have them be like "xyz is so disgustin, I have no idea why I was evenattracted to him/her
" The guy seems observant and efficient, aint nothin wrongwith that
Originally Posted by Fanatic15

Originally Posted by WILLINC

Exactly. It's one thing to be cool and laid back. It's quite another to be an *+$. You can't communicate with people like that which makes it ultra difficult to be around them.
But him being an %$& at least makes it entertaining,

He was definitely cast for entertainment value (I don't believe the MTV voting is 100%, they have to do interviews and stuff to make sure he's actually watchable). Sometimes you need that type of personality. If everyone was happy and got along it would be very boring. SO yeah it's entertaining, but that doesn't take way from the fact that I'd never like this guy as a person
How was he being a (W/e you were trying to say)?

Calling people peasants, calling a grown man a "cheerleader" (if that isn't a knock on his masculinity what is. How can anyone expect this dude to be cool about that). The way he presented himself in the beginning. The fact that he calls women associates, as well as his other "friends". Pretending not to care about them but get mad when another guy kisses one. If you don't care, then don;t care. Having this persona, and totally going against it is corny. And let's keep in mind all of this occurs in a span of like 3 days.

But that's my opinion. He might be a cool dude, the Hollywood lights seem to have gotten to him.

YO! ^ I dig you but like I mentioned earlier... one club was too lame. The next night he doesn't want to wait in line for a spot that's poppin'. What the hell does he want? Who is he to think that he can waltz into the most happening joints in L.A.?

Entertaining as it is; he could benefit from some humility. I didn't catch where he's originally from but he seems to be the most attractive person in his circle (or have been told he his). Which as a result has made him delusional. DF!!!


at me really having a drawn out conversation about a random corny dude on the Real World

yeah we have to stop this. But yeah I feel you on what you sayingabout him calling people names like that guy who looked like a walking steroid wasn't going to flip when he basically called him a girl. , I just thoughtit was ******ed for the girls to get so offended about him calling girls "associates" on that little video thing then trip out on him just becausehe's not "excited" at the very beginning. A course dude is frontin about both things, but I really appreciate comedy that causes drama on"reality" T.V.
Originally Posted by MFr3shM

I don't get how some people find Greg to be cool. He is always so negative in everything he does and says like when he calls people peasants, what makes him better than anyone else? nothing.
He was calling them peasants after the all gathered together to talk negatively about him behind his back, he has the right to call them peasants ifthey are talking behind his back . Thats simply my opinion
Wow, I can't believe this series is still on. The first time (and consequently the last time) I watched the Real World was the second series in LA. Iwonder what happened to all those people.
It's crazy to think that some of them are in their forties by now.
Originally Posted by Romeo Culver City

Originally Posted by hella handsome

am i the only person who would prolly get along with greg?

chicks as associates, thats cool business... smash and move on.
i wouldnt go on the real world to make any best friends either, meet new people learn things about them.
if people dont like the things they learn about you then so be it
you cant change for everyone.

you on his nuts. why would u wanna get along with a guy that none of the girls like? but this what really went down:

mtv picked dude and sat him down, gave him a persona that he had to run with to bring more ratings and to get the internet folk talking about him and his "personality." no way can i believe he acts like that, especially with the way he dresses.

ima watch this season tho only cause it's in the hood.

nah nah nah. just cause the chicks hate him, doesnt mean they would hate me too. me and dude 2 different people, the chicks can love you but hate your boy.

and besides, i never said i wanted to be friends with the dude
im just saying if i was on the show i wouldnt get all butthurt by dudes personality
Why are yall analyzing dude's personality? Do yall care that much? This show would be WACK without Greg and his antics. He was cast for the entertainmentand seeing what Greg will do next is gonna make yall watch the show. Call him lame,wack, etc. your still going to watch the show because of him.
Originally Posted by AirAnt23

YO! ^ I dig you but like I mentioned earlier... one club was too lame. The next night he doesn't want to wait in line for a spot that's poppin'. What the hell does he want? Who is he to think that he can waltz into the most happening joints in L.A.?

Entertaining as it is; he could benefit from some humility. I didn't catch where he's originally from but he seems to be the most attractive person in his circle (or have been told he his). Which as a result has made him delusional. DF!!!

YO! he's from Daytona Beach, FL. Ant. about a hour and change from where i'm at in Orlando. From the times that i've been there, there'salot of people there that act the same way. with that i dont care, leave me alone im chillin attitude. i'm like that AT TIMES , but if i was like that allthe time, i'd jump off a building

no lie tho, by just observing 5 minutes of Greg's attitude and actions, i thought homie was a Niketalker
LOL... I don't watch real world but I checked in on mtv.com... that Greg dude is
.... dude was callin people peasants and vagabonds
I willwatch more episodes cause of him...
And the girls are weak as +$@$
i think Greg is d-low ... dudes mannerisms are extra feminine , not to mention son rubbin himself w oil and
in that video clip they showed of his audition tape
Yea he did...at least that's what he told us in class...but that dude aint like that in person, or at least in class, he seems like your average chum...allthat is show, he said he was there to disprove the stereotype of black people so there we have it
Originally Posted by ucubed

Yea he did...at least that's what he told us in class...but that dude aint like that in person, or at least in class, he seems like your average chum...all that is show, he said he was there to disprove the stereotype of black people so there we have it

He did a terrible job then.
Originally Posted by fvargas2000

Originally Posted by MFr3shM

I don't get how some people find Greg to be cool. He is always so negative in everything he does and says like when he calls people peasants, what makes him better than anyone else? nothing.
He was calling them peasants after the all gathered together to talk negatively about him behind his back, he has the right to call them peasants if they are talking behind his back . Thats simply my opinion

Don't forget vagabonds.
He was calling them peasants after the all gathered together to talk negatively about him behind his back, he has the right to call them peasants if they are talking behind his back . Thats simply my opinion
I think something alot of people are forgeting unless I have it wrong he was on the phone talking to his mom and/or in the confession booth whenhe said these things. I don't remember him saying it to their faces but I could be wrong. Like the quote said though who wouldn't be upset though ifcats you just meet are talking negatively about you just cause your not acting as happy as they are.
This show is gonna be funny, but reading this thread right after has me
. Sik would have been perfect for this show and I was voting with 5 accounts every day too
. Lastly this dude Greg is so funny to listen to. I can't tell if he hassome weird accent or if it's just his swagger (or lack there-of) but he talks like he's reading out of merriam webster or some thing. Everything hesays is so ridiculous. And for the record, dude has no swag, did you see what he was wearing to the club? SMH
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