Who else is afraid to unDS their kicks

People that don't wear their shoes, just don't understand the concept.

Its a shoe, no matter how collectable or expensive. Wear it, enjoy it, clean it, put it back in its box. Wear a different shoe next time, repeat process etc.

Then again its your money, and i really dont give a **** how you spend it. spend it on shoes you wont wear, or burn it for all i care.

If you like to collect you should collect. If you like to rock you should rock. I've never understood people making decisions on whether someone should wear their sneakers or not. I used to un DS everything right after I copped it back in high school, but now I have nerve damage in my leg and I rarely go out. When I do leave the house, I usually just wear something more comfortable and functional, like some Janoskis or running shoes. I break some "heat" out once in a while, but I don't feel the need to try to impress random people on the street and break necks.
I wasn't disagreeing with you on the cost cutting part, just on the intentionally making them so they yellowed quickly. It's all just plastic & rubber really. The netting & sole on Vs yellow, The sole on VIs yellow. The mesh & Patent leather on Columbias eventually yellow. I have an OG pair of Speed Turfs & the icey sole is completely yellowed. It's gonna happen but that alone wouldn't make someone buy them again if they re-retroed. If that was the case then none of the OG & 1st retro XIs would ever sell at all & people would just go after the most recent retro. Not to mention of course there's seaglow & retrobrite both which do wonders for icey soles if it's really a problem.
Jordan Brands Gimmick is that they want you to buy new shoes as fast as possible.. hence why retro everything back to back to back to back.. quality is getting worse to worse to worse.
I rarely rock recent releases is because I have older shoes that I'm wearing now... who knows what's gonna happen 2-3 years later, they might become unwearable, 95s bubbles pop, soles come off, stuff crack, it's all normal.

But if I do like a certain new release I will throw them on, it's just me getting the most out of my older shoes before they become unwearable.
I have just gotten a newfound fear of unds'ing my shoes. I just wore my 2012 6s and when I came home the whole bottom is all yellow. I cleaned it to see if it was just some dirt but it was still there.

:smh: really jb? Isn't the blue tint supposed to help?
That "waiting until the hype dies down" nonsense is so corny to me.

Yup. It reflects the exact mindset they are claiming to reject.

At its core, it's just another argument that implies what other people think about your shoes is the most important factor in how you feel about them. Whether you want to wear them because they are what's hot and you want to be like everybody else, or you don't want to wear them because you don't want people to think you are trying to be like everyone else, you are still letting other people define what you desire to wear when you leave the house. It's just a more nuanced version of the same shallowness as the "hypebeast."
i had my concords ds for 4 months until my cousin talked me out of it theres really no point for buying a shoe not to weaer. there meant to be wore.
Not afraid to rock but afraid to beat. I love wearing them too much and I want to keep them as long as I can. An impossible balance.
I never grasped the concept of buying shoes at upwards of $150 just to let them sit in the box. I think 90% of today's shoe collectors has the whole concept wrong. People have gotten so removed from the function of the sneakers. Look at the lengths we go to to obtain the shoes. Waking up early, standing in line for hours, paying resale for the shoes in advance/after release date, etc... all that just to keep them boxed when we finally get them? I can't be alone when I say that that is just flat out silly.

I understand everyone wants to keep their kicks fresh and clean. But there's a difference between buying shoes and maintaining them, and buying them only to keep them boxed as if you were trying to start your own mini foot locker.

Wear your shoes.
I never grasped the concept of buying shoes at upwards of $150 just to let them sit in the box. I think 90% of today's shoe collectors has the whole concept wrong. People have gotten so removed from the function of the sneakers. Look at the lengths we go to to obtain the shoes. Waking up early, standing in line for hours, paying resale for the shoes in advance/after release date, etc... all that just to keep them boxed when we finally get them? I can't be alone when I say that that is just flat out silly.
I understand everyone wants to keep their kicks fresh and clean. But there's a difference between buying shoes and maintaining them, and buying them only to keep them boxed as if you were trying to start your own mini foot locker.
Wear your shoes.

Out of all my shoes only a handful are ds. I don't know why, I just like to see them pristine over worn and yellow and torn
It highly depends how we value our shoes. but definitly difficult to unds my pairs. still got kicks iced up.
Out of all my shoes only a handful are ds. I don't know why, I just like to see them pristine over worn and yellow and torn

There are some I can wear and some I just cant bring myself to unDS. Still dont want to wear my concords. I usually end up drunk in my Js, so yeah
I rock them later on down the line...maybe months down the line when the others have beat theres to hell i pull mine out and kill the masses
I rock them later on down the line...maybe months down the line when the others have beat theres to hell i pull mine out and kill the masses


I rock every retro/OG I have a week before the reretro comes out. I rocked the obsidian 12s for the first time right before the 2012 release. It was :smokin
What a topic. Alot of valid opinions in here.
I will admit i get UN-DS anxiety on certain kicks i have, actually most, just the level is higher on some than others.
How i roll with my kicks is basically something like this, il cop and cop and am at the point where i have kicks that are DS not from choice but the fact i have more then my rotation is. Im not going to go UN-DS a pair the day i buy or just because people are telling me to go wear them. For example, my crimsons this year i copped, i let rest for 2 weeks and then un-ds'd them. Its usually how i do it, but with my more limited or harder to get kicks im with the ones who only UN-DS these pairs if theres a occasion to do so on. I have grapes on ice indefinatley, the reason for that is, everyones rocking them atm so i wanna break necks with the heat i have not just blend in, i will UN-DS them in 6months (thats the longest ill ever wait) When i copped them grapes i UN-DS'd my fire red 5's, that was a occasion to me to do it and was enjoyable doing it. With kicks like joker 1's that are dope but not exactly hard to find, i just box em for a couple weeks wait for a day im going out and rock them! afterall they are shoes. After they are UN-DS'd i just make sure at every opportunie even every wear, i just clean em up real smick make em look DS still and rexbox em till the next time i rock em, ive done this with a pair of dunk pythons from 07 and they still look brand new (almost) and ive had prob 50 wears outta them and plenty to go. So to the ones who stock the majority and dont rock barely at all i think its a bit silly. Your never going to sell them right? Well why keep em ds forever when you can rock em clean em and they still look ds! Although i appreciate ppl that double up because it helps me get kicks i missed out on years ago, i can dig that, as long as the stocking is because they are either rocking the hell outta there kicks and want another to rock one they beat to sh** or they wanna trade em fairly or sell them to other sneakerheads at NON-RESELLER prices. Which will eventually come back to them when they are looking for a missing pair for there collection. Thats my opinion. Im out. Rock em , just take good care of em and you wont have a worry in the world.

P.S I have a plan to have 1 pair of kicks DS forever and that is it, just one (A grade Banned's) the rest i will rock before i die, mark my word. Way before i die :smile:
Winters approaching here! Better get out my kicks asap! or imma have an issue come summertime..
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