Who doesn't drink alcohol anymore?

Apr 20, 2008
How did you adjust? and was it hard going to places and parties where they serve and your not drinking? 
share your thoughts and experiences
Best way to not drink when you go out is to go somewhere that serves expensive drinks. lol
It can be done.

My dads an alcoholic, a good enough reason for me to stop or stay away

But I decided I shouldn't exclude myself from enjoying a part of life at my age (early 20s) just because he's irresponsible with it.

I have good friends who don't drink and kick it all the time..it's manageable, I've done it, still can..not as fun tho
dont really drink like that anymore i
way more
You can still have fun without drinking. When im DD at parties, I still manage to have just as much fun as my drunk friends. Although alcohol does bring it out of me way faster. 
I could never give it up.

I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. - Frank Sinatra
I don't think I could give it up completely. But I do wish that my friends were all down to chill and not always have to get a drink or something, I know it is a social drink and an excuse to go out but it almost feels like my friendships with them are cheapened in some way. Only have a few friends who i can hang out with and have fun being sober.
It can be done. Ive been clubbing, parties & get togethers and did not drink. I simply decided to stop drinking. guess I am getting old. Its crazy cuz people always trip out on the fact that I stopped drinking after they saw me drinking htem coronas like water. Shots, i took like a champ. But all that is behind me, if I drink, 3 is the max.
i used to not drink at all but now that i transferred to college its hard to give it up
Originally Posted by airblaster503

I don't think I could give it up completely. But I do wish that my friends were all down to chill and not always have to get a drink or something, I know it is a social drink and an excuse to go out but it almost feels like my friendships with them are cheapened in some way. Only have a few friends who i can hang out with and have fun being sober.

Replace this with chiefin.

at my one boy who wants to do NOTHING but chief nowadays. You wanna play ball? He's gotta chief first. Go to the movies? Why not go high? Party to get drunk and bag chicks? Lemme get high and lay on the couch the whole time!!


Cmon son.
Im not against smoking, but if your **! is gonna do it EVERY DAMN DAY, you need more in your life.
I usd to drink alot a year and a half ago but a few drastic changes in my life and now i dont drink as much..... I got a bottle of goose in my trunk thoe
Nah I can't cut it out all together but I don't need to drink every day/weekend either. A drink here and there is good to relax and have some fun.
Originally Posted by AyoDun

Nah I can't cut it out all together but I don't need to drink every day/weekend either. A drink here and there is good to relax and have some fun.

Same for me too. Back in college, I was drinking a lot, but now it's just when I feel like relaxing a bit and just chillin. not trying to get f***ed up anymore.
Thinking that after I graduate I'm probably gonna take my drinking down to nothing more than a beer or two at social events. Don't think it'll be that difficult with some self control...
not about that always sober life.  one of my best friends hasn't drank in years though.  used to be an alcoholic.  he still kicks it with us in the club and such.  he just doesn't sip. 
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