Who do you think was really at fault in this video?

Initiating the contact has no bearing over who's fault it was. It's a matter of right of way, and the video clearly shows that the red car was traveling in an unsafe, unsanctioned driving area.

The red car might have been in the blind spot, it might not have, but right of way almost always goes to the driver that's in front. This is why you don't tailgate and cut through traffic when driving.
red car, why didn't he just slow down, he had JUST passed the grey car not even  2 secs ago, so red KNEW that grey was right there.
I can't see any vids at wrk.
Its the red cars fault for not being patient but the gray car saw him and could had let him by but decides not to.

the Grey car didn't have to hit the red car though that's the Grey car's fault
wow red car is definitely a ******. trying to cut in front of the bus while both lanes where occupied.
seriously, how stupid can one get lol
Red car was more at fault, however, gray car should have looked before switching. That was just plain out unsafe on the red car's part.
Red Car he wasnt even in lane. Also the grey care probably didnt see the red car what he saw was that he was clear of the bus and was merging into the other lane to pass the car in his current lane.
the red car is at fault

He pissed off the gray car by trying to cut into his lane which is a no no, people really should start worrying about how they drive because there are some crazy people out there that will try to to hurt you
This makes me think...do people put cameras in their cars just for random !@$! like this to happen?!
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I'm gonna go with the Grey Car. If you watch it again...the Grey car actually slides over when the Red Car lane splits... so the Grey Car does see the red car in the lane...but decides to say eff it and speed up and cut off the red car.

Yes, the red car did initial thing to cut the Grey Car driver off...but ultimately, the Grey Car initiates the contact.

Yeah but the the red car had no right to be in the grey car's lane since there was no room so therefore the red car is at fault..
Originally Posted by outbackbob24

It was the red cars fault. cause she cut the silver car off. but the silver car most definitely rammed into the red car. 

def had to be a woman driving the red car since the driver of that car was @fault. 
 but i guess everyone saying "he" is no better. w/e, carry on.
grey car should have checked to make sure he had cleared the red car but honestly what kind of measures should you be taking when someone is making up their own lane. grey driver had the right idea; speed up and !%$% of there before the red car kills everyone. blame goes to the red car for sure. its not reasonable to expect the grey car to keep constant watch on the red car and the traffic in front of them. he saw the red car, moved to the side and then tried to make the pass to get away from the red car. its reasonable to assume that the red car would yield and brake, given that its not in a lane.
both at fault but the red car was the main problem. But your always suppose to check your blind spot before changing lanes. I always do.
I say both, but the accident could have been prevented ifthe grey car would have just slowed down. The grey car is more at fault sinceit caused the contact.
*edit, now that I watch it again, it was the Blue Truck traveling in front.

..The wind drag from the Truck created a vortex, causing the Red Car to speed up at an irrational following distance. If you look closely (1080p) you see the guy in the red car throw his hands up, in a "WTH IS GOING ON!?!?!?!" motion.
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Initiating the contact has no bearing over who's fault it was. It's a matter of right of way, and the video clearly shows that the red car was traveling in an unsafe, unsanctioned driving area.

The red car might have been in the blind spot, it might not have, but right of way almost always goes to the driver that's in front. This is why you don't tailgate and cut through traffic when driving.
these are my thoughts.
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