Who do you think is the most corrupt D1 College Basketball Coach?

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Question for the Cuse' heads here on NT....how much of Devendorf being reinstated was due to Boeheim's pull at the University?

A combination of things.

1) Boeheim's pull at SU.
2) Nancy Cantor, chancellor and president, has let a lot of players who have gotten in trouble off the field/court play in their respective sports. She has nointegrity and is going to be investigated for something she did last year which probably would have ended her tenure at the university.
3) The DA will be up for re-election soon. He was the one who filed the charges against Devendorf but without giving a reason dropped them. Syracuse is a verysmall city (I wouldn't even call it a city) and with the way that the town views the players and SU Athletics there was no way that he would get a secondterm had Devendorf been convicted. Additionally, his son is a student at the school and it would have been pure hell for him.

^ I thought you lost a bet and had to retire your name..
Who else in S and T can answer his question? No one.
^ I thought you lost a bet and had to retire your name..
Originally Posted by JPZx

^ I thought you lost a bet and had to retire your name..

tim floyd paid renardo sydney like 20 k i think when ucla didnt want to.

i heard it from nt so i dont know if its completely true
Originally Posted by PhilBalla09

first time reading that
Wooden didn't buy recruits, all the claims came when the recruit was already enrolled (what players dont get stuff from boosters now a days?)....Gilbert didn't get involved w/ ucla until Alcindor was a junior and if yall read his book he was St. John's bound. Coach left and he then went to UCLA because of Jackie Robinson.

He won his first national title w/ the tallest player being 6'5.
Kareem could say all he want but the day before he was supposed to sign with St. john's UCLA flew him and his family out and paid off theirmortgage.
This man..


"You want a house, let's get the kid a house....."


"We even bought a kid a tractor...."


"We tried to give a kid a Lexus, but he didn't want it...."


Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

could say all he want but the day before he was supposed to sign with St. john's UCLA flew him and his family out and paid off their mortgage.
wow, i never heard about that.
Originally Posted by worldbeefreeg

Originally Posted by tmukg21

Originally Posted by LifeLessons

Originally Posted by PhilBalla09

John Calipari

we need info,stories,gossip something

*pops popcorn*

You don't get the 1,2,3 top recruits in the nation without doing something.
so you have no proof or even rumors of anything illegal that he's done.

so you're just blowing smoke out your *@!
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by worldbeefreeg

Originally Posted by tmukg21

Originally Posted by LifeLessons

Originally Posted by PhilBalla09

John Calipari

we need info,stories,gossip something

*pops popcorn*

You don't get the 1,2,3 top recruits in the nation without doing something.
so you have no proof or even rumors of anything illegal that he's done.

so you're just blowing smoke out your *@!

I'm just calling it how I see it, a spade is a spade.
I think it's more of the Program or Athletic Director, not necessarily the coach. The coach can recruit some thugs and $+%.. but it's gotta be able tofly with the schools policies.
Originally Posted by Uter Zorker

It's Calipari but I still can't wait for him to be at Arizona
Has Calipari actually done anything wrong? He flat out admitted in an interview last week that he doesnt care if players only stay one year. Ifhe thinks they are ready for the NBA after one year, he'll tell them to go. Its obviously not about school at Memphis. Thats why he can get recruits likehe does and his freelance offense supposedly lets players showcase themselves for NBA scouts. Cal could probably care less if they went to class or not. Thats what makes this guy shady, IMO.

There was a report about graduation rates for this years tournament teams, and its absolutely pathetic. Only 7 teams have 100% graduation rates. Thatspathetic.
Originally Posted by mjd77

Originally Posted by Uter Zorker

It's Calipari but I still can't wait for him to be at Arizona
Has Calipari actually done anything wrong? He flat out admitted in an interview last week that he doesnt care if players only stay one year. If he thinks they are ready for the NBA after one year, he'll tell them to go. Its obviously not about school at Memphis. Thats why he can get recruits like he does and his freelance offense supposedly lets players showcase themselves for NBA scouts. Cal could probably care less if they went to class or not. Thats what makes this guy shady, IMO.

There was a report about graduation rates for this years tournament teams, and its absolutely pathetic. Only 7 teams have 100% graduation rates. Thats pathetic.

You can't blame Cal for the NCAA and NBA agreement/setup/whatever about the 1 year removed from high school rule can you? really? Its his fault huh? Nocoach can make a player graduate or stay in college regardless of any 1/2/3 year rules, its up to the student (supposedly an adult
) to go to class. If you are NBA ready, you are just NBA ready. It wouldn'tmake sense for Derrick Rose to stay all 4 years regardless of rules now would it?

quote from CBS article
[font=Arial, Helvetica]"My players are doing it off the court, too," Calipari said. "After May, when four of my seniorsgraduate, it will mean that 18 of the 22 seniors I've had will have graduated. Of course, no one wants to hear it."


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