Who are the best current Stand up comedian Vol . new generation dudes

Kevin Hart is funny, but never laugh out loud funny. Gets me to giggle imo. But goes to the same Dad & uncle routine, its old quick.

Corey Holcomb is hilarious, and not trying too hard hilarious.
why are people getting butthurt that the general consensus says Louis CK? :smh:

we know he's not new, but is the thread title not "BEST CURRENT (as in present-day) COMEDIAN"?
Bill Burr
Russell Peters
Steve Byrne
Aries Spears
Jim Gaffigan

Few dudes i can think of off the top of my head
Agreed Corey Holcomb is mad funny .... He has some videos on youtube but I think they are too raunchy to post.
Hannibal Buress

Anthony Jeselnik

Patton Oswalt

Jim Gaffingan

Not a big fan of Aziz and Donald Glover's stand up.  They are funny on their shows.

most underrated comedian in the game
Agreed Corey Holcomb is mad funny .... He has some videos on youtube but I think they are too raunchy to post.
hands down, the most creative as far as shock value goes, has a talk show that comes on ever tuesday on foxhole. Chitown stand up, kevin is running his course going to see him live in Oct, hope i didnt wait too long.
What do you mean by alternative comedy? Example?

The most glaring example would be Flight of The Conchords (I think they are just wretched) but acts like Galifianakis, Sarah Silverman, and Dimetri Martin are all considered alternative comedy.

They're not all bad, but for the most part I am not a fan.
That donald glover stand up where he wears that tight *** tee was disappointing. 

i did like steve byrne when he was in town.  His new show is pretty good too, sullivan and son
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