Where were you on September 11th, 2001?

5th Grade, Stepmom came in with tears in her eyes and said get your stuff, the whole class looked at her. We didnt know what was going on because there wasconstructoion going on across the st from our school, so we didnt pay attention to the explosions. Lil Bro said a plane landed on top of a buildin (He was 6 atthe time), I looked up and saw the tower in flames. We caught the last J train going into Brooklyn, they closed down the Trains and Bridges. As we went acrossthe Williamsburg Bridge, We saw the South Tower fell.....Sad day for NYC, all over the U.S for that matter. The sad thing is that some lady on the train had aHusband that was in the south tower, so she cried as it fell. No word if he made it out or not....
Originally Posted by jdizzle75

This thread would be better in 3 days

I hate people like you, that always gotta try and be "that dude" and try and come with some slick ++@ comment that you think people will laugh at..

If the thread would be better in 3 days.. come back then...
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Had a Lunchable...wouldn't share it. We see this ridiculous hole in one of the towers. All I could think..."That pilot is horrible. Welp...turn to ESPN."

My boy Eddie was next to me freaking out. He was like, "This is not an accident. This will be in all of our textbooks. This is serious." I look at him like...Samurai please.
Originally Posted by Her Sole

Originally Posted by jdizzle75

This thread would be better in 3 days

I hate people like you, that always gotta try and be "that dude" and try and come with some slick ++@ comment that you think people will laugh at..

If the thread would be better in 3 days.. come back then...

relax dog
Originally Posted by HOVKid

I was in Midtown as it was my first day of work as an attorney. I had graduated law school in June, taken the bar and was ready to go. That week after it happened was the craziest time of my life.

I know this will sound screwed up, but I've never been more proud to be living in NYC and never enjoyed living in NYC more than at that time. Everyone was your family.

True talk, I was going uptown to stay in at my parents friend's house since we couldn't get into our apartment. Bus driver was letting everyone on freeand it was definitly the nicest I have ever seen New Yorkers act toward each other. I remember the unified feeling taking the a train uptown, there were thesetwo high school cats talking "N***** can't do that to New York, who the %%%% they think they is???"

New Yorkers are al usually so independent, and unconscious of each other but that day it was like New York had a unified spirit.
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

dj sven wrote:
JPZx wrote:
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

In school... came home to hear the news that my mom was in the North tower... smh
Whoa really man? What ended up happening....?

she passed away.

Sorry to hear that fam
and may she R.I.P.

I was in 8th grade homeroom; the T.V. was already on but I had no idea what was going on. All the teachers faces were
and they kept replaying the same footage over and over. Too bad Ididn't fully apprehend what was going on until later on that evening when I got home.
Some dude pushed me at lunch spilled my milk all over my shirt... gave him a 1 hit ko... got sent home and watched it all on the news with my mom.. wasn'tin as much trouble anymore
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by HOVKid

I was in Midtown as it was my first day of work as an attorney. I had graduated law school in June, taken the bar and was ready to go. That week after it happened was the craziest time of my life.

I know this will sound screwed up, but I've never been more proud to be living in NYC and never enjoyed living in NYC more than at that time. Everyone was your family.

True talk, I was going uptown to stay in at my parents friend's house since we couldn't get into our apartment. Bus driver was letting everyone on free and it was definitly the nicest I have ever seen New Yorkers act toward each other. I remember the unified feeling taking the a train uptown, there were these two high school cats talking "N***** can't do that to New York, who the %%%% they think they is???"

New Yorkers are al usually so independent, and unconscious of each other but that day it was like New York had a unified spirit.
This was also true during the blackout in 03.
ap history in high school. every class was watching it on tv. i remember my ignorance back then. smh @me
I was in 7th grade social studies class. The crazy part is that the day before the same teacher was telling us about the first attempt to take it down. Crazycoincidence.
i was in class soph yr highschool , teacher sat on the desk and began to tell the class that there was a attack on the World Trade Center . From our school inAstoria , Queens we could see the smoke pouring out of the towers . I got a phone call from mom just crying . crazy day
I was in 11th grade. I was getting ready to go to school and when I got in my car, the radio was on talking about it. I didn't know if it was real or notuntil I got to school and they had the news channel on TV.
in school i was in the 7th grade. i remember HELLA students(over 100) names being called down to the office for there parents to come get them. i lived like 5mins from my middle school so i ran home as fast as i could cuz i thought the world was bout to end or some ++!%. igot home and watch the news and seen whathappened
I was in 7th grade, there was a bunch of rumors going around about stuff but they didn't announce anything to the students.

I lived on the cape at the time, at Otis Air Force Base and the road leading in to the base had empty checkpoints.

But on that day as the bus drove towards the checkpoint I see all these metal obstacles in the road (think Normandy) so the bus has to slow down to get aroundall the stuff.

When the bus reached the checkpoint there were a bunch of military personnel with guns.

Some guy came on the bus and asked if anyone was given anything to bring on the bus from a stranger.

While this is going on, outside there is a guy with a long stick and mirror checking for bombs under the bus.

Finally the bus clears the checkpoint and I get dropped off at my house where I see all the news on TV.
I was sleeping...my moms woke me up to see it on the news...as I turned it on...the other plane crashed into the 2nd tower and my moms was tellin me that itwas a reply of the 1st one...but it wasn't...
I was in 7th grade just got to class and as soon as class starts the teacher was all like "Frankly, I don't give a rats #$% about science today, aplane just hit the world trade center, where my brother works at" and he turned on the tv...later on we saw the 2nd plane hit
School, 7th grade to be exact. We could literally see the smoke from our school building. So they gather the 7th and 8th grade classes in a room so we canwatch the news to find out what happened. After that, they pretty much cancelled classes/kids were being taken out of school like crazy and we had recess allday, so it took our mind off of things real quick. When we all got home when it really hit us though.
5th Grade class.
friends all talking about planes and people jumping out of buildings.
in science class.. school was put on lockdown as most NYC schools were.. *!% was scary and hectic
I was in 10th Grade In my French 2 Class

I remember my teacher going online and being in disbelief

I went to my English class next and everyone was just watching the news

It's true though I remember everything I did that day

My parents picked up my lil bro and sis from school and not me
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