Where to turn yourself in?

Sep 23, 2004
So I found out I got this warrant... I would have taken care of it-had i known it existed....

Either way, I know this is not the best place to ask for advice on this type of thing, but if any of yall could help, it would be greatly appreciated...

If any of yall have been in this situation before, did you go to the clerk at the district courthouse or did you straight run up into the po station with awhite flag?

I've never been in the situation but I would suggest calling and asking them the best way to go about it. You def. don't want to wait around and thenhave something come up where you get arrested in some inconvenient way.
Go to the courthouse and talk to someone there.
If you go to the police, they will hold you there(depending upon the seriousness of the warrant) and then the cops will bring you to court.
DO NOT GO LATE IN THE DAY. Go first thing in the morning to assure yourself you will see the judge that day.
DO NOT GO ON A FRIDAY. If you are held, you dont want to spend the weekend in a holding cell.
If its not serious, you can probably see the judge that day and get it taken care of right there.


Good luck...
^ good info, but id add "call first"

if its not that serious they're not going to look for you when you call
or did you straight run up into the po station with a white flag?
I just want to thank you for making my day witht he visualI got from that.
ill do my best to make a long story short..

middle of august 07 i dip outta work, go grab two 10s from my man inside a bodega (paid and got them inside) near his crib.

we dip down the block and i see a d-tec whip chilling like 25 ft down the street. we walk right by it as opposed to turning around and looking sketchy.

we get to the end of the block, give each other a pound (at this point, nothing is getting exchanged as it had already been done in the store)

he dips down the street one way, me, the other...i roll into the train station, pay my far, and go sit on a bench...

30 seconds later, 2 dudes come up on me from either side....talkin all BPD Drug unit, this and that im like

either way, herb call or not, after them insisting they saw me cop and me telling them they didnt, i handed over the "product..."

they took that, all my info and told me i had 2 choices.. 1) theyll summons me to court via mail and ill go through with it like that or, 2) i work with thesecats (the cops) and meet up with my dude and cop 3 more times with their paper returning the "product" when im done--all supervised by them ofcourse...

clearly i know what imma do, but i asked for some time to think on it so duke wouldnt take me away right there.. he said ya, ripped off a piece of this tabletpaper with the name like, "jon" or something like that and a number... im like yall dont got a business card or something? hes all, No! WE ARE THEUNDERCOVER DRUG UNIT, YOU THINK WE CARRY AROUND BUSINESS CARDS!?!?!?!" then they start looking at eachother and laughing like im mad stoops.....you know iwas heated... im like, are yall even cops?

dude showed me the badge and gat--legit enough for me..

naturally, trashed the number when i got back to work, called my dude and said you wont see me out by you for a while, change ya number, easy homie (these catswent through my phone to see the last few cats i called. wrote down all sorts of names and numbers....smh at cops sometimes....)

so i wait for a summons for maaaaaaaaad long.... actually it was mid aug and i thought i was good by now since i never received any summons.. its what feb, 6months later!

so i go to the DMV and the chick goes, we cant issue you anything, you have a warrant out... state police are ALLLLL up in the DMV.. he goes,"WARRRRAAAAANNNNNT?!?!?!" WHERE? im like, would you guys mind if i just take care of this on my own?
oddly enough, chick slides me my paperwork and dude let me slide....

but, i never received a summons to go to court or anything.. i just figured the cops were like forget this kid, its too much work for too little of a crime..

but now, i wanna straighten it up ASAP..like tomorrow morning, i just dont really know how to turn myself in... SMH at me right now...
Originally Posted by airmaxlows

ill do my best to make a long story short..

middle of august 07 i dip outta work, go grab two 10s from my man inside a bodega (paid and got them inside) near his crib.

we dip down the block and i see a d-tec whip chilling like 25 ft down the street. we walk right by it as opposed to turning around and looking sketchy.

we get to the end of the block, give each other a pound (at this point, nothing is getting exchanged as it had already been done in the store)

he dips down the street one way, me, the other...i roll into the train station, pay my far, and go sit on a bench...

30 seconds later, 2 dudes come up on me from either side....talkin all BPD Drug unit, this and that im like

either way, herb call or not, after them insisting they saw me cop and me telling them they didnt, i handed over the "product..."

they took that, all my info and told me i had 2 choices.. 1) theyll summons me to court via mail and ill go through with it like that or, 2) i work with these cats (the cops) and meet up with my dude and cop 3 more times with their paper returning the "product" when im done--all supervised by them of course...

clearly i know what imma do, but i asked for some time to think on it so duke wouldnt take me away right there.. he said ya, ripped off a piece of this tablet paper with the name like, "jon" or something like that and a number... im like yall dont got a business card or something? hes all, No! WE ARE THE UNDERCOVER DRUG UNIT, YOU THINK WE CARRY AROUND BUSINESS CARDS!?!?!?!" then they start looking at eachother and laughing like im mad stoops.....you know i was heated... im like, are yall even cops?

dude showed me the badge and gat--legit enough for me..

naturally, trashed the number when i got back to work, called my dude and said you wont see me out by you for a while, change ya number, easy homie (these cats went through my phone to see the last few cats i called. wrote down all sorts of names and numbers....smh at cops sometimes....)

so i wait for a summons for maaaaaaaaad long.... actually it was mid aug and i thought i was good by now since i never received any summons.. its what feb, 6 months later!

so i go to the DMV and the chick goes, we cant issue you anything, you have a warrant out... state police are ALLLLL up in the DMV.. he goes, "WARRRRAAAAANNNNNT?!?!?!" WHERE? im like, would you guys mind if i just take care of this on my own?
oddly enough, chick slides me my paperwork and dude let me slide....

but, i never received a summons to go to court or anything.. i just figured the cops were like forget this kid, its too much work for too little of a crime..

but now, i wanna straighten it up ASAP..like tomorrow morning, i just dont really know how to turn myself in... SMH at me right now...

can you PLEASE rephrase that?
Wut do u mean " two 10's "

Like, two dimebags of weed? Just turn yourself in, its not that serious.

Edit: Nothing is going to happen to you, is what I meant.
You shoulda just cooperated with the cops and bought some more "product" from your dude.
They're gonna be blown when they find out its 10s
Go to the clerks office at the courthouse.
If you got cash, I would bring a lawyer.
So many times I wish I had. It would have saved me a lot of trouble. Charges could have been dropped with no continuance.
you cant even do time for that.. unless they think you sold weed..

possession of 25 grams or less = a 100 dollar fine at most in nyc...
it is going to be fine, that is not even that serious. Don't go to the cops, consult a legal advisor or an attorney and see your options. most likely youwill just pay a fine and go on your way. But make sure they know that you have never received anything that stated a court date and what not.
Wow, Give us the long story because i hardly understood what you said. Sure I know what two "10s" are. but Having a hard time reading the rest.
Originally Posted by lawncrest3

i would eat something get some newports in then go to the station

He should eat something light and something that won't kill his stomache. He doesn't want to use the PD toilets
You should go to the courts in the mourning and sort this all out. You will most likely get locked up.
thats the BPD for you-

but yea call your local station..give em all the info and ask them the best way to clear it...they aint gonna make ascene over possession of 2 dimes-

this is how cops make there cases...bother enough "suspicious" looking people till they find a user with a little amount, scare them into giving thenext guy up and then the same to him and they ride this as far up the chain as they can go-

edit: just seen your reply in the new era thread
@ that random pm acouple years back i do remember...
holla at me if anything comes thru
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